The conference will be held at UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Campus Tromsø, Norway.
There will be a get-together on Sunday August 21st for those ho arrive early.
Address: Skarven Kro, Strandtorget 1, Tromsø city centre. Map
The venue for the pre-conference, Monday 22nd, will be in the Health Science building (MH2-building), auditorium Cortex (MH2 U.07.338). Auditorium Cortex is on Level 7. See point A1 on the below campus map.
Mazemap: Cortex
Address: University campus in Breivika.
- West entrance: Universitetsveien 61 (Level 8. Closest if you arrive by taxi). Auditorium Cortext is one level down.
- East entrance: Hansine Hansens veg 74 (Level 6. Closest if you arrive by buss). Auditorium Cortext is one level up.
The official opening will take place on campus, in the Bazinga pub, focusing on networking. See point B in the below campus map.
Address: Non-experimental Science Building No 1 (Teorifagsbygget Hus 1). Universitetsveien 31.
The venue for the main conference, Tuesday 23rd and Wednesday 24th, is the Health Science building (MH1-building), Auditorium 6 (MH1 U6.A6A Auditorium 6). Auditorium 6 is on Level 6 (ground floor). See point A2 on the below campus map.
Mazemap: Auditorium 6
Address: University campus in Breivika.
- West entrance: Universitetsveien 61 (Level 8. Closest if you arrive by taxi). Auditorium 6 is two levels down.
- East entrance: Hansine Hansens veg 74 (Level 6. Closest if you arrive by buss). Auditorium 6 is on the same level.
The conference dinner will be on campus, in the Champagne canteen. See point C in the below campus map.
Address: Universitetsveien 29 - Teorifagsbygget House 6 (Non-experimental Science Building, No 6 )
For those who are leaving late, we will go to a local pizza restaurant.
Address: Yonas Pizzeria, Sjøgata 7, Tromsø city centre. Map
Campus map |
Main venue - MH Auditorium 6 |