Advancing Knowledge of Methane in the Arctic


Publications from Cristin

  1. DNA barcoding of monothalamid foraminifera from Vestnesa and Svyatogor Ridge, Arctic Ocean, including the description of 3 new species (Academic article)
  2. Substrate attributes as a driver for benthic communities: image analysis techniques on the Norskebanken cold seep site (Arctic Ocean) (Academic lecture)
  3. Integrating ROV MBES and photogrammetry data for comprehensive mapping of cold seep systems at Hakon Mosby Mud Volcano (HMMV) in the Barents Sea (Academic lecture)
  4. Methanotroph activity and connectivity between two seep systems north off Svalbard (Academic article)
  5. Formation of non-evaporitic gypsum in gas hydrate-bearing sediments at Håkon Mosby mud volcano, SW Barents sea (Academic article)
  6. Biogeochemical impact of historical submarine mine tailings on benthic ecosystems in the Repparfjord (Northern Norway) (Academic article)
  7. Assigning the unassigned: A signature-based classification of rDNA metabarcodes reveals new deep-sea diversity (Academic article)
  8. Biogeochemical investigations of methane seepage at the ultraslow-spreading Arctic mid-ocean ridge: Svyatogor ridge, Fram Strait (Academic article)
  9. Human impact: Ecological footprints. In G. Panieri, M. Stiller-Reeve, M. Abniki and F. Hemmateenejad (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Persian version) (Popular scientific article)
  10. Human impact: Plastic pollution. In G. Panieri, M. Stiller-Reeve, M. Abniki and F. Hemmateenejad (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Persian version) (Popular scientific article)
  11. Sedimentation. In G. Panieri, M. Stiller-Reeve, M. Abniki and F. Hemmateenejad (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Persian version) (Popular scientific article)
  12. Sculpting foraminifera. In G. Panieri, M. Stiller-Reeve, M. Abniki and F. Hemmateenejad (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Persian version) (Popular scientific article)
  13. Sculpting micro-, meio-, and macrofauna. In G. Panieri, M. Stiller-Reeve, M. Abniki and F. Hemmateenejad (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Persian version) (Popular scientific article)
  14. Ocean floor diorama. In G. Panieri, M. Stiller-Reeve, M. Abniki and F. Hemmateenejad (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Persian version) (Popular scientific article)
  15. Arctic Ocean temperatures. In G. Panieri, M. Stiller-Reeve, M. Abniki and F. Hemmateenejad (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Persian version) (Popular scientific article)
  16. Under pressure. In G. Panieri, M. Stiller-Reeve, M. Abniki and F. Hemmateenejad (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Persian version) (Popular scientific article)
  17. How deep is the ocean? In G. Panieri, M. Stiller-Reeve, M. Abniki and F. Hemmateenejad (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Persian version) (Popular scientific article)
  18. Where is the (ancient) ocean floor? In G. Panieri, M. Stiller-Reeve, M. Abniki and F. Hemmateenejad (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Persian version) (Popular scientific article)
  19. A journey to a cold seep. In G. Panieri, M. Stiller-Reeve, M. Abniki and F. Hemmateenejad (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Persian version) (Popular scientific article)
  20. The foraminifera boogie. In G. Panieri, M. Stiller-Reeve, M. Abniki and F. Hemmateenejad (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Persian version) (Popular scientific article)
  21. Cold seeps symphony. In G. Panieri, M. Stiller-Reeve, M. Abniki and F. Hemmateenejad (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Persian version) (Popular scientific article)
  22. Listen to the world around us. In G. Panieri, M. Stiller-Reeve, M. Abniki and F. Hemmateenejad (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Persian version) (Popular scientific article)
  23. Life from bad smells. In G. Panieri, M. Stiller-Reeve, M. Abniki and F. Hemmateenejad (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Persian version) (Popular scientific article)
  24. Exploring the Arctic deep-sea by color filters. In G. Panieri, M. Stiller-Reeve, M. Abniki and F. Hemmateenejad (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Persian version) (Popular scientific article)
  25. Functions of senses in learning. In G. Panieri, M. Stiller-Reeve, M. Abniki and F. Hemmateenejad (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Persian version) (Popular scientific article)
  26. Introduction. In G. Panieri, M. Stiller-Reeve, M. Abniki and F. Hemmateenejad (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Persian version) (Popular scientific article)
  27. The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Persian version) (Popular scientific article)
  28. The Agenda 2030 and the Imperative for Research and Education for the Climate and the Oceans (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)
