Organizing committee:
Kim Angell (Norwegian Nobel Institute, Oslo)
Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen (Aarhus University, Denmark)
Kerstin Reibold (UiT – The Arctic University of Norway)
Annamari Vitikainen (UiT – The Arctic University of Norway)
Past Events

12-13.03.24, Bergen: Political Theory of LGBTQ+ Refuge and Migration (Organized by Patti Lenard & Annamari Vitikainen, together with the Practical Philosophy Research Group, University of Bergen). Click here for the Call for Papers. Follow the link to see the program.

18.-19.12.23, GOODINT Cambridge on Cultural Integration. It will take place at Corpus Christi College The theme of the workshop is ‘Making Home: Migration, Culture, and Integration’, and substantive parts of the ws will also focus on migrant experiences. Various contributions will come from people with lived experience of migration and the challenges of integration. This will be an opportunity for learning and for seeing a variety of arts and community integration practices in action. Those exciting contributions include a session at the Migration Museum in London and a workshop led by choreographer Sivan Rubinstein and musician Liran Donin. The academic keynote speakers are Dr Ammar Azzouz and Dr Gabriella Beckles-Raymond. To see the full program, click here. Here is some helpful information for the visitors.
21-23.6.23, Memorial University Newfoundland
GOODINT international conference on Trust, Integration, and Social Cohesion.
Keynote speakers:
- Keith Banting (Queen’s University)
- Emanuela Ceva (University of Geneva)
- Gina Gustavsson (Uppsala University)
While both ‘trust’ and ‘integration’ have garnered a lot of social-scientific attention, there is a gap in research when it comes to the interconnections between the two. This fact is even more puzzling as researchers of both phenomena rely on a number of common concepts, as well as a number of shared norms. The conference aims to close this gap by exploring how these phenomena are connected. Specifically, what is of interest are empirical insights into the preconditions of social and institutional trust, as wells as normative theories about the aims of integration and fair distribution of the benefits and burdens associated with trust and official, state-led, trust-building efforts. The workshop will explore how these findings bear on how we understand ‘good integration’ and how it can be achieved. This is especially pressing in societies characterized by cultural diversity and/or historical injustice between groups.
You can find the program here and more information and abstracts here:
The conference is organized by Dimitrios Panagos (Memorial University Newfoundland), Kerstin Reibold (University of Tromsø), Mira Bachvarova (University of New Brunswick), Patti Lenard (University of Ottawa) and received funding from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Canada, the Norwegian Research Council GOODINT project (NFR 313846), and the University of New Brunswick.
10-12.05.23, UiT, Tromsø.
Goodint Project Workshop on Exclusion, integration, and democracy. One day of the 3-day workshop will be dedicated to a symposium with invited speakers on Patti Tamara Lenard’s book Exclusion and Democracy.
See the Call for Papers here.
Program here.
30th September 2022, Centre for the Experimental-Philosophical Study of Discrimination, Aarhus University
Good Integration Project Workshop. Twin workshop of Migration and Discrimination WS (see below). For more information click here or contact Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen.
28th-29th September 2022, Centre for the Experimental-Philosophical Study of Discrimination, Aarhus University
Migration and Discrimination: A Normative Exploration Workshop, co-organized by The Institute of Citizenship Studies, University of Geneva (NCCR-On the Move); Centre for the Experimental-Philosophical Study of Discrimination, Aarhus University and Pluralism, Democracy and Justice Research Group, Arctic University of Norway. Twin workshope of the Goodint Ws (see above). For more information click here or contact Esma Baycan Herzog.
17th-19th May 2022, CEU, Budapest
Workshop organized by WP3 on Social cohesion, including a book workshop on Nils Holtug's “The Politics of Social Cohesion. Immigration, Community, and Justice” (OUP 2021), and a panel discussion with local immigrant and integration organisations. Contact Zoltan Miklosi or click here for more information.
14th-16th December 2021, UiT, Tromsø
The official launch and workshop focusing on good integration and equality of opportunity (WP1), with confirmed keynote speaakers: Grete Brochmann (University of Oslo) and Anne Phillips (London School of Economics).
To learn more and/or register your attendance at the reception, please click here.
For more information, contact Andreas Føllesdal or Annamari Vitikainen.
05.11.21, The Minority Status in the Nordic Region - workshop in Copenhagen
Professor Annamari Vitikainen together with assistant professor Marion Godman (Group Rights project, Aarhus) and GOODINT project is organizing a workshop on ‘The Minority Status in the Nordic Region’. It will take place on 5th November 2021 at the Royal Library (Den Sorte Diamant) in Copenhagen.
Confirmed speakers include: Renaud-Philippe Garne (Aarhus), Marion Godman (Aarhus), Nils Holtug (Copenhagen), Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen (Aarhus), Mathias Luoma (Queens), Kerstin Reibold (Potsdam), and Annamari Vitikainen (UiT).
For more information contact prof. Annamari Vitikainen.