Kick-off of the Course JUR-1024 Pathways to a healthier planet: New approaches through creativity and experiential learning (EUGLOH 2024)

On June 17, 2024, at the Pedagogisk Forum organized by the Faculty of Law, UiT The Arctic University of Norway,  Margherita Poto presented her work toward the creation and establishment of an innovative interdisciplinary course on Planetary Health, set to commence in the Spring Term of the 2024/2025 academic year.

Funded by EUGLOH UiT with seed money, the course was developed as part of the pedagogical training UNIPED 2023/2024 that Margherita completed in this academic year. The course aims to accommodate up to 50 students from diverse backgrounds who are keen on exploring Planetary Health and Emotional Education.

This pioneering educational initiative is a collaborative effort coordinated with the Department of Marine Geosciences,  (Giuliana Panieri), and the Sustainability  Research Centre at the University of Hamburg, (Tanja Bogusz). The course development team includes Dr. Margherita Poto, Laura Vita, Emily Murray, and is expected to involve many other members from ECOCARE and OIN.

The course represents a significant milestone for both ECOCARE and the Ocean Incubator Network long-term goals, of establishing a collaborative network among partners and create a student-centered educational platform. This platform is designed for students and learners who are passionate about environmental and water governance and are eager to enhance their understanding on emotional literacy. Many lessons learned from our Living Laboratory will be inspirational to the creation of the course content and to the students work.

True to the spirit of our projects, participants in the course will engage in co-created projects that address some of the pressing challenges outlined in Agenda 2030.

For more information on the course and how to apply, please visit the Faculty of Law website!

Here the link to the Presentation of the EUGLOH Project and JUR-1024