  29. Emotional and ecological literacy for a more sustainable society (Academic anthology/Conference proceedings)
  30. Studio Thinkinghand - Deep Time I DO ART Agency (Multimedia product)
  31. Giuliana Panieri - University of Tromso (Multimedia product)
  32. Prof. Giuliana Panieri, The Arctic University of Norway in Tromsø (UiT), on FERS (Multimedia product)
  33. Borealis Mud Volcano: a surprising geological finding in the Barents Sea (Multimedia product)
  34. On thin ice (Website (informational material))
  35. AKMA for #EGU23 Highlights WEDNESDAY, 26 April (Multimedia product)
  36. AKMA for EGU23 (Multimedia product)
  37. KMA for #EGU23 - Highlights TUESDAY, 25 April (Multimedia product)
  38. The countdown to the 2023 AKMA Expedition has begun Let’s meet our TEAM on board!(First Part) (Multimedia product)
  39. The countdown to the 2023 AKMA Expedition has begun. Let’s meet our TEAM on board!(Second Part) (Multimedia product)
  40. AKMA for #EGU23 - MONDAY 24 APRIL (Multimedia product)
  41. This morning Pameli Marine Drone crossed the border and arrived in Tromsø! Welcome on board of @r/vkronprinshaakon Pameli! (Multimedia product)
  42. AKMA 3 Logbook - Day 2- 30 April (Multimedia product)
  43. AKMA for #EGU23 Our Contributions to the EGU conference (24-26 April 2023) (Multimedia product)
  44. Akma 3- First Day with the students! (Multimedia product)
  45. AKMA 3 - Logbook Day 3 - Pameli (Multimedia product)
  46. An Expedition to the Arctic in Preparation for Climate Change (Multimedia product)
  47. AKMA3 - Logbook Day 3 – 1 May (Multimedia product)
  48. AKMA Logbook - Day 4 (Multimedia product)
  49. The AKMA Team IS GETTING READY FOR A NEW EXPEDITION in the Barent Sea (Multimedia product)
  50. Akma 3 - LogBook - Day 5 - ZOOM Meeting n° 1 (Multimedia product)
  51. AKMA 3 – Logbook Day 5 – 3 May (Multimedia product)
  52. Today, one of the AKMA team members started his journey. PAMELI MARINE DRONE will be on board ready to explore the Barents Sea! (Multimedia product)
  53. Akma 3 – LogBook – Day 6– Zoom Meeting n°2 (Multimedia product)
  54. We count down the days to Europe’s largest geoscience conference. (Multimedia product)
  55. And here's Nina Floaty (Multimedia product)
  56. Akma 3 - Logbook - Day 6 - Mari Heggernes Eilertsen (Multimedia product)
  57. Meet Berry Ground (Multimedia product)
  58. "Akma 3 - Logbook - Day 6 - Working Inside. From Pameli's point of view" (Multimedia product)
  59. 2 days, 5 study sites, 15 ROV dives and countless datasets later we are back ashore. (Multimedia product)
  60. Akma 3 Expedition - Day 7 - Pameli (Multimedia product)
  61. Akma 3 - Logbook Day 7 (Multimedia product)
  62. Nina Floaty and Berry Ground, our foraminifera ambassadors, are also joining the Akma 3 expedition. (Multimedia product)
  63. Akma 3 - Logbook - Day 8 - Our student on board (Multimedia product)
  64. Reposted from @pixiepencil Finally!! Nina Floaty & Berry Ground are launched (Multimedia product)
  65. Akma 3 - Logbook Day 8 - Our researcher on board (Multimedia product)
  66. "Akma 3 – Logbook – Day 9 – Our scientists and students on board." (Multimedia product)
  67. Akma 3 - Logbook - Day 10 (Multimedia product)
  68. In the Arctic, the methane escaping the seafloor is especially important to understand as the Arctic is already a fragile ecosystem. (Multimedia product)
  69. AKMA 3 - Logbook - Day 12 (Multimedia product)
  70. @sea.willis is a @whoi.ocean PhD student who joined our AKMA 2 Expedition this year. (Multimedia product)
  71. MUD VOLCANO DISCOVERED MAY 7, 2023 IN THE BARENTS SEA (Multimedia product)
  72. Akma 3- Exploring Norway (Multimedia product)
  73. We are already some days into our AKMA 2021 expedition and what a few days it's been. (Multimedia product)
  74. Meet Reophax, a foraminifera who collects grains of sand to make its home. (Multimedia product)
  75. AKMA 3: Memories from an Expedition 2 (Multimedia product)
  76. This itty bitty creature is called an Allogromid.. a type of single celled organism called foraminifera. (Multimedia product)
  77. AKMA 3: Memories from an Expedition (Multimedia product)
  78. Microbes live in all sorts of weird and wonderful places, including Arctic sea ice. (Multimedia product)
  79. HAPPY WORLD OCEAN DAY 2023 (Multimedia product)
  80. AKMA SCIENTISTS BLOG: Claudio Argentino, “On the importance of multidisciplinary expeditions like AKMA” (Multimedia product)
  81. Collecting mud from the seafloor is not only fun, also super informative. (Multimedia product)
  82. How do deep sea critters survive in extreme environments like Arctic methane seeps? (Multimedia product)
  84. Deep sea critters thrive in so many harsh environments (Multimedia product)
  85. Akma 3 - Documentary (Multimedia product)
  86. Svalbard is an Arctic archipelago with stunning geology (Multimedia product)
  87. CONGRATULATION TO ALBA AND FERI!!! They earned their Master in Marine Sciences! (Multimedia product)
