Support measures for researchers and students from Ukraine
UiT is implementing measures to support and develop higher education and research in Ukraine, both at an institutional and individual level.
Following Russia's full-scale attack on Ukraine in February 2022, UiT took concrete actions to support researchers and students affected by the war. For the budget year 2022/23, up to ten million Norwegian kroner were allocated to finance various measures.
Now, the measures from last year have been reviewed and evaluated, and it has been decided that UiT will implement support measures for researchers and students from Ukraine while discontinuing several of the previous measures.
For Ukrainian students, this means that UiT's campus facilities and student community are made available to individuals from Ukraine residing in the study cities, who are studying remotely or have had their higher education interrupted in Ukraine.
The offer will include standard guest access but may also include access to libraries, student events, student associations, and similar activities. After individual assessment - and in collaboration with the Ukrainian home university - it may be expanded to include, for example, academic guidance from UiT staff, access to lectures, laboratory work, fieldwork, etc. The student is normally required to be enrolled at an institution in their home country.
Scholarship funding for individual students already in Norway will not be continued as a separate measure after June 2023.
Ukrainian master's students at Norwegian institutions can apply for support from Lånekassen (the Norwegian State Educational Loan Fund). As refugees in Norway, they will also be exempt from tuition fees.
For more information or applying for campus access, please contact your closest campus:
Alta: servicetorget.alta@uit.no
Harstad: servicetorg-harstad@hjelp.uit.no
Narvik: servicetorg-narvik@uit.no
Tromsø: studieinfo@hjelp.uit.no
UiT now offers an extraordinary admission for Ukranian refugees in Norway, for studies beginning in August 2022. For more information, see International admissions
Residence permit
The Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI) has decided that Ukrainian citizens who are in Norway on permits or visa-free visits that expire can continue to stay here until further notice. Please refer to their web page for further information.
Norwegian language courses
UiT has informed the Norwegian Ministry of Education about the capacity to admit Ukrainian citizens to the existing Norwegian language courses for foreign students. Currently, we are awaiting new regulations regarding exemptions from the regular admission process to these courses.
Norwegian language courses are offered at different levels on three of the UIT campuses: Tromsø, Narvik and Alta. UiT has study places for new Ukrainian students who would need Norwegian language training at all three campuses, and at different language proficiency levels.
Single courses and degree studies at UIT
The Ministry of Education has also requested information on UiT's capacity to receive students from Ukraine who had to abrupt their education at home and would like to start on a higher education in Norway.
UiT has reported that we can increase admission to a large number of single courses taught in English as well as English-taught bachelor's and master's programmes within various subject areas.
At the moment UIT is awaiting the Ministry’s regulations on necessary exemptions from formal admission requirements and deadlines. UIT is willing to put effort into facilitating smooth admission of applicants from Ukraine to our studies.
UIT is currently looking at possible solutions for students who graduate from UIT in summer 2022 but who would prefer to continue education after the graduation. More information will be available on these pages shortly.
Extension of the grant scheme for Ukrainian students in Norway
By decision of The Norwegian Government of June 30th the financial support scheme is prolonged for the next academic year for Ukrainian students who were in Norway when the war started. Allocation of stipends and payment arrangements is administered by the students’ home institution in Norway.
- Ukrainian citizenship or another form of permanent residence in Ukraine
- Temporary residence permit in Norway.
- The grantee must not have funding from the introductory program for refugees in Norway, Lanekassen or from full time employment in Norway.
- The grantee should be enrolled as a student at UiT
- New students are not eligible for the grant
Time frame: 1. September 2022 - 31. August 2023. Grants may be allocated for a part or for the whole period.
The amount of the grant is NOK 11 487 per month for BA and MA students and 21 000 per month for ph.d-students.
The allocation may be reduced or denied if the applicant has access to other financial funding.
Part time work within the limit of 20 hrs a week will not influence eligibility nor give grounds for a reduction of grant.
