Dette er studieretningen for deg som ønsker å kombinere din faglige interesse for engelsk og den engelskspråklige verden med læreryrket. Som lærer i engelsk vil du være med å utvikle språk- og kommunikasjonsferdigheter som kreves i en stadig mer globalisert verden.
Som student i engelsk på lektorutdanningen vil du utvikle deg selv og dine kunnskaper om både litteratur, kultur, politikk, historie og språkforhold i den store engelsktalende verden. Du vil arbeide med et utrolig rikt og variert språk og samtidig få en kompetanse i tekstforståelse og litterær analyse. Engelsk er et av basisfagene i skolen, det vil derfor alltid være et stort behov for dyktige engelsklærere.
Lektorutdanningen er et innholdsrikt og veldig variert studium, det gir deg faglig fordypning i to disiplinfag og i profesjonsfag samt praksiserfaring. Alle fagene som inngår i lektorutdanningen er forsknings- og erfaringsbaserte, og det gir deg de beste forutsetningene for å lykkes i arbeidslivet. Lektorutdanningen gir undervisningskompetanse på grunnskolens ungdomstrinn og i videregående opplæring.
Med engelsk som studieretningsfag (fag 1), kan du velge historie, matematikk, nordisk, nordsamisk (på morsmålsnivå), religionsvitenskap, russisk, sosiologi, samfunnsfag eller spansk som fag 2.
For detaljert oppbygging av studieretning engelsk og hvilke fag du kan kombinere engelsk som masterfag med, se studieplan/fagplan nedenfor.
Delstudier i utlandet gjør deg ekstra attraktiv på arbeidsmarkedet i en stadig mer globalisert verden! Utenlandsopphold gir deg bedre språkkunnskaper, unike opplevelser og internasjonale erfaringer. Det vil også utvide din personlige og faglige horisont.
Studieretning engelsk legger til rette for utveksling i sjuende semester. Du tar tilsvarende masteremner i engelsk (på til sammen 30 studiepoeng) ved et universitet som UiT har utvekslingsavtale med. Engelsk har egne avtaler, og det anbefales at studentene bruker disse, blant annet:
Vi tar forbehold om hvilke emner det utenlandske universitetet kan tilby. Utenlandsoppholdet må godkjennes av instituttet før du reiser. Endelig godkjenning ved UiT søkes med dokumentasjon på bestått eksamen i de anbefalte emnene i utlandet. For nærmere informasjon om søkeprosessen, frister og stipendmuligheter, se universitetets nettsider om studentutveksling eller kontakt veileder for ditt masterfag.
Søknadsfrist for utveksling i vårsemesteret er 1. september.
Søknadsfrist for utveksling i høstsemesteret er 1. februar.
Institute | Country |
The University of Edinburgh | Storbritannia og Nord-Irland |
Aarhus University | Danmark |
University of Huelva | Spania |
Castor, Laura
Laura Castor is professor in English literature/culture who is passionate about teaching, reading and writing on Indigenous people's issues (especially in North America) and African American literatures and cultures. She teaches, writes, and has advised Masters theses on topics such as contemporary Native North American and African American fiction, dystopian literature, satire, life narrative, and gendered discourses. In research and teaching, she seeks to understand how historical, cultural and intersectional contexts are represented in the arts. Her current research examines questions related to collective memory, embodied social justice,decolonial and antiracist interventions in the academy. An ongoing concern of hers is how we might move toward healing trauma through storytelling --in, for example, life narratives, fiction, and crossovers between fiction, visual art, and music. Her book, Facing Trauma in Contemporary American Literary Discourse: Stories of Survival and Possibility (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2019) addresses these issues.
DeLuca, Vincent
Associate Professor / Leader of the C-LaBL Brain Domain
Falke, Cassandra
Cassandra Falke is a Professor of English Literature at UiT. She specializes in English romanticism and literary theory. Her books include Intersections in Christianity and Critical Theory (ed. 2010), Literature by the Working Class: English Autobiography, 1820-1848 (2013), The Phenomenology of Love and Reading (2016; paperback 2018), Phenomenology of the Broken Body (co-ed 2019), Wild Romanticism (co-ed, 2021), and Interpreting Violence: Narrative, Ethics and Hermeneutics (co-ed 2023). In articles and book chapters, he has also written about Romantic-period literature, class, education, contemporary phenomenology and the portrayal of violence in literature.