  88. The crust, mantle and ocean all talk, but they talk in code by exchanging water. (Multimedia product)
  89. AKMA SCIENTISTS BLOG: Ines Andrea Barrenechea Angeles (Multimedia product)
  90. During the #HACON21 expedition team AKMA collected lots of our favourite thing.. mud (Multimedia product)
  91. Some of our AKMA team have been part of the #HACON21 expedition, studying hot vents under ice. (Multimedia product)
  92. ROV Aurora (Multimedia product)
  93. Ocean Interconnectedness: Senses&Science, Love&Law SAVE THE DATE: 19-20 SEPTEMBER, 2023 (Multimedia product)
  94. Ocean interconnectedness - opening concert (Multimedia product)
  95. Ocean Interconnectedness (Multimedia product)
  96. AKMA at the Singapore Norway - SCIENCE WEEK (Multimedia product)
  97. A huge thanks to everyone who participated on the AKMA Expedition 2021! (Multimedia product)
  98. Forskningsdagene 2023 (Multimedia product)
  99. We at @akma_project are celebrating @worldoceanday and ocean awereness (Multimedia product)
  100. AKMA 3 - Expedition team 🌊 Reunion in Singapore 🇸🇬 our lovely Giuliana with two of our talented young scientists (Multimedia product)
  101. WHEN ART MEETS SCIENCE: DEEP TIME PROJECT - Creating glass cores from sediment sample (Multimedia product)
  102. Socially distanced shrimp partying, on a rock (Multimedia product)
  103. The basket star is an icon of deep sea life. (Multimedia product)
  104. We are pleased to announce that our short documentary "AKMA 2. The Ocean Senses Expedition" has been selected for the TREFF (Tromsø Educational Film Festival) (Multimedia product)
  105. Using 'retro' forms of communication to share our #science (Multimedia product)
  106. Happy New Year from Perù (Multimedia product)
  107. Welcome to the Arctic. (Multimedia product)
  108. Ocean Senses and Chiquitano Cooperation (Multimedia product)
  109. Gas Chromatography (Multimedia product)
  110. Stable Isotope Geochemistry (Multimedia product)
  111. Akma 3 - Expedition 2023 (Website (informational material))
  112. Akma 2- Exploring extreme environment with a focus on science and education (Website (informational material))
  113. Akma 1 - Expedition 2021 (Website (informational material))
  114. Lending a (mechanical) hand (Website (informational material))
  115. A Geologist's field guide to Arctic Seafloor Biology (Website (informational material))
  116. More that sand on the seafloor (Website (informational material))
  117. Measuring the temperature of earth (Website (informational material))
  118. Human Footprints on the seafloor (Website (informational material))
  119. Visiting Håkon Mosby Mud Volcano (Website (informational material))
  120. An Active oil seep, offshore Svalbard (Website (informational material))
  121. Bubbleology (Website (informational material))
  122. International education and outreach onboard the KPH Akma 3 expedition (Website (informational material))
  123. Live life, one wave at a time (Website (informational material))
  124. From the Tropics to the Arctic (Website (informational material))
  125. Ocean Senses Group 4 _ Santorini summer school (Multimedia product)
  126. You never forget your first arctic expedition (Website (informational material))
  127. Studying sleepy micro-organisms from the ocean floor (Website (informational material))
  128. My Lucky story (Website (informational material))
  129. A great team work (Website (informational material))
  130. A whole big "machinery" (Website (informational material))
  131. Ocean Senses Group 3 Santorini summer school (Multimedia product)
  132. The humanity of science (Website (informational material))
  133. Ocean Senses Group 2 Santorini Summer school (Multimedia product)
  134. Tourbillons (Website (informational material))
  135. Foraminiferology (Website (informational material))
  136. AKMA OceanSenses and paired teaching (Website (informational material))
  137. First experience of Arctic sea ice (Website (informational material))
  138. Ocean Senses Group 1 _Santorini summer school (Multimedia product)
  139. Episode Akma (Multimedia product)
  140. Seaspeak onboard the RV Kronprins Haakon (Website (informational material))
  141. Vent and Seep Connections in the Arctic (Website (informational material))
  142. The value of Foraminifera within the AKMA project (Multimedia product)
  143. Welcome, AKMA ambassadors (Website (informational material))
  144. AKMA collaborating with a school class in Italy (Multimedia product)
  145. An Arctic oasis (Website (informational material))
  146. Arctic Psychology (Website (informational material))
  147. Arctic Methane Seeps (Website (informational material))
  148. Searching for gas (Website (informational material))
  149. Sculpting at Sea (Website (informational material))
  150. World Ocean Day 2021! (Website (informational material))
  151. EGU 2023: a paired teaching lesson from the Arctic (Website (informational material))
