Core Facility for Biobank - UiT was established in 2017. We are responsible for long term storage, management, and distribution of human biological material such as blood, tissue, urine, and saliva, collected through population studies and research projects where UiT is the responsible research institution. We can also offer services to external users.

The biobank is operated in accordance with Norwegian legislation, the EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and in line with "Best Practice for Norwegian Biobanks". To ensure the quality and traceability of the stored biological material, standardized procedures have been established for all aspects of receiving, storing, and distributing biological material. The procedures include infrastructure (operation of storage facilities, access control, , IT systems, monitoring and emergency preparedness), HSE (procedures, measures), and quality management (training, information security, maintenance, and deviation management). The biobank has 24-hour temperature surveillance and logging, and on-call staff.
The IT solution EUTRO constitutes the biobank's IT infrastructure for management and tracking of the biological material. EUTRO has an overview of all available biological material with associated documentation across studies/sample collections. Each individual sample is thoroughly described, making it possible to perform detailed searches for relevant samples for distribution. EUTRO also contains tracking history, including storage location, distribution, returns, analyses performed and registration of deviations.
The material in the biobank is used, among other things, to research risk factors and biomarkers related to health, lifestyle, and disease. The various research projects and population surveys that have material in the Core Facility for Biobank are responsible for establishing research collaborations and giving permission to use the material in accordance with their own guidelines. Read more about the studies under the "Sample Collection and Users" tab.
Biobanken ved UiT: Vil automatisere vitenskapelig skattkammer
Tidligere har nesten to millioner biologiske prøver blitt registrert manuelt. Nå tar biobanken ved UiT første steg mot automatisering – og SAMINOR 3 undersøkelsen er først ut.
UiTs skattkammer får millioner fra Forskningsrådet
Tildelinga vil bidra til å løse ei stor utfordring for Helsefak og UiT, nemlig manglende fysisk lagringskapasitet i biobanken.
Tryggare og betre infrastruktur for forsking
Før jul fekk 22 infrastruktur-prosjekt tilskot frå Forskingsrådet. UiT er partnarar i sju av disse prosjekta, som alle skal gjere det lettare å ta vare på og dele forsking og forskingsdata.
- Research data portal
- Information security and data protection at UiT
- Here you will find information about data processing agreements, among other things.
- Research data: Principles and guidelines for management of research data at UiT
- Procedures for Health Research - Faculty of Health Sciences
- Checklist for Research Projects at the Faculty of Health Sciences
- HSE Manual UiT
Do you have any questions? Send an email to biobank@helsefak.uit.no.
We will respond to inquiries as quickly as possible.
Scientific head Associate professor karina.s.olsen@uit.no |
Head of daily operations Senior engineer kristin.sorensen@uit.no |
Kurt Jøran Nyland kurt-joran.nyland@uit.no |
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Nannan Yang nannan.yang@uit.no |
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Morten Rafdal morten.rafdal@uit.no |
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Runa Borgund Barnung runa.b.barnung@uit.no |
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Contact information
Page editor: Barnung, Runa Borgund