Good Integration (GOODINT)

Goals and bottlenecks of successful integration and social cohesion


Project leader

Prof. Annamari Vitikainen (Department of Philosophy, UiT). Vitikainen is a specialist on migration, multiculturalism and minority rights (including cultural, indigenous, and LGBTIQ+), liberalism, integration, and sexuality and gender. Previously, Vitikainen has been the leader of the Pluralism, Democracy, and Justice (PDJ) research group at the Department of Philosophy, UiT (2020-2022), and the co-leader of the Globalizing Minority Rights project (RCN 2016-2021). 

Vice- leader

Prof. Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen (Department of Philosophy, UiT & Department of Politics, Aarhus University, DK). Lippert-Rasmussen is an expert on egalitarianism, equality of opportunity, discrimination, and methodology of political philosophy. He is also the leader of the Centre of Excellence for The Centre for the Experimental Philosophical Study of Discrimination (CEPDISC) at Århus.

Research Assistant: Joanna Kreft

Main research group:

Associate Prof. Melina Duarte (Department of Philosophy, UiT). Specialist on migration, solidarity, and refugees

Dr. Sarah Fine (The Faculty of Philosophy, University of Cambridge). Specialist on immigration, nationalism and patriotism, and ‘race’ and ethnicity. Dr. Fine leads the WP2 (Cultural Integration) and is also responsible for the coordination of the primarily UK-based collaboration/outreach components of the project.

Prof. Andreas Føllesdal (PluriCourts/ Center of Excellence, University of Oslo). Specialist on human rights, democracy, and federalism. Prof. Føllesdal leads the WP1 (Equality of opportunity), and is responsible, together with the UiT based scholars, of the Norway-based collaboration/outreach components of the project.

Associate Prof. Gina Gustavsson (Department of Government, Uppsala University). Specialist on nationalism, pluralism, and cultural issues in relation to migration.

Prof. Nils Holtug (Centre for Advanced Migration Studies, University of Copenhagen). Specialist on social cohesion and global justice.

Dr. Zsolt Kapelner (Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Philosophy, UiT). Specialist on democratic theory and the political philosophy of immigration.

Dr. Eszter Kollar (Leuven). Specialist on global justice, migration, and integration.

Prof. Patti Tamara Lenard (Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ottawa). Expert on migration, integration, multiculturalism and trust.

Prof. Sune Lægaard (Department of Communication and Arts, Roskilde University). Specialist on multiculturalism.

Prof. Andrew Mason (Department of Politics and International Studies, University of Warwick). Specialist on social cohesion, equality of opportunity, and cultural integration.

Associate Prof. Zoltan Miklosi (Central European University, Budapest/Vienna). Specialist on equality, political obligation and equal political rights. Prof. Miklosi leads the WP3 (Social Cohesion) and is also responsible for the coordination of the Hungarian collaboration/outreach components of the project.

Prof. Serena Parekh (Northeastern University, Boston). Expert on the ethics of refugees and displaced persons.

Dr. Kerstin Reibold (UiT). Specialist on trust, cultural integration, rectification of past injustices.

Sara Toffanin, PhD Student (UiT). Intrests in: space and spatiality, multiculturalism, migration, gender.