  152. Karaoke Foraminifera Boogie (Multimedia product)
  153. The Bridget Santorini Summer School 2022 - Improving our sensorial skill (Website (informational material))
  154. Karaokee Foraminifera Boggie just Banjo (Multimedia product)
  155. Deep Time Project - Creating glass cores from a sediment sample (Website (informational material))
  156. Foraminifera Boogie (Multimedia product)
  157. Akma 2-Ocean Senses Expedition on RV Kronprins Haakon (Multimedia product)
  158. Life on a Research Vessel (Multimedia product)
  159. An Expedition to the Arctic in Preparation for Climate Change (Website (informational material))
  160. "World Oceans Day 2021" (Multimedia product)
  161. The Stable Isotope Laboratory Isotopic composition of a sample is like a fingerprint, telling researchers about the identity of the sample. Matteus explains why the Isotopic Mass Spectrometer is so important to understanding methane in the Arctic. (Multimedia product)
  162. Sediment sampling using the gravity corer How do we collect sediments from below the deep ocean floor? In this edition, Claudio describes the gravity corer and how it works (Multimedia product)
  163. Imaging subsurface fluid flow (Multimedia product)
  164. Blant bobler og bakterier – et dypdykk ned på havbunnen med AKMA (Website (informational material))
  165. Ny vulkan oppdaget i Barentshavet (Website (informational material))
  166. Cold seeps leave a mark in the sedimentary record Natural methane emissions on the seafloor are generally associated with chemosynthetic fauna and a special type of carbonate rock. In this video, Claudio Argentino and Prof. Giuliana Panieri from CAGE-UiT explain to us the main biogeochemical processes occurring at methane seeps. (Multimedia product)
  167. Akma Project What is the AKMA project all about? Prof. Giuliana Panieri explains. (Multimedia product)
  168. AKMA-OceanSenses Expedition receives endorsement from UN Ocean Decade (Website (informational material))
  169. Online cruise interaction, school visit and exchange letter program in the scope of the AKMA Polaroid project - Escola Básica e Secundária de Sacadura Cabral de Celorico da Beira/ CCVnE de Celorico da Beira (Lecture)
  170. Online cruise interaction, school visit and exchange letter program in the scope of the AKMA Polaroid project - Escola Básica e Secundária de Mora/ CCVnE de Mora (Lecture)
  171. Online cruise interaction in the scope of the AKMA project - Escola Secundária de Loulé (Lecture)
  172. Online cruise interaction in the scope of the AKMA project - Escola Secundária de Loulé (Lecture)
  173. Online cruise interaction in the scope of the AKMA project and school visit with the presentation “Um percurso até ao fundo do mar” - Escola Básica e Secundária de Mora/ CCVnE de Mora (Lecture)
  174. Online cruise interaction in the scope of the AKMA project and school visit with the presentation of the “Foraminifera Kit” - Agrupamento de Escolas de Eixo, Clube de Ciência Viva de Azurva (Lecture)
  175. Activities around foraminifera coupled with a virtual visit to the research vessel Kronprins Haakon (Lecture)
  176. Archaeological Fieldwork at Sgòr an Eoin 2022: interim report 1 (Report)
  177. Happy New Year from Perù (Briefs)
  178. AKMA1 (Academic lecture)
  179. AKMA project and AKMA1 cruise (Academic lecture)
  180. “Life on board” AKMA-Polaroid project (Lecture)
  181. “Life on board” AKMA-Polaroid project (Lecture)
  182. “Life on board” AKMA-Polaroid project (Lecture)
  183. “Life on board” AKMA-Polaroid project (Lecture)
  184. “Life on board” AKMA-Polaroid project (Lecture)
  185. De La Rochelle à L’arctique (Academic lecture)
  186. Les suintements terrestres Arctiques : un puits de méthane microbien négligé ? (Academic lecture)
  187. Benthic foraminifera from Arctic seeps (Academic lecture)
  188. Benthic meiofauna in the Arctic Ocean: current knowledge and future perspectives (Academic lecture)
  189. Foraminifera eDNA assemblages from arctic methane cold seeps (Academic lecture)
  190. Classification of Arctic seafloor based on object-based image analisys (OBIA) techniques (Masters thesis)
  191. Diversity, structure and environmental drivers of benthic epifaunal communities on Norskebanken cold seep site based on seafloor image analysis (Masters thesis)
  192. Cold seeps in the Arctic Ocean: ROV-based underwater photogrammetry and micropaleontological characterization of a deep-sea pockmark explored to the southwest of the Vestnesa Ridge (offshore Svalbard) (Masters thesis)
  193. Rissoid gastropods in Arctic CBEs (Poster)
  194. The Fauna of Deep-Water Cold Seeps in the Arctic (Masters thesis)
  195. UiT Åpen Dag 2023: Virtuelt tokt med "Kronprins Haakon" (Popular scientific lecture)
  196. Visit French high school at UiT: Virtual cruise with "Kronprins Haakon" (Popular scientific lecture)
  197. Inspirasjonsdag for videregående skole elever - Et virtuelt tokt og foraminifera (Popular scientific lecture)
