Spring Water Summit, March 12, 2024
SPRING Water Summit is an annual event organized by Indo Nordic Water Forum (INWF), a joint venture started by Finnish Water Forum and Palavi Trust, as a disseminating activity under the SPRING project.
The second Water summit was organized on March 12, 2024, with the support of the Finnish Embassy, in Delhi. Experts and stakeholders from India and Nordic countries discussed the latest developments in the Indo-Nordic water cooperation and widen their networks. The theme of the 2024 Summit was 'Water for All' emphasizing on 'Municipal and Rural Water' and 'Water usage in Pulp and Paper Industry'.
Speakers included government stakeholders, research and innovation sector and private sector as follows. Mr Bharat Lal (Director General, National Center for Good Governance, GOI), Mr Arun Lakhani Director General, National Mission Clean Ganga.
Ms Ritva Koukku-Ronde, Mr Hans Jacob Frydenlund ambassadors of Finland and Norway, respectively. Ms Kamilla Kristensen Rai Counselor (Urbanisation, Water & Air, Delegation of the European Union to India), and Mr Rui Baceira CDA, Embassy of Portugal. Mr G Ashok Kumar, Chairman and Managing Director, Vishvaraj Group.
Some of the highlights -

SPRING partners from India, Norway, and Finland
More information on https://inwf.in/