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Ansatte med arbeidsområde Annen kulturvitenskap

Brattland, Camilla

The Arctic University Museum of Norway
Tromsø Museum F234
Research interests:

I participate in ongoing research projects focusing on documentation of Sámi traditional land use and knowledge in northern Norway and Finnmark. As part of the International Indigenous Salmon Peoples network and the Sharing our knowledge project I focus on Indigenous and Sámi leadership and participation in watershed governance and particularly in the Deatnu - Tana region. Several research projects support this effort: The RecoSal project lead by the Natural Resource Institute (LUKE) and the

Mikalsen, Paula Ryggvik

Postdoc, Arctic Auditories
Centre for women's and gender research
Research interests:

Fairytale studies and folklore

Fantasy literature

Gothic Literature Studies

Monster research

Monster methodologies

Medical Humanities


Narrative medicine

Gender Studies


Nordic and Scandinavian Gothic

Feminist Methodology