  198. Skolebesøk Forskningsdagene 2022: Dyphavet og filtrering av lys (Popular scientific lecture)
  199. Natural carbon sequestration in marine sediments: authigenic carbonate precipitation in Arctic methane seepage environment (Academic lecture)
  200. Biogeochemical investigations of Arctic methane seeps: case studies from the Barents Sea and Fram Strait (Academic lecture)
  201. Biogeochemistry of the Arctic deep-sea sediments (Academic lecture)
  202. Biogeochemistry of the Arctic deep-sea sediments (Academic lecture)
  203. Methane seepage in the sedimentary record: application of geochemical proxies to modern and fossil systems (Academic lecture)
  204. Methane oxidation at the sulfate-methane transition in marine sediments: biogeochemistry and proxies (Academic lecture)
  205. Nitrogen uptake by methane-oxidizing consortia in gas hydrate-bearing sediments at Håkon Mosby mud volcano, SW Barents Sea (Academic lecture)
  206. Biogeochemical processes affecting the distribution of chemosynthetic communities at a cold-water coral site off the Vesterålen coast, Northern Norway (Academic lecture)
  207. Embodied environmental education - A new field of practice for physiotherapists and planetary health promotion? (Academic lecture)
  208. CONCLUSION (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)
  209. CHAPTER V: The Comic Book (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)
  210. CHAPTER IV Toward a Spanish Version of the Escazú Agreement in Comics: Needs, Research Background, and Methodological Steps (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)
  211. CHAPTER III The Stages of the Comic Book Co-creation and the Restitution to the Chiquitano Indigenous People (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)
  212. CHAPTER II Legal Design and Visual Law: The Roadmap (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)
  213. CHAPTER I The Foundations: ECO_CARE (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)
  214. Introduction (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)
  215. BUILDING BRIDGES FOR EFFECTIVE ENVIRONMENTAL PARTICIPATION: THE PATH OF LAW CO-CREATION The Chiquitano Multimodal Format for Disseminating the Escazú Agreement (Academic anthology/Conference proceedings)
  216. AKMA 2. Ocean Senses Research Expedition (Film)
  217. CONCLUSIÓN (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)
  218. CAPÍTULO V: El cómic. El Acuerdo de Escazú (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)
  219. CAPÍTULO IV: Hacia una versión en español del Acuerdo de Escazú en cómics: Necesidades, antecedentes y pasos metodológicos (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)
  220. CAPÍTULO III: Las etapas de la co-creación del cómic y la restitución al Pueblo Indígena Chiquitano (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)
  221. CAPÍTULO II: Diseño Legal y Derecho Visual: la trayectoria (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)
  222. CAPÍTULO I: Los fundamentos: ECO_CARE (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)
  223. INTRODUCCIÓN (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)
  224. Tendiendo puentes hacia una participación ambiental eficaz: el camino de la co-creación en Derecho. El Formato Multimedia Chiquitano para la Difusión del Acuerdo de Escazú. (Academic anthology/Conference proceedings)
  225. Evironmental Law and Policy (and the messiness of law). A case study on the Arctic (Academic lecture)
  226. Human impact: Ecological footprints. In G. Panieri & M. Stiller-Reeve (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Ukrainian version) (Popular scientific article)
  227. Human impact: Plastic pollution. In G. Panieri & M. Stiller-Reeve (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Ukrainian version) (Popular scientific article)
  228. Sedimentation. In G. Panieri & M. Stiller-Reeve (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Ukrainian version) (Popular scientific article)
  229. Sculpting micro-, meio-, and macrofauna. In G. Panieri & M. Stiller-Reeve (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Ukrainian version) (Popular scientific article)
  230. Ocean floor diorama. In G. Panieri & M. Stiller-Reeve (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Ukrainian version) (Popular scientific article)
  231. Arctic Ocean temperatures. In G. Panieri & M. Stiller-Reeve (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Ukrainian version) (Popular scientific article)
  232. Under pressure. In G. Panieri & M. Stiller-Reeve (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Ukrainian version) (Popular scientific article)
  233. How deep is the ocean? In G. Panieri & M. Stiller-Reeve (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Ukrainian version) (Popular scientific article)
  234. Where is the (ancient) ocean floor? In G. Panieri & M. Stiller-Reeve (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Ukrainian version) (Popular scientific article)
