Recruitment of Employees

4. Interview

Below are checklists for interviews and other selection methods, adapted to the position category and role.

Units may have different internal organisation, and tasks may be delegated to roles and functions other than those mentioned here.

Teaching and Researching Positions

What is your role in the process?

The Head of Department is the recommending authority and is responsible for appointing the Interview Committee and ensuring that the Interview Committee carries out the interview process.  Relevant activities can be found in the checklist below. The tasks are often divided between the Head of Department and the Head of Office.

Activity Link to supplementary information

If a person with an external preferential right/redundancy certificate has applied, assess whether the candidate meets the conditions and therefore should be appointed. If you are going to employ the candidate, notify the Recruitment Services to stop the ongoing appointment process.

External preferential right

Appoint Interview Committee. Both genders should be represented. The direct Manager should normally participate on the committee.


Send committee information to the Recruitment Services, which gives members access to the position at Jobbnorge.


Give the committee an introduction to the mandate, regulations, template use, etc. Review the ‘Interview Committee Checklist’ with the committee.


Clarify role allocation in the interview process with the Interview Committee – who does what.


Set the timeframe for the interview process. 


Last changed: 03.07.2024
Printvennlig innhold: Head of Department/Head of Office

In the checklist below, you will find activities that we recommend should be carried out in order to achieve a good interview process.

Activity Link to supplementary information
Members of the Interview Committee must assess their own impartiality. Checklist - conflict of interest
Committee conducts preparatory meeting.  
Familiarise oneself with the rules for conducting an interview. The Interview Committee's mandate
Select candidates for interview, possibly in consultation with the recommending authority. If there are qualified applicants with an immigrant background, gaps in CVs or disabilities, at least one from each group must be called for an interview. Selection for interview - academic positions
Call for interviews and possible trial lecture.  
Prepare an interview guide based on the announcement text. Use the guide prepared by the Recruitment Services as a starting point. Interview guide Teaching and Researching Positions
Clarify roles within the Interview Committee regarding interviews/trial lectures, etc.  
Manage interviews, any sample lectures or other samples of work.

About digital interviews (only in Norwegian)

Management of interviews

If applicable, conduct trial lectures/other samples of work and/or other selection methods.  
Conduct interviews.  
Assess the need for a second interview.  
Rank the applicants. It is important that everyone gives their opinion, so make sure there is enough time for discussion after the interviews and other selection methods have been completed.  
Obtain a minimum of two references per ranked applicant. Remember to clarify the references during the interview.

About reference interviews

Template for reference interviews

Write an interview report. The interview report is for internal use. The report should preferably be written in Norwegian, may also be written in English. About the interview report - Teaching and Recearching Positions
Submit interview report to Head of Department/Head of Office.  

Last changed: 03.07.2024
Printvennlig innhold: Interview Committee
Last changed: 25.06.2024


What is your role in the process?

The Head of Department is the recommending authority and is responsible for appointing the Interview Committee and ensuring that the Interview Committee carries out the interview process.  Relevant activities can be found in the checklist below. The tasks are often divided between the Head of Department and the Head of Office.

Activity Link to supplementary information

If a person with an external preferential right/redundancy certificate has applied, assess whether the candidate meets the conditions and therefore should be appointed. If you are going to employ the candidate, notify the Recruitment Services to stop the ongoing appointment process.

External preferential right

Appoint Interview Committee. Both genders should be represented. The direct Manager should normally participate on the committee.


Send committee information to the Recruitment Services, which gives members access to the position at Jobbnorge.


Give the committee an introduction to the mandate, regulations, template use, etc. Review the ‘Interview Committee Checklist’ with the committee.


Clarify role allocation in the interview process with the Interview Committee – who does what.


Set the timeframe for the interview process. 


Last changed: 03.07.2024
Printvennlig innhold: Head of Department/Head of Office

In the checklist below, you will find activities that we recommend should be carried out in order to achieve a good interview process.

Activity Link to supplementary information
Members of the Interview Committee must assess their own impartiality. Checklist - conflict of interest
Committee conducts preparatory meeting.  
Familiarise oneself with the rules for conducting an interview. The Interview Committee's mandate
Select candidates for interview, possibly in consultation with the recommending authority. If there are qualified applicants with an immigrant background, gaps in CVs or disabilities, at least one from each group must be called for an interview. Selection for interview - academic positions
Call for interviews and possible trial lecture.  
Prepare an interview guide based on the announcement text. Use the guide prepared by the Recruitment Services as a starting point. Interview guide Researcher and Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Clarify roles within the Interview Committee regarding interviews/trial lectures, etc.  
Manage interviews, any sample lectures or other samples of work.

