Multilingualism in Transitions (MultiTrans)


Articles & chapters

Hilde Sollid & Åse Mette Johansen. (2024). Mellom inkludering og indigenisering: Om utvikling av norskdidaktisk forskning om samiske tema. In J. Bakken (ed.), Norskdidaktiske klassikere (pp. 321-334). Fagbokforlaget.

Rafael Lomeu Gomes. (2024). Representations of youth in Western media: Towards a Southern perspective. In B. A. Svendsen & R. Jonsson (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Language and Youth Culture (pp. 437-449). Routledge.

Hilde Sollid. (2023). “Det er kult å lære samisk” – Om investering og affekt i samisk språkutdanningspolitikk. Målbryting, 14, 53-73.

Elizabeth Lanza & Rafael Lomeu Gomes. (2023). Decolonial and southern approaches to family multilingualism: An introduction. Journal of Multilingual Theories and Practices, 4(2): 169-178.

Rafael Lomeu Gomes, Elizabeth Lanza & Zahir Athari. (2023). (Nanny) State as family by proxy: Media discourses on refugee and asylum-seeking children in Norway. Journal of Multilingual Theories and Practices, 4(2): 265-287.

Rafael Lomeu Gomes & Elizabeth Lanza (eds.). (2023). Special Issue "Family Multilingualism: Decolonial and Southern Approaches". Journal of Multilingual Theories and Practices, 4(2).

Florian Hiss. (2023). English in Norway’s multilingual North: A rhizomatic view on encounters with historical and transnational diversity. In E. Peterson & K. B. Fägersten (eds.), English in the Nordic Countries: Connections, Tensions, and Everyday Realities (pp. 165-184). Routledge.

Florian Hiss. (2023). Contextualizing diversity, work and mobility across time: Cases from Norway's 'High North'. In J. Angouri, J. Kerekes & M. Sunni (eds.), Language, Migration and In/Exclusion in the Workplace (pp. 13-31). Multilingual Matters.

Hilde Sollid, Florian Hiss & Anja Maria Pesch. (2023). Learnings from/about diversity in space and time: discursive constructions in the semiotic landscape of a teacher education building in Norway, International Journal of Multilingualism, 20(4), 1336-1352.

Rafael Lomeu Gomes & Bente Ailin Svendsen. (2023). Minoritised youth language in Norwegian media discourse: Surfacing the abyssal line. In B. Antia & S. Makoni (eds.) Southernizing Sociolinguistics: Colonialism, racism, and patriarchy in language in the Global South (pp. 206-224). Routledge.

Conference presentations

Rafael Lomeu Gomes. Countering standard language ideology through minoritised language practices: Creative expression in music and literature in Norway. Language and Society Seminar: Minoritized Language and Artistic Materiality: The Role of Creative Expression in Valorizing and Legitimizing Marginalized Varieties. Inter-University Centre, Dubrovnik. 24-28 June 2024.

Rafael Lomeu Gomes. Navigating ideological and implementational spaces in upper secondary education in Northern Norway. NordAnd16. Södertörn University, Stockholm. 12-14 June 2024.

Rafael Lomeu Gomes, Anja Maria Pesch and Hilde Sollid. Transitions as in-between space in multilingual educational settings. Panel at NordAnd16. Södertörn University, Stockholm. 12-14 June 2024.

Rafael Lomeu Gomes. Multilingualism and language learning at the home-school intersection. A case study from Northern Norway. Research seminar: Migration and multilingualism. Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences, Hamar. 29 May 2024.

Rafael Lomeu Gomes. Linguistic repertoire in transitions. Multilingualism in upper secondary education in Northern Norway. Language ideologies and inequality with a perspective on the Arctic. International conference at Ilisimatusarfik, Nuuk, Greenland. 23-24 May 2024.

Rafael Lomeu Gomes. Investigating linguistic repertoires with a digital language journal: ethical and methodological reflections. DigiFam Closing Conference. Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg: University of Luxembourg. 16 April 2024.

Hilde Sollid. Om kolonialitet, håp og forfall i språklige landskap. SONE-konferansen 2024: Språklige landskap. UiA, Kristiansand. 11-12 April 2024.

Rafael Lomeu Gomes. Family multilingualism. Webinar: Global Multilingual Practices for Adults, Children, and Families. Online. National Center for Families Learning, USA. 11 April 2024.

Rafael Lomeu Gomes. Investigating family multilingualism through southern lenses: towards epistemic justice. Family multilingualism: exploring southern perspectives. Stellenbosch, South Africa: Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Study. 10 April 2024.

Rafael Lomeu Gomes. Digitally-mediated communication as a “safe space” for language learning in the family. Centre for Multilingualism and Diversities Research - Seminar Series. Bellville, South Africa: Centre for Multilingualism and Diversities Research, University of the Western Cape. 9 April, 2024.

Rafael Lomeu Gomes. Linguistic repertoire in transitions: Language practices and ideologies in educational settings in Northern Norway. Lunchtime Linguistics Seminar. Stellenbosch, South Africa: Department of General Linguistics, Stellenbosch University. 3 April 2024.