  235. A journey to a cold seep. In G. Panieri & M. Stiller-Reeve (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Ukrainian version) (Popular scientific article)
  236. The foraminifera boogie, In G. Panieri & M. Stiller-Reeve (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Ukrainian version) (Popular scientific article)
  237. Cold seeps symphony. In G. Panieri & M. Stiller-Reeve (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Ukrainian version) (Popular scientific article)
  238. Listen to the world around us. In G. Panieri & M. Stiller-Reeve (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Ukrainian version) (Popular scientific article)
  239. Life from bad smells. In G. Panieri & M. Stiller-Reeve (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Ukrainian version) (Popular scientific article)
  240. Exploring the Arctic deep-sea by color filters. In G. Panieri & M. Stiller-Reeve (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Ukrainian version) (Popular scientific article)
  241. Functions of senses in learning. In G. Panieri & M. Stiller-Reeve (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Ukrainian version) (Popular scientific article)
  242. Introduction. In G. Panieri & M. Stiller-Reeve (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Ukrainian version) (Popular scientific article)
  243. The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Ukrainian version) (Popular scientific article)
  244. Series of lectures on knowledge co-creation on water governance and restitution of project results to the Chiquitano People from Mato Grosso (Academic lecture)
  245. Collaborative water governance for a common future for all (Academic lecture)
  246. Unlocking Climate Governance: Embracing Indigenous Law and Action as the Key (Academic lecture)
  247. An Arctic natural oil seep investigated from space to the seafloor (Academic article)
  248. Characterizing Håkon Mosby Mud Volcano (Barents Sea) cold seep systems by combining ROV-based acoustic data and underwater photogrammetry (Academic article)
  249. An Integrative Taxonomic Survey of Benthic Foraminiferal Species (Protista, Rhizaria) from the Eastern Clarion-Clipperton Zone (Academic article)
  250. Chemosynthesis-based ecosystems in the Arctic deep sea (Academic lecture)
  251. Ocean Interconnectedness (Popular scientific article)
  252. Implications of transient methane flux on associated biological communities in high-arctic seep habitats, Storbanken, Norwegian Barents Sea (Academic article)
  253. Ocean Interconnectedness. Senses and Science, Love and Law. An interdisciplinary workshop to learn from the ocean, through multisensory activities and reflections on the role of emotions in science and law (Academic lecture)
  254. Under pressure. In G. Panieri, M. Poto and G. Bertolotto Bianc (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Chinese version) (Popular scientific article)
  255. A journey to a cold seep. In G. Panieri, M. Poto and G. Bertolotto Bianc (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Chinese version) (Popular scientific article)
  256. Listen to the world around us. In G. Panieri, M. Poto and G. Bertolotto Bianc (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Chinese version) (Popular scientific article)
  257. Life from bad smells. In G. Panieri, M. Poto and G. Bertolotto Bianc (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Chinese version) (Popular scientific article)
  258. Exploring the Arctic deep-sea by color filters. In G. Panieri, M. Poto and G. Bertolotto Bianc (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Chinese version) (Popular scientific article)
  259. Preface (Chinese). In G. Panieri, M. Poto and G. Bertolotto Bianc (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Chinese version) (Popular scientific article)
  260. Preface (English). In G. Panieri, M. Poto and G. Bertolotto Bianc (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Chinese version) (Popular scientific article)
  261. Introduction. In G. Panieri, M. Poto and G. Bertolotto Bianc (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Chinese version) (Popular scientific article)
  262. The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Chinese version) (Popular scientific article)
  263. Chloroplast-Sequestering Benthic Foraminifera Inhabiting High Arctic Deep-Shelf Sediments (Academic lecture)
  264. Sedimentological and geochemical investigations of hydrothermally impacted sediments at the Aurora vent field, Fram Strait (Masters thesis)
  265. Molecules and Morphotypes – Exploring benthic foraminiferal biodiversity in seep-influenced habitat (Masters thesis)
  266. Human impact: ecological footprints. In G. Panieri & M. Stiller-Reeve (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Popular scientific article)
  267. Human impact: plastic pollution. In G. Panieri & M. Stiller-Reeve (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Popular scientific article)