Students from Ukraine who received support through this program during the spring semester will if they continue their studies in the fall semester, continue to receive support without a new application.
Students who were not granted or did not apply for support during the spring semester 2022, can apply here: https://nettskjema.no/a/275823
See also: The government is extending the grant scheme for Ukrainian students in Norway - regjeringen.no
Residence permit
The Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI) has information to Russian citizens regarding returning home after the existing residence permit or visa expires, as well as information about the processing of applications from Russian citizens Please refer to their web page for further information.
Student status 2022
Russian students who are already enrolled at UIT will not be affected by the decision of the Norwegian authorities to put on hold institutional collaboration with Russia on the level of official connections.
There will not be any intake of new exchange students from Russian partner institutions for the autumn semester 2022.
Exchange students admitted to spring semester studies proceed with the studies and examinations according to what is originally planned.
Prospective applicants
International applicants from Russia who have applied for master’s or bachelor’s degree studies within the given deadline will have their applications considered and will receive an answer to their applications in accordance with the information given by the admissions office.
UiT has established an interim scholarship for students from Ukraine, Russia and Belarus graduating for a master’s degree at UiT, in 2022. The scholarship is meant to finance a period in preparation for a future ph.d-project at UiT.
The application process is managed by the student’s department and faculty administration.
- The student should be registered at a master’s degree program at UiT and should graduate in 2022.
- The student should plan for a future Ph.D. Position at UiT.
- The student should hold a Ukrainian, Russian or Belarusian citizenship.
- The student should hold a temporary residence permit in Norway, such as a student permit or have refugee status in Norway.
- The scholarship is allocated for a period of 3 – 6 months. Extensions are possible if needed.
Eligible students interested in applying for a scholarship, should contact their academic supervisor at UiT as well as the Head of Department for an evaluation of their candidature and preparation of an application to the faculty management.
Link to faculties and units at UiT: The organisation | UiT
Information from Norwegian authorities on arrival, residence permits and residence in Norway
Information about the situation in Ukraine - UDI
Flyktninger fra Ukraina | IMDi
Krigen i Ukraina – Politiet.no
From 16 March it is possible to apply for protection in Norway by registering with the local Police District.
Applying for collective protection as a Ukrainian national – Politiet.no
Please contact the Police for scheduling an appointment:
Troms Police District- phone nr: 77796000, e-mail: post.troms@uit.no
Finnmark Police District - phone nr: 45 72 00 64 finnmark.utlending@politiet.no
Nordland Police District – phone nr: 75589000 grensepoliti.nordland@politiet.no
Information on residence for Ukrainian refugees in the municipalities of Alta, Tromsø, Harstad and Narvik
Bosetting og integrering - ALTA KOMMUNE
Ukraina & Tromsø | Tromsø kommune (tromso.kommune.no)
Enhet for integrering - Harstad kommune
Ukraina - Narvik kommune innbyggerportal - Narvik kommune
Ukranians in Norway:
UDs reiseinformasjon:
Other links:
- UD: spørsmål og svar
- Khrono: samleside om situasjonen i Ukraina
- Information for Russian nationals - UDI
Measures for Ukrainian researchers in exile will be extended for one more year until May 31, 2024. The following adjustments to the measure are proposed for the coming year:
The measure will be limited to apply to Ukrainian academics in exile and will therefore no longer cover Russian and Belarusian citizens or, as a rule, individuals with Norwegian citizenship in addition to Ukrainian.
Applications can be made for a) extension of employment for researchers who already have temporary employment under this measure, b) new candidates, c) support for collaborative activities with Ukrainian researchers.
Applications for temporary research positions should be sent to UiT’s Central administation through the faculties /Deans
Researchers from Ukraine interested in applying for a position, please contact
Jan Ove Mortensen or
Steinar Martin Paulsen
for more information and for establishing contact with the appropriate faculty.
06.05.2022: Retningslinjer fra russiske myndigheter ang. samarbeid
Russiske myndigheter har nå offentliggjort nylig vedtatte retningslinjer som får store konsekvenser for videre samarbeid mellom norske og russiske høyere utdanningsinstitusjoner.