About digital interviews (only in Norwegian)

Management of interviews

If applicable, conduct trial lectures/other samples of work and/or other selection methods.  
Conduct interviews.  
Assess the need for a second interview.  
Rank the applicants. It is important that everyone gives their opinion, so make sure there is enough time for discussion after the interviews and other selection methods have been completed.  
Obtain a minimum of two references per ranked applicant. Remember to clarify the references during the interview.

About reference interviews

Template for reference interviews

Write an interview report. The interview report is for internal use. The report should preferably be written in Norwegian, may also be written in English. About the interview report - Teaching and Recearching / Researcher Positions
Send interview report to the Head of Office. The Head of Office ensures that the Head of Department submits a recommendation and that the case is sent to the Recruitment Services for further processing.  

Last changed: 03.07.2024
Printvennlig innhold: Interview Committee
Last changed: 25.06.2024

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

What is your role in the process?

The Head of Department is the recommending authority and is responsible for appointing the Interview Committee and ensuring that the Interview Committee carries out the interview process.  Relevant activities can be found in the checklist below. The tasks are often divided between the Head of Department and the Head of Office.

Activity Link to supplementary information

Appoint Interview Committee. Both genders should be represented. 


Send committee information to the Recruitment Services, which gives members access to the position at Jobbnorge.


Give the committee an introduction to the mandate, regulations, template use, etc. Review the ‘Interview Committee Checklist’ with the committee.


Clarify role allocation in the interview process with the Interview Committee – who does what.


Set the timeframe for the interview process. 


Last changed: 25.06.2024
Printvennlig innhold: Head of Department/Head of Office

In the checklist below, you will find activities that we recommend should be carried out in order to achieve a good interview process.

Activity Link to supplementary information
Members of the Interview Committee must assess their own impartiality. Checklist - conflict of interest
Select candidates for interview, possibly in consultation with the recommending authority. If there are qualified applicants with an immigrant background, gaps in CVs or disabilities, at least one from each group must be called for an interview. Selection for interview - academic positions
Committee conducts preparatory meeting.  
Familiarise oneself with the rules for conducting an interview. The Interview Committee's mandate
Manage interviews, any sample lectures or other samples of work.

About digital interviews (only in Norwegian)

Management of interviews

Prepare an interview guide based on the announcement text. Use the guide prepared by the Recruitment Services as a starting point. Interview guide Researcher and Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Clarify roles within the Interview Committee regarding interviews/trial lectures, etc.  
If applicable, conduct trial lectures/other samples of work and/or other selection methods.  
Conduct interviews.  
Assess the need for a second interview.  
Rank the applicants. It is important that everyone gives their opinion, so make sure there is enough time for discussion after the interviews and other selection methods have been completed.  
Obtain a minimum of two references per ranked applicant. Remember to clarify the references during the interview.

About reference interviews

Template for reference interviews

Write an interview report. The interview report is for internal use. The report should preferably be written in Norwegian, may also be written in English. About the interview report - Postdoctoral Research Fellow and PhD Research Fellow
Send interview report to the Head of Office. The Head of Office ensures that the Head of Department submits a recommendation and that the case is sent to the Recruitment Services for further processing.  

Last changed: 06.07.2024
Printvennlig innhold: Interview Committee
Last changed: 25.06.2024

PhD Fellow

What is your role in the process?

The Head of Department is the recommending authority and is responsible for appointing the Interview Committee and ensuring that the Interview Committee carries out the interview process.  Relevant activities can be found in the checklist below. The tasks are often divided between the Head of Department and the Head of Office.

Activity Link to supplementary information

Appoint Interview Committee and chairperson of the committee if the committee is not to be the same as the Evalution Committee. Both genders should be represented.


Send committee information to the Recruitment Services, which gives members access to the position at Jobbnorge.


Give the committee an introduction to the mandate, regulations, template use, etc. Review the ‘Interview Committee Checklist’ with the committee.


Clarify role allocation in the interview process with the Academic Staff – who does what.


Set the timeframe for the interview process. 


