Multilingualism in Transitions (MultiTrans)

October 2022: Open seminar on ethnography and relations in multilingualism research

October 24 MultiTrans invites students and colleagues to an open seminar with invited talks on the topic ethnography and relations in multilingualism research.

Fieldwork in ethnographic research on multilingualism, requires the researcher to engage with people and communities. Relations between researcher, participants and the wider community are significant for ethnographic knowledge-construction and might determine for instance the types of data the researcher gets during fieldwork. Relations in ethnographic research also include research ethical questions concerning for instance power relations, informed consent, and researcher positionality and reflexivity. To explore some aspects of these issues, the research project Multilingualism in Transitions (MultiTrans) invites students and colleagues to an open seminar with invited talks on the topic ethnography and relations.



Teorifagbygget, building 1, room 1.417

08.30            Coffee

09.00            Hilde Sollid (UiT):


09.15            Tamás Peter Szabó (Jyväskylä university):

Doing schoolscape research with students

10.00            Break 

10.15             Ingrid Rodrick Beiler (OsloMet) and Joke Dewilde (UiO):

When we see that kind of language, "someone is going to jail": Aesthetic interpretation and ethical research encounters

11.00             Break 

11.15             Anja Pesch (INN):

Ethnographical research and relations to multilingual children in kindergarten – research ethical and methodological opportunities and challenges


12.00             Lunch 


 13.00            Torjer A. Olsen (UiT):

 Relations and responsibility: Reflections on/from Indigenous methodologies

13.45             Break 

14.00             Rafael Lumeo Gomes (UiT/UiO):

 Intercultural translation in ethnographic encounters

14.45             Break

15.00             Haley De Korne (UiO):

‘¿Para qué sirve la utopía?’  Aims and activism strategies in minoritized language research

15.45             Hilde Sollid (UiT):

Summing up