Rafael Lomeu Gomes. Discourses on youth language in Norwegian media. Invited talk at the Workshop “Evaluating register(s)” at the 46th Annual Conference of the German Linguistic Society. Bochum, Germany, 28 February-01 March 2024.

Rafael Lomeu Gomes. Invited talk at the round table “It’s all in the family” - but which one? Essen, Germany, 27 February 2024.

Lukas Kosner. Lea go dus sadji munnje?: Sámi as a second language in primary school. Urfolk og nasjonale minoriteter i lærerutdanninger: perspektiver fra forskning og undervisning, Tromsø, 6-7 December 2023. 

Hilde Sollid, Åse Mette Johansen: Om samisk i norskfaget: Fra minorisende til solidarisk lyttende subjekt. Nordisk nettverk for forskning i førstespråksdidaktikk 9, Helsingfors 25.–26. oktober 2023 

Rafael Lomeu Gomes: Decolonising multilingualism: Language teaching-learning at the home-school intersection. Invited talk at the round table New Directions in Decolonial Theories and Practices in Language Education. London, UK: School of Advanced Study, University of London. October 2023.

Hilde Sollid: Å synliggjøre nasjonale minoritetsspråk – perspektiver fra Norge. Kontaktseminar for Nordplus Nordens språk: Nye initiativ for nordisk språkforståelse, Hveragerđi, 18.–20. september 2023.

Rafael Lomeu Gomes: Multilinguismo Familiar a partir de uma Perspectiva do Sul. Paper presented at the panel “Brazilian immigration youth, and descendants: linguistic practices, identities, and integration”, organised by Thais França. IV Congresso da Associação de Brasilianistas na Europa. Lisbon, Portugal. September 2023.

Hilde Sollid, Ragni Vik Johnsen, Tamás Péter Szabó: Historically minoritized languages in public spaces – why does it matter? 14th Linguistic Landscape Workshop, Madrid, 6-8 September 2023.

Ragni Vik Johnsen, Hilde Sollid, Tamás Péter Szabó: Sámi in the main street of Tromsø, Norway – projectification or permanent responsibility? 14th Linguistic Landscapes Workshop, Madrid, 6-8 September 2023.

Hilde Sollid: Team ethnography and ethically sustainable relations in multilingualism research. NOS–HS–seminar Sustainable linguistics: Theories and methods. Helsingfors, 24.–25. august 2023.

Rafael Lomeu Gomes : The affective dimension of multilingual parent-child interactions. Paper presented at the panel “Meaning-making in the family: Crossing methods and disciplines”, organised by Luk Van Mensel and Eline Zenner. 18th International Pragmatics Conference. Brussels, Belgium. July 2023.

Lukas Kosner: To choose a bubble? The transition between primary to lower secondary education for pupils having Kven/Finnish/Northern Sámi as a second language. EDiLiC Conference, Copenhagen, 28-30 June 2023.

Åse Mette Johansen, Hilde Sollid: Indigenous Sámi language learning in transition - a longitudinal study of biographical junctures. EDiLiC Conference, Copenhagen, 28-30 June 2023.

Ragni Vik Johnsen, Florian Hiss: Allocating, taking and negotiating responsibility for language choice: The interplay between policies, discourses and individual voices. EDiLiC Conference, Copenhagen, 28-30 June 2023.

Rafael Lomeu Gomes: Imitation game? Karnevalesk humor i media-representasjoner av (andrespråkspreget) norsk. Paper presented at NOA23 (The 10th National Conference of Norwegian as a Second Language). Volda, Norway. (with T. Opsahl and U. Røyneland). May 2023.

Rafael Lomeu Gomes: The Global Forum on Southern epistemologies: Technology and insurgent scholarship. Paper presented at the Invited Colloquium “Negotiating identity in an unequal digital world”, organised by Ron Darvin and Bonny Norton. American Association for Applied Linguistics 2023 Conference. Portland, OR, USA (with S. Makoni, M. Madany-Saá). March 2023

Rafael Lomeu Gomes: (Un)Doing Applied Linguistics through Southern Epistemologies: Affordances and Challenges. Pre-Conference Workshop at American Association for Applied Linguistics 2023 Conference. Portland, OR, USA (with S. Makoni, M. Madany-Saá, & A. Hartig). 17 March 2023.

Rafael Lomeu Gomes: Family multilingualism from decolonial and Southern Perspectives. Guest lecture at Structure et Dynamique des Langues, Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales. Paris, France. 3 February 2023.

Rafael Lomeu Gomes: Southernizing Critical Discourse Studies: Intercultural translation across the abyssal line in Norwegian media. Roundtable on Multicultural Discourses. Center for Advanced Studies of African Society. Cape Town, South Africa. December 2022.

Rafael Lomeu Gomes: Tecnologias digitais em investigações acerca de multilinguismo familiar: Oportunidades e desafios metodológicos. Lisboa, Portugal: Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (online). 23 November 2022.

Hilde Sollid, Florian Hiss: The semiotic landscape of a ECEC teacher education - links to past and present diversity? 13th Linguistic Landscapes Workshop, Hamburg, 7-9 september 2022.