Det stilles nå blant annet nytt krav om ekstra godkjenning fra Russlands visestatsminister for avtaler med institusjoner fra «uvennlige stater».
I et brev fra den norske ambassaden i Moskva blir det nå redegjort for konsekvensene av de nye retningslinjene: Les brevet her
The government freezes research cooperation with Russia
The Norwegian government has released the following:
- The Ministry of Education and the underlying agencies suspend all dialogue with the Russian authorities.
- The Research Council's joint announcement with Russia is stopped.
- The Norwegian-Russian education agreement is suspended.
- The recently negotiated research agreement with Russia is put on hold.
- Generally, all agreements between Norwegian and Russian institutions must be put on hold. The institutions may choose to maintain agreements, but a thorough assessment must be made in each individual case. Any agreements and cooperation regarding nuclear preparedness or fisheries and resource management will continue as usual for the time being.
- At the same time, it is desirable that researchers continue to have contact with each other across national borders (so-called researcher-to-researcher collaboration).
Норвезький арктичний університет UiT пропонує українським вченим / працівникам університетів, що перебувають в Норвегії, або планують приїхати до Норвегії підтримку у вигляді тимчасового працевлаштування.
Факультети та центри UiT можуть зв’язатися з працівниками та науковцями українських університетів, що перебувають в Норвегії, або планують приїхати до Норвегії.
Можна подати заявку про різного роду професійну підтримку та підтримку для власних наукових проектів, наприклад:
- Покриття заробітної плати та соціальних витрат при тимчасовій зайнятості на професійній посаді (повний або неповний робочий день). У період працевлаштування Ви можете працювати з вже розпочатими власними наковими дослідженнями, брати участь у проектах UiT або подавати заявку на зовнішнє фінансування досліджень.
- Кошти на покриття витрат в зв’язку з залученням науковця в якості запрошеного неоплачуваного дослідника з доступом до інфраструктури та наукового обладнання, з можливістю продовжувати власні наукові дослідження та підтримувати зв'язок з рідним університетом в Україні.
Хто може подавати заявку?
Пропозиція поширюється на громадян України, які були вимушені покинути свої рідні університети через війну в Україні. Кандидат повинен мати намір продовжити наукову кар’єру, пов’язану з академічною установою в Україні, як викладач, вчений, що проводить наукові дослідження в зв’язку з певним проектом, постдоктор або Ph.D – студент.
Схема підтримки ґрунтується на академічній основі в академічному середовищі, заявку в UiT про підтримку від імені кандидата подають факультети.
Зацікавлені кандидати можуть зв’язатися з завідувачем або деканом відповідної кафедри чи факультету UiT, щоб подати заявку на підтримку. Заявки обробляються в постійному режимі.
Огляд факультетів та кафедр UiT можна знайти на веб-сайті:
За допомогою у пошуку необхідного професійного середовища можна зв’язатися за наступними адресами електронної пошти:
jan.o.mortensen@uit.no або personal@uit.no
Information for researchers/academics from Ukraine interested in a temporary position through UiT’s support measures
The support measures are aimed at citizens of Ukraine seeking refuge from the ongoing war. The candidate must follow an academic career affiliated to an institution of higher education and research in Ukraine, either as faculty, or researcher in a temporary position (for instance in a project position, as a postdoc or PhD-student).
Ukrainian researchers interested in a part time position or an affiliation at UiT, are advised to contact the relevant department or faculty at UiT (Head of department or Dean) for discussing such a candidature. The department will apply on your behalf.
Please find a list of UiT’s faculties and departments on this link: The organisation | UiT
Information from Norwegian authorities on arrival, residence permits and residence in Norway
Information about the situation in Ukraine - UDI
Flyktninger fra Ukraina | IMDi
Krigen i Ukraina – Politiet.no
From 16 March it is possible to apply for protection in Norway by registering with the local Police District.
