Scandinavian Conference on Health Informatics #Shi2022Tromso
August 22-24, 2022
Welcome to the 18th Scandinavian Conference on Health Informatics -
SHI 2022.
Conference proceedings:
You are encuraged to tweet during the conference: #Shi2022Tromso
UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Department of Computer Science, is proud to welcome you to the 18th Scandinavian Conference on Health Informatics (SHI 2022) in August.
The goal of the conference is to be a forum for research and researchers in Health Informatics and Digital Health in Scandinavia and the Nordic countries, as well as to facilitate scientific discussion, share experiences, and promote collaboration and networking. We welcome contributions and participants from all countries.
The target audience is researchers and others interested in health informatics. This also includes stakeholds involved in development, implementation, evaluation, teaching, and health sector management.
The conference takes place on the campus of UiT in Breivika, which is located approx. 3 kilometres north of the city centre of Tromsø. Please note that the Get-together on Sunday and the Evening session (Post-conference discussions) on Wednesday take place in the city centre.
You are encuraged to tweet during the conference: #Shi2022Tromso
March 1: Submission opens
May 29: Submission deadline
June 19: Notification of acceptance
July 3: Revised paper deadline
August 1: Registration deadline
August 22-24: Conference