Referencing styles
Referencing styles
EndNote Output Styles
EndNote offers more than 6,000 referencing styles. A number of these referencing styles are included when you install the software, while others can be downloaded from EndNote Output Styles if needed.
UiT referencing styles
The University Library has developed its own version of the APA 7th referencing style that corresponds with our collection of reference examples (currently only in Norwegian).
Download the referencing style here: APA_7th_UiT_english.ens (Last updated: March 5, 2023)
Reference examples APA 7th (currently only in Norwegian)
Adding a referencing style to EndNote
To add a referencing style to EndNote, download the style, open it with EndNote and click File > Save as. To add the style to the "Quick list" in both EndNote and Word, go to Tools in the EndNote menu and select Output Styles and then Open Style Manager. Tick the box in front of the referencing style you just added to EndNote. Close the EndNote Styles window.
Check which referencing style is used for your course/programme
Please check which style is used for your course/programme of study by contacting your lecturer/course coordinator.