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Internal courses
Master thesis – Department of Chemistry
Master thesis – Department of Chemistry
Master thesis
Biomolekylær og strukturkjemi / Biomolecular and Structural Chemistry
Karakterisering av enzymer i Ectoine biosynteseveien.
Biomolecular Chemistry and Bioinformatics
Projects related to proteins involved in disease; protein kinases
Biomolecular Chemistry and Bioinformatics
Richard Alan Engh
Studier av molekyl mekanismen til enzymer som gjør bakterier resistent mot penicillin antibiotika
Biomolecular Chemistry and Bioinformatics
Unraveling the specificity mystery of a HNH like nuclease from a Svalbard intertidal metagenome
Biomolecular Chemistry and Bioinformatics
Atle Noralf Larsen
Utvikling av enzymer med unike egenskaper for bioteknologisk eller industrielt bruk
Biomolecular Chemistry and Bioinformatics
Atle Noralf Larsen
Kjemisk syntese og analyse / Chemical Synthesis and Analysis
Antimicrobial peptides as mechanistic probes
Master thesis: Antimicrobial peptides as mechanistic probes
Chemical Synthesis and Spectroscopy
John Sigurd Mjøen Svendsen
Chemical Synthesis and Spectroscopy
John Sigurd Mjøen Svendsen
Biofokusert kjemoprospektering: Syntese av diversitets-orienterte kjemiske bibliotek for diccovery av nye bioaktive forbindelser
Chemical Synthesis and Spectroscopy
Jørn H Hansen
Cold-isotope labeled antimicrobial peptides – membrane interaction studies
Master thesis: Cold-isotope labeled antimicrobial peptides – membrane interaction studies
Chemical Synthesis and Spectroscopy
John Sigurd Mjøen Svendsen
Chemical Synthesis and Spectroscopy
John Sigurd Mjøen Svendsen
Design and synthesis of antibiotic resistance breakers
Chemical Synthesis and Spectroscopy
Annette Bayer
Heme Analogue Catalysts for Group Transfer Chemistry - Ruthenium and Osmium Corroles
Chemical Synthesis and Spectroscopy
Abhik Ghosh
Isocorroles - Novel Hybrid Ligands for Bioimaging and Photodynamic Therapy
Chemical Synthesis and Spectroscopy
Abhik Ghosh
Kobber-katalysert jodinering som merkingsreaksjon for anvendelser innen spect bildediagnostikk
Chemical Synthesis and Spectroscopy
Jørn H Hansen
Modifisering av antibiotika og hjelpestoffer med "klikk-kjemi"
Chemical Synthesis and Spectroscopy
Marius Haugland-Grange
Multidimensional structure-activity relationship for antimicrobial peptides
Master thesis: Multidimensional structure-activity relationship for antimicrobial peptides
Chemical Synthesis and Spectroscopy
John Sigurd Mjøen Svendsen
Chemical Synthesis and Spectroscopy
John Sigurd Mjøen Svendsen
Syntese og studier av egenskaper til modifisert kryptofan-A for sensitiv metan-deteksjon
Chemical Synthesis and Spectroscopy
Jørn H Hansen
Syntese og studier av nye antifouling-forbindelser
Chemical Synthesis and Spectroscopy
Jørn H Hansen
Teoretisk og beregningsbasert kjemi / Theoretical and Computational Chemistry
Design and application of catalytic systems for sustainable CO2 conversion
Theoretical and Computational Chemistry
Annette Bayer
Kathrin Helen Hopmann