Applying for collective protection as a Ukrainian national – Politiet.no
Please contact the Police for scheduling an appointment:
Troms Police District- phone nr: 77796000, e-mail: post.troms@uit.no
Finnmark Police District - phone nr: 45 72 00 64 finnmark.utlending@politiet.no
Nordland Police District – phone nr: 75589000 grensepoliti.nordland@politiet.no
Information on residence for Ukrainian refugees in the municipalities of Tromsø, Harstad and Narvik
Ukraina & Tromsø | Tromsø kommune (tromso.kommune.no)
Situasjonen rundt flyktninger fra Ukraina - Harstad kommune
Ukraina - Narvik kommune innbyggerportal - Narvik kommune
Ukranians in Norway:
UDs reiseinformasjon:
Other links:
- UD: spørsmål og svar
- Khrono: samleside om situasjonen i Ukraina
There is also a digital dimension to the situation in Ukraine. UiT has contact with relevant security authorities, and maintains increased supervision of UiT's IT resources in order to be able to detect irregularities at an early stage.
However, a vital part of IT security lies with the individual user, and we ask our employees and students to exercise extra caution in the time ahead.
What to do?
As part of the digital warfare, it is known that computer attacks are aimed at official sites in Russia and Ukraine. We therefore ask employees and students to be especially attentive and careful when visiting such sites, as they may be compromised and damaged.
Such malware can be embedded in documents and software that you download, but there may be cases where you get malware only by visiting a given page. This risk increases considerably if the browser you use has vulnerabilities. Therefore, make sure that the browser you are using is fully up to date. We recommend Edge, Chrome or Firefox, and employees can download these via UiT's Software Center. Students are asked to be aware of only downloading browsers via the provider's official pages.
DO NOT use Internet Explorer (no exceptions).
Furthermore, we remind you of the risk that the information on compromised pages may have been changed, as part of misinformation campaigns.
What you otherwise have to be aware of is no different than usual, but it is important to be extra careful during this period. Info and guidelines on information security can be found at uit.no/security, but we remind you in particular:
- Do not share your user account with others
- Do not use UiT's equipment or network for actions (hacking, DOS attacks, etc.)
- Be vigilant with regard to social manipulation (eg phishing via email, malicious websites, etc.)
- We encourage everyone to look through the mini-course on social manipulation that UiT sent out in the security month, you can find it here. On the last page of the mini-course you will find links to the other courses that were given during the safety month, we encourage you to review these again.
Keep all your devices up to date:
Employees get regular updates to their UiT Windows and Mac computers through either Software Center (Windows PC) or UiT Self Service for Mac. Please apply any updates as soon as possible!
Students can check and execute any pending system updates by using Windows Update or iOS’ Software Update.
In addition, all UiT employees and students should make sure their mobile phones and tablets are updated to the latest available versions:
Employees and students who are in "risk countries" are asked to use UiT's VPN service at all times, and then the profile that sends all traffic through VPN. This is done by following the recipe for using «alltrafikk» / «alltrafikkstudent», see uit.no/vpn for further information.
If you have questions or think you or others have been exposed to digital attacks, contact the Privacy and information security office via security@uit.no.
The Norwegian Government wants to help Ukrainian, Russian, and Belarusian students in a difficult situation. Students who are struggling financially due to the war will now receive funding to cover their subsistence costs. Read more here
In connection with the war in Ukraine, the Norwegian Government has introduced several measures that provide financial support to Ukrainian, Russian and Belarusian students. UiT has decided to establish measures that supplement the national measures. This will include support for exchange and degree students from Ukraine, Russia and Belarus who were affiliated with UiT when the war broke out, in addition to Ukrainian, Russian and Belarusian university staff / researchers who have left their countries due to the invasion and are no longer affiliated with their original home university. The concrete measures will be announced shortly.
