Event: City Hall reception
When: Wednesday 6 November at 7:00 PM Venue: Tromsø City Hall - Rådhuset, Rådhusgata 2, Tromsø (town centre) Free entrance
Greetings by Tromsø's mayor, Jens johan Hjort Light refreshments Short performance: "Kven er finsk" (Who is finnish)
At the opening reception of the Tromsø International Conference on Language Diversity, Kristina Junttila shows a shortened version of her performance “Kven er finsk” (Who is Finnish).* “Kven er finsk” is a performance on language fixation, the uncontrollable in being multilingual and the issue of Kristina Junttila being Finnish or Norwegian. Apparently Kristina alternates with ease between Finnish and Norwegian languages. She always heard that multi-lingual’s has a better adaption to the world, and more slowly becomes demented. At the same time, languages are as personal as a body, and the times when she cannot cope with the effort to speak pure Norwegian or true Finnish, it feels like a defeat. Kristina leaves to the audience to vote on whether she is Finnish or Norwegian!
Kven er finsk/Who is Finnish is developed by Kristina Junttila in collaboration with the theatre Ferske Scener
*The word Kven is here a pun. While it is the term for a person of Finnish descent in Northern Norway, it also means ‘who’ (in Nynorsk Norwegian).

Event: Language and film
When: Thursday 7 November at 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM Venue: Verdensteatret Film Culture House, Storgata 93 B, Tromsø (town centre) Tickets: Free entrance
Linguistic anthropological movies from the North at the Tromsø International Conference on Language Diversity! Filmmaker and linguist Sirkka Seljevold and linguist Åse Mette Johansen are giving introductions to the films ”The Language of my Heart” and ”Språkfølelser” (Language Emotions).
As a part of Språkåret 2013 (the Norwegian Language Year 2013) this film screening is the 4th and last one in the programme “Language and film” organised by the research group Language and Society at University of Tromsø – The Arctic University of Tromsø.