  268. Sedimentation. In G. Panieri & M. Stiller-Reeve (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Popular scientific article)
  269. Sculpting foraminifera. In G. Panieri & M. Stiller-Reeve (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Popular scientific article)
  270. Sculpting micro-, meio-, and macrofauna. In G. Panieri & M. Stiller-Reeve (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Popular scientific article)
  271. Ocean floor diorama. In G. Panieri & M. Stiller-Reeve (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Popular scientific article)
  272. Arctic ocean temperatures. In G. Panieri & M. Stiller-Reeve (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Popular scientific article)
  273. Under pressure. In G. Panieri & M. Stiller-Reeve (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Popular scientific article)
  274. How deep is the ocean? In G. Panieri & M. Stiller-Reeve (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Popular scientific article)
  275. Where is the (ancient) ocean floor? In G. Panieri & M. Stiller-Reeve (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Popular scientific article)
  276. A journey to a cold seep. In G. Panieri & M. Stiller-Reeve (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Popular scientific article)
  277. Foraminifera boogie. In G. Panieri & M. Stiller-Reeve (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Popular scientific article)
  278. Cold seeps symphony. In G. Panieri & M. Stiller-Reeve (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Popular scientific article)
  279. Listen to the world around us. In G. Panieri & M. Stiller-Reeve (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Popular scientific article)
  280. Life from bad smells. In G. Panieri & M. Stiller-Reeve (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Popular scientific article)
  281. Exploring the Arctic deep-sea by color filters. In G. Panieri & M. Stiller-Reeve (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Popular scientific article)
  282. Functions of senses in learning. In G. Panieri & M. Stiller-Reeve (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Popular scientific article)
  283. Introduction. In G. Panieri & M. Stiller-Reeve (Eds.), The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Popular scientific article)
  284. The Ocean Senses Activity Book (Popular scientific article)
  285. Nitrogen uptake by methanotrophic consortia in deep-water gas hydrate-bearing sediments (Academic article)
  286. Sedimentary ancient DNA: a new paleogenomic tool for reconstructing the history of marine ecosystems (Academic article)
  287. The Heliconoides Modified Dissolution Index-HMDI: Do methane seepage environments affect the preservation state of Heliconoides inflatus? (Academic article)
  288. Rethinking climate and water governance through empathy compassion and care, CILG, Climate Breakfast Seminar Series (Academic lecture)
  289. Co-creating Knowledge: A Learning Experience from the Arctic and the Ocean (Academic lecture)
  290. Interactive workshop. An innovative partnership and methods for knowledge co-production in water governance. The case study of Gesso Stura Natural Park (Academic lecture)
  291. Evidence of Arctic methane emissions across the mid-Pleistocene (Academic article)
  292. HgCl2 addition to pore water samples from cold seeps can affect the geochemistry of dissolved inorganic carbon ([DIC], δ13CDIC) (Academic article)
  293. Biogeochemistry and timing of methane-derived carbonate formation at Leirdjupet fault complex, SW Barents Sea (Academic lecture)
  294. A pinnacle-like structure dominated by the chemosymbiotic bivalve Thyasira from the Arctic Sea (Poster)
  295. OceanSenses 2022: Using Our Primary Senses to Connect with the Arctic Ocean (Academic lecture)
  296. A journey to a cold seep: a paired teaching video lesson on how scientists study methane in the Arctic Ocean (Academic lecture)
  297. Nina and Berry: Using science research and art to deepen children’s and public understanding of our oceans and marine organisms (Poster)
  298. Integration of ROV-based acoustic and optical high-resolution remote sensing survey for a multiscale geomorphological seafloor mapping approach: an Arctic Cold seep case study (Poster)
  299. Late Holocene pteropod distribution across the base of the south-eastern Mediterranean margin: the importance of the > 63 µm fraction (Academic article)
  300. Handwritten letters and photo albums linking geoscientists with school classes (Academic article)
  301. Research at the top of the World - A short story about Norwegian Arctic research (Popular scientific lecture)
  302. Sampling oil seeps in the Barents Sea and offshore western Svalbard - geochemical analysis and implications (Academic lecture)
  303. The New Horizons of Law and Science through the Lens of 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda: Some Emerging Issues (Academic article)
