After three dialogue seminars in HealthIntro, it is clear what the major need is for those working with refugees.
- Six months is too little time to learn Norwegian and make yourself attractive in the job market.
Closer collaboration among everyone working with refugees was perhaps the most important common denominator that emerged, when Harstad Municipality and HealthIntro [...]
There is too much that needs to be put in place in a short time, when refugees who come to Norway go through the introduction programme.
Anne Ragnhild Grini is in place as a doctoral student in HealthIntro. She will research the stories of the refugee women in the introduction programme.
Susanne Rolandsen replaces Oslo with Tromsø. Here she will research which obstacles refugees with health challenges face, when going through the Norwegian [...]
Ukrainian refugees get a shorter introduction program and shorter time to learn Norwegian than other refugees. But a short training period is best for the most of the [...]
Refugee women who come to Norway for family reunification often experience a cross pressure of expectations from both their families and the Norwegian public services.