Last changed: 25.06.2024
Printvennlig innhold: Head of Department/Head of Office

In the checklist below, you will find activities that we recommend should be carried out in order to achieve a good interview process.

Activity Link to supplementary information
Members of the Interview Committee must assess their own impartiality. Checklist - conflict of interest
Select candidates for interview, possibly in consultation with the recommending authority. If there are qualified applicants with an immigrant background, gaps in CVs or disabilities, at least one from each group must be called for an interview. Selection for interview - academic positions
Ensure that the candidates to be interviewed have been assessed eligible for admission. If the candidates have not yet been assessed, please take this into consideration before conducting interviews.  
Committee conducts preparatory meeting.  
Familiarise oneself with the rules for conducting an interview. The Interview Committee's mandate
Prepare an interview guide based on the announcement text. Use the guide prepared by the Recruitment Services as a starting point. Interview guide PhD Fellow
Manage interviews.

About digital interviews (only in Norwegian)

Management of interviews

Clarify roles within the Interview Committee regarding interviews.  
If relevant, conduct other selection methods.  
Conduct interviews.  
Assess the need for a second interview.  
Rank the applicants. It is important that everyone gives their opinion, so make sure there is enough time for discussion after the interviews and other selection methods have been completed.  
Obtain a minimum of two references per ranked applicant. Remember to clarify the references during the interview.

About reference interviews

Template for reference interviews

Write an interview report. The interview report is for internal use. The report should preferably be written in Norwegian, may also be written in English. About the interview report - Postdoctoral Research Fellow and PhD Research Fellow
Send interview report to the Head of Office. The Head of Office ensures that the Head of Department submits a recommendation and that the case is sent to the Recruitment Services for further processing.  

Last changed: 06.07.2024
Printvennlig innhold: Interview Committee
Last changed: 25.06.2024

Technical/Administrative Positions

What is your role in the process?

The recommending authority is responsible for appointing the assessment and interview committees, and ensuring that the committee carries out the interview process. Below is a checklist for individuals who have a role in the process.

Activity Link to supplementary information

If a person with an external preferential right/redundancy certificate has applied, assess whether the candidate meets the conditions and therefore should be appointed. If you are going to employ the candidate, notify the Recruitment Services to stop the ongoing appointment process.

External preferential right

Appoint Assessment and Interview Committee. Should consist of:

  • direct manager
  • a person who works in the same field as the position
  • a person from another department. 
Take gender balance into consideration regarding committee composition.

Send committee information to the Recruitment Services, which gives members access to the position at Jobbnorge.


Give the committee an introduction to the mandate, regulations, template use, etc. Go through the ‘checklist for assessment and interview committees’ with the committee.


Clarify role allocation in the interview process with the Committee – who does what.


Set the timeframe for the interview process. 


Last changed: 03.07.2024
Printvennlig innhold: Head of Department

In the checklist below, you will find activities that we recommend should be carried out in order to achieve a good interview process.

Activity Link to supplementary information
Members of the Assessment and Interview Committee must assess their own impartiality. Checklist - conflict of interest
Committee conducts preparatory meeting  
Carry out assessment of the applicants. Guide assessment Technical/Administrative Positions
Select candidates for interview, possibly in consultation with the recommending authority. If there are qualified applicants with an immigrant background, gaps in CVs or disabilities, at least one from each group must be called for an interview. Selection for interview - Technical/Adminstrative Positions
Prepare an interview guide based on the announcement text. Use the guide prepared by the Recruitment Services as a starting point.  
Manage interviews, and any samples of work.

About digital interviews (only in Norwegian)

Management of interviews

Clarify roles within the Interview Committee regarding interviews.  
If relevant, conduct other selection methods.  
Conduct interviews.  
Carry out any other relevant selection methods.  
Assess the need for a second interview.  
Rank the applicants. It is important that everyone gives their opinion, so make sure there is enough time for discussion after the interviews and other selection methods have been completed.  
Obtain a minimum of two references per ranked applicant. Remember to clarify the references during the interview.

About reference interviews

Template for reference interviews

Write an interview report. The interview report is for internal use. The report should preferably be written in Norwegian. Vurderings- og intervjurapport med innstilling

Last changed: 03.07.2024
Printvennlig innhold: Assessment and Interview Committee
Last changed: 25.06.2024
4. Interview