  304. Classification of arctic seafloor based on object-based image analisys (OBIA) techniques (Academic lecture)
  305. Diversity, structure and environmental drivers of benthic epifaunal communities on Norskebanken cold seep site based on seafloor image analysis (Academic lecture)
  306. Going Far (Website (informational material))
  307. Unthinking Western Legal Approaches for the Protection of the Ecosystem (Lecture)
  308. Don’t forget the socks! (Popular scientific article)
  309. A Story About Knowledge (Lecture)
  310. Biogeochemistry and timing of methane-derived carbonate formation at Leirdjupet fault complex, SW Barents sea (Academic article)
  311. CAGE-22-2 Scientific Cruise Report. AKMA 2/Ocean Senses (Report)
  313. Is Svyatogor Ridge a paleo-cold seep? (Academic lecture)
  314. Geochemical evidence for nitrogen fixation by methane-oxidizing consortia in gas hydrate-bearing sediments at Håkon Mosby Mud Volcano, SW Barents Sea (Academic lecture)
  315. Nematode communities from a natural oil seep off Svalbard (Poster)
  316. Hand-written letters and photo albums linking geoscientists with school classes (Poster)
  317. A Web-documentary about science and scientists (Poster)
  318. Using paired teaching for understanding methane activity in the Arctic Ocean (Academic lecture)
  319. AKMA2-OceanSenses: an expedition in the Arctic Ocean, Training-through-Research (Academic lecture)
  320. Nina and Berry: Using science research and art to deepen children’s and public understanding of our oceans and marine organisms (Poster)
  321. Sediment and pore fluid geochemistry of oil-impacted sediments at Prins Karl Foreland seeps, W. Svalbard (Poster)
  322. Diversity, structure and environmental drivers of benthic epifaunal communities on one Arctic cold seep site based on seafloor image analysis (Academic lecture)
  323. A journey to a cold seep. How scientists study methane in the Arctic Ocean (Digital learning tools)
  324. EGU's Teacher-Scientist Pairing Scheme: A Journey to the Arctic Ocean (Academic lecture)
  325. Virtuelt cruise med kronprinsen (Academic lecture)
  326. Experience going on a research cruise with a virtual reality tour of RV Kronprins Håkon (Academic lecture)
  327. Classification Of Arctic Seafloor Based On Object-Based Image Analysis (OBIA) Techniques (Academic lecture)
  328. Seafloor Landforms Of The Central Part Of Haakon Mosby Mud Volcano (Barents Sea) Reconstruct Through Rov Video Photogrammetry (Academic lecture)
  329. Using ROV video photogrammetry to reconstruct seafloor landforms of Arctic cold seep environments (Academic lecture)
  330. Using ROV video photogrammetry to reconstruct seafloor landforms of the central part of Haakon Mosby mud volcano (Barents Sea) (Academic lecture)
  331. A multisensory experience from the Ocean Space A COLLABORATION BETWEEN AKMA2 OCEAN SENSES &ECOCARE/SECURE (Lecture)
  332. The Use of Foraminiferal Geochemistry to Investigate Methane Seepage at the Svyatogor Ridge, Arctic Ocean (Masters thesis)
  333. Arctic Methane Seeps and Human Health (Academic lecture)
  334. Co-creating ecological knowledge: Ocean Senses Workshop (Academic lecture)
  335. A dialogue on environmental peacebuilding between Mariupol State University and UiT The Arctic University of Norway (Academic lecture)
  336. CAGE-21-1. AKMA-AKER-GReAT (Report)
  337. Elever fra hele verden på digitalt tokt til Arktis (Website (informational material))
  338. Digitalt tokt til Arktis (Interview)
  339. Environmental Law and Governance: the helicoidal pathway of participation. A study of a nature-based model inspired by the Arctic, the Ocean, and Indigenous View (Academic monograph)
  340. Welcome aboard our virtual research cruise! (Website (informational material))
  341. Thinking about Ocean Governance: By Whom, for Whom? (Academic chapter/article/Conference paper)
  342. Cold seeps: oasi nell’Oceano Artico (Academic lecture)
  343. Gas hydrate and methane in the Arctic Ocean: past, present and future (Academic lecture)
  344. Modelling Ocean Connectivity (Editorial)
  345. Beyond Borders and States: Modelling Ocean Connectivity According to Indigenous Cosmovisions (Academic article)
  346. Imaging subsurface fluid flow (Digital learning tools)
  347. THE STABLE ISOTOPE LABORATORY (Digital learning tools)
  349. Virtual Reality Cruise on board of the R/V Kronprins Haakon (Digital learning tools)
  350. Prof. Giuliana Panieri explains the AKMA project; who we are, what we do and our goals over the next few years (Interview)
  351. AKMA ADVANCING KNOWLEDGE OF METHANE IN THE ARCTIC-Website (Website (informational material))
  352. The project, called INTPART AKMA (Advancing Knowledge on Methane in the Arctic), is shared between the Centre for Arctic Gas Hydrate, Environment and Climate in Tromsø Norway and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) in Massachusetts USA. (Website (informational material))