I forbindelse med krigen i Ukraina har regjeringen innført en rekke tiltak som gir økonomisk støtte til ukrainske, russiske og hviterussiske studenter. UiT ved rektor har besluttet at det ved UiT skal etableres tiltakspakker som supplerer de nasjonale tiltakene. Dette vil omfatte støtte til utvekslings- og gradsstudenter fra Ukraina, Russland og Hviterussland som var tilknyttet UiT da krigen brøt ut, i tillegg til ukrainske, russiske og hviterussiske universitetsansatte/forskere som har forlatt sine land pga invasjonen og ikke lenger er tilknyttet sitt opprinnelige hjemuniversitet. Endelig form på tiltakene vil bli kunngjort innen kort tid.
Russiske myndigheter har nå offentliggjort nylig vedtatte retningslinjer som får store konsekvenser for videre samarbeid mellom norske og russiske høyere utdanningsinstitusjoner.
Det stilles nå blant annet nytt krav om ekstra godkjenning fra Russlands visestatsminister for avtaler med institusjoner fra «uvennlige stater».
I et brev fra den norske ambassaden i Moskva blir det nå redegjort for konsekvensene av de nye retningslinjene: Les innholdet i brevet her
UiT has established the following financial support measures for researchers and students:
- Temporary positions at UiT for researchers from Ukraine
- Cooperation with Russian researchers, living in exile as a consequence of the ongoing war.
- Interim scholarships for UiT master’s degree students from Ukraine, Russia and Belarus graduating in 2022.
Please find the full description of the funding measures as well as application information here:
- Orientering om tiltakspakker for forskere og studenter berørt av krigen i Ukraina (Norwegian only)
- Retningslinjer for forvaltning av tiltak 1 og 2 (Norwegian only)
- Retningslinjer for forvaltning av tiltak 4 (Norwegian only)
Information in English for Ukrainian researchers, please see “For researchers”
Information in English for UiT master’s degree students from Ukraine, Belarus or Russia, please see “For students”
UiT now offers an extraordinary admission for Ukranian refugees in Norway, for studies beginning in August 2022. For more information, see International admissions
Someone to talk to for UiT students:
- Norway's Arctic Student Welfare Organization
- The University Chaplaincy
- Studentombudet (webpage in Norwegian only)
- Norwegian Church Abroad: UiT has a contingency agreement with Norwegian Church Abroad. In case of emergency, the churc's 24-hour emergency telephone: 95119181. They also have a chat service which can be found at www.nettkirken.no.
Someone to talk to for UiT staff:
- Your supervisor or the leader next in line at your unit
- The University Chaplaincy
- Occupational health services HEMIS (webpage in Norwegian only)
Norwegian Church Abroad: UiT has a contingency agreement with Norwegian Church Abroad. In case of emergency, the churc's 24-hour emergency telephone: 95119181. They also have a chat service which can be found at www.nettkirken.no.
Useful web pages
- Ukraine – travel advice from the Norwegian Foreign Ministry (webpage in Norwegian only)
- Information for refugees from Ukraine and for Russian nationals - UDI
- Russia – travel advice from the Norwegian Foreign Ministry (webpage in Norwegian only)
- Norwegian Foreign Ministry’s operative centre (webpage in Norwegian only)
Kontaktinformasjon for studenter:
- Studentrådgivningen
- Studentombudet
- Studentpresttjenesten
- Sjømannskirken: UiT har beredskapsavtale med Sjømannskirken. Ved akutte beredskapssaker gjelder Sjømannskirkens døgnåpne beredskapstelefon: 95119181. De har også en chattetjeneste som man finner på www.nettkirken.no.
Kontaktinformasjon for ansatte:
- Nærmeste leder
- Studentpresttjenesten
- Bedriftshelsetjenesten HEMIS
- Sjømannskirken: UiT har beredskapsavtale med Sjømannskirken. Ved akutte beredskapssaker gjelder Sjømannskirkens døgnåpne beredskapstelefon: 95119181. De har også en chattetjeneste som man finner på www.nettkirken.no.