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Ansatte med arbeidsområde Nordisk litteratur

Conzett, Philipp

Senior Research Librarian
Avdeling for forsknings- og utdanningsstøtte
Works with:
Research support / Scholarly publishing support / Research data management / Research infrastructure / Open Access / Digitisation / Digital learning resources / Databases / Literature search / Library guidance Research interests:

Historical (Scandinavian) linguistics, morphology, lexicon, word-formation

Old Norse, Norwegian, language change

Open Science, Digital humanities

Mikalsen, Paula Ryggvik

Postdoc, Arctic Auditories
Centre for women's and gender research
Research interests:

Fairytale studies and folklore

Fantasy literature

Gothic Literature Studies

Monster research

Monster methodologies

Medical Humanities


Narrative medicine

Gender Studies


Nordic and Scandinavian Gothic

Feminist Methodology

Ramberg, Ingri Løkholm

Associate professor
Department of Education

Auklend, Morten

Department of Language and Culture