Faculty of Science and Technology

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Science, technology and safety

Faculty of Science and Technology (NT-fak) is working for the development and increased knowledge of the northern areas. We have a responsibility to ensure a sustainable future through research and new technology. Our vision is to use knowledge of natural sciences and creation of new technology, to preserve the earth for future generations.

The faculty have several internationally leading research groups in our units, and we have a strong commitment to basic research and the belonging educations. The intrinsic value of research and education in the disciplines physics, chemistry, mathematics/statistics, computer science, geosciences and engineering is important to the faculty. We also have professional educations and their belonging research, that includes nautical studies, aviation and preparedness and emergency management.

The faculty have 6 departments that educates students and perform research within our subjects

Department of Chemistry (IK)
Department of Geosciences (IG)
Department of Mathematics and Statistics (IMS)
Department of Computer Science (IFI)
Department of Physics and Technology (IFT)
Department of Technology and Safety (ITS)

Employees at Faculty of Science and Technology:



Trial lecture - Master of Science Yufei Wang

18. februar     10:15     Teknologibygget Auditorium 1.022     Digital, Tromsø    

Doctoral defense - Master of Science Yufei Wang

18. februar     12:15     Teknologibygget Auditorium 1.022     Tromsø    

Trial Lecture - Master of Science Dorota Sofia Jozwicki

21. februar     10:15     Auditorium B302 Realfagbygget     Digital, Tromsø