She is the recipient of a Fulbright professorship, two NEH awards, and a Distinguished Professor designation for teaching. She led the NOH-HS funded network, Interpreting Violence: Narrative, Ethics and Hermeneutics and is a partner in the project Instrumental Narratives: The Limits of Storytelling and New Story-Critical Narrative Theory . She also led the project ReadRespond: Literature / History / Human Rights , an international, online reading initiative encouraging discussions of rights-engaged literature. Falke was President of the American Studies Association of Norway from 2018-2022 and leads UiT's Interdisciplinary Phenomenology research group. Her current book projects are entitled Global Human Rights Fiction (Routledge 2023), Wise Passiveness: Being Receptive in the Romantic Period (Bloomsbury, 2024), and The Reader as Witness: Seeing Political Violence through Contemporary Novels. A list of recent publications may be viewed in Cristin and on the attached CV. During the 2024-2025 academic year, she will be a fellow of the Society for the Humanities at Cornell University.
Parks, Justin Michael
Justin Parks is Associate Professor in American literature and cultural studies and current academic programme director of the English literature section at UiT. His research and teaching are rooted in modern and contemporary poetry and poetics and American studies, and he also has strong interests in Marxist theory, media (including visual and sound) studies, and environmental/energy humanities. Most recently, he has taught courses on Anglophone modernism and postmodernism, the literature of the 1930s, poetry and poetics, and William Faulkner.
He is the author of the monograph Poetry and the Limits of Modernity in Depression America (Cambridge University Press, 2023), which won the 2024 European American Studies Network Book Prize. His current research extends his interest in reading literary and cultural forms in the context of ongoing crises within modernity to address issues of energy and environment: He guest-edited a special issue of the journal Textual Practice (2021) on literature and extractivism. His ongoing research investigates the interrelationships between poetry and energy discourses throughout the long twentieth century. His article "At the Expense of Energy: John Ashbery's 'The Skaters' and the Postwar Poetics of Entropy," which forms a chapter of this project, is forthcoming in PMLA.
He is currently Executive Editor of the journal American Studies in Scandinavia.
Niemi, Minna Johanna
Minna Johanna Niemi is associate professor (førsteamanuensis) in the English literature section. She received her PhD in English from the University at Buffalo in 2011. Her research and teaching interests include postcolonial literary studies, Anglophone African literary studies, trauma studies, and ethics. Her work has appeared in Callaloo, the Journal of Postcolonial Writing, the South African Journal of Philosophy, ARIEL, Postcolonial Studies, and the Journal of Southern African Studies.
She is the author of Complicity and Responsibility in Contemporary African Writing: The Postcolony Revisited (Routledge, 2021).
She is currently co-editing a collection of essays focusing on Zimbabwean politics of the past and working on her second monograph on western complicity in the postcolonial political arena.
Jonsson, Emelie
Emelie Jonsson is associate professor of English literature at the University of Tromsø, Norway. Her research centers on the friction between human psychology and naturalistic cosmology. She has published evolutionary interpretive arguments on a number of authors, including E. M. Forster, H. G. Wells, Arthur Conan Doyle, and Joseph Conrad, as well as collaborated on quantitative projects concerning intellectual history, biocultural theory, and poetic archetypes reflecting mating strategies.
Moi, Ruben
Ruben Moi is Professor in English literature and culture. His research focuses on Just Literature (JUL), Irish literature and culture and Border Aesthetics, but also includes Modernism and visual arts. Other fields of interest are the Renaissance, Romanticism and didactics. He is a member of the Norwegian Academic Council for English and several international Irish research associations. For many years he was the leader of Ordkalotten (WordCape) Tromsø International Litereature Festival. Moi's recent books are:
Paul Muldoon and the Language of Poetry:
The Crossings of Art in Ireland:
Rodina, Yulia
Professor of Linguistics with teaching responsibilities for bachelor and master's courses in English, Language Acquisition, and Multilingualism
Leader of the research group AcqVA-Nor
Director of the web-based service for bilingualism Flere språk til flere
Deputy Chair of The Research Ethics Committee at the Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences, and Education (HSL)