Recruitment of Employees

5. Nomination

Below are checklists for nomination, adapted to position category and role.

Units may be organised different internally, and tasks may be delegated to roles and functions other than those mentioned here.

Teaching and Researching Positions

What is your role in the process?

The Head of Department is the recommending authority. Some of the activities in the checklist may be delegated to other functions.

Activity Link to supplementary information
If relevant, assess own impartiality and any need for acting Head of Department. Checklist - conflict of interest

Assess the Interview Committee’s assessment and ranking. In particular, look at:

  • grounds for any ranking other than that resulting from the assessment report
  • whether the assessment of the applicants is in accordance with the qualifications requirements in the announcement text 
Check that the Interview Committee has conducted reference interviews, preferably at least two.  
Check that interviews have been conducted with qualified applicants who have stated an immigrant background, gaps in their CV or a disability (at least one from each group). Preferential treatment - interview
Applicants with gaps in their CV or disabilities may be appointed if they are approximately as well qualified as the best qualified applicant. Assess whether to use preferential treatment when ranking candidates.  Preferential treatment - nomination
If relevant, apply moderate gender quota:
If two or more applicants are found to be equally qualified (approximately), females are to be ranked above males.
Moderate gender quotas
Make a written recommendation where at least three qualified applicants should be ranked. Template for the nomination (text is pending)
As a general rule, probationary periods apply. If relevant, assess and specify exceptions. Provisions regarding probation period
Specify if any of the recommended candidates must document educational competence within two years, in accordance with the assessment committee’s assessment.  

Specify if any of the recommended candidates are to be employed based on qualification conditions.

Specify if there are any other employment conditions in relation to the announcement text.  
Assess and specify what will happen to the position if none of the recommended candidates accept an offer. Should the position be re-announced, or should a new assessment be conducted?  
Assess and specify the salary that will be offered to the highest ranked candidate.  
Use the recommendation template in Elements, fill in the required information, and send as an N-memo to the Recruitment Service (SREK) with the interview memo attached.  
Inform the recommended candidates of the recommendation and further process, especially if the process is taking a long time. This is to maintain the applicants’ interest in the position.  

Last changed: 06.07.2024
Printvennlig innhold: Head of Department/Head of Office

The Interview Committee’s mandate is to provide a proposal for nomination. The Head of Department is the recommending authority.

Last changed: 06.07.2024
Printvennlig innhold: Interview Committee
Last changed: 27.06.2024


What is your role in the process?

The Head of Department is the recommending authority. Some of the activities in the checklist may be delegated to other functions.

Activity Link to supplementary information
If relevant, assess own impartiality and any need for acting Head of Department. Checklist - conflict of interest

Assess the Interview Committee’s assessment and ranking. In particular, look at:

  • grounds for any ranking other than that resulting from the assessment report
  • whether the assessment of the applicants is in accordance with the qualifications requirements in the announcement text 
Check that the Interview Committee has conducted reference interviews, preferably at least two.  
Check that interviews have been conducted with qualified applicants who have stated an immigrant background, gaps in their CV or a disability (at least one from each group). Preferential treatment - interview
Applicants with gaps in their CV or disabilities may be appointed if they are approximately as well qualified as the best qualified applicant. Assess whether to use preferential treatment when ranking candidates.  Preferential treatment - nomination
Make a written recommendation where at least three qualified applicants should be ranked. Template for the nomination (text is pending)
As a general rule, probationary periods apply. If relevant, assess and specify exceptions. Provisions regarding probation period
Specify if there are to be any employment conditions, e.g. conditions regarding the documentation of completed degree prior to appointment.  
Assess and specify what will happen to the position if none of the recommended candidates accept an offer. Should the position be re-announced, or should a new assessment be conducted?  
Assess and specify the salary that will be offered to the highest ranked candidate.  
Use the recommendation template in Elements, fill in the required information, and send as an N-memo to the Recruitment Service (SREK) with the interview memo attached.  
Inform the recommended candidates of the recommendation and further process, especially if the process is taking a long time. This is to maintain the applicants’ interest in the position.  

Last changed: 06.07.2024
Printvennlig innhold: Head of Department/Head of Office

The Interview Committee’s mandate is to provide a proposal for nomination. The Head of Department is the recommending authority.

Last changed: 06.07.2024
Printvennlig innhold: Interview Committee
Last changed: 27.06.2024

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

What is your role in the process?

The Head of Department is the recommending authority. Some of the activities in the checklist may be delegated to other functions.

Activity Link to supplementary information
If relevant, assess own impartiality and any need for acting Head of Department. Checklist - conflict of interest

Assess the Interview Committee’s assessment and ranking. In particular, look at:

  • grounds for any ranking other than that resulting from the assessment report
  • whether the assessment of the applicants is in accordance with the qualifications requirements in the announcement text 
Check that the Interview Committee has conducted reference interviews, preferably at least two.  
Check that interviews have been conducted with qualified applicants who have stated an immigrant background, gaps in their CV or a disability (at least one from each group). Preferential treatment - interview
Applicants with gaps in their CV or disabilities may be appointed if they are approximately as well qualified as the best qualified applicant. Assess whether to use preferantial treatment when ranking candidates.  Preferential treatment - nomination
If relevant, apply moderate gender quota:
If two or more applicants are found to be equally qualified (approximately), females are to be ranked above males.
Moderate gender quotas
Make a written recommendation where at least three qualified applicants should be ranked. Template for the nomination (text is pending)
As a general rule, probationary periods apply. If relevant, assess and specify exceptions. Provisions regarding probation period
Specify if there are to be any employment conditions, e.g. conditions regarding the documentation of completed degree prior to appointment.  
Assess and specify what will happen to the position if none of the recommended candidates accept an offer. Should the position be re-announced, or should a new assessment be conducted?  
Assess and specify the salary that will be offered to the highest ranked candidate.  
Use the recommendation template in Elements, fill in the required information, and send as an N-memo to the Recruitment Service (SREK) with the interview memo attached.  
Inform the recommended candidates of the recommendation and further process, especially if the process is taking a long time. This is to maintain the applicants’ interest in the position.  

Last changed: 06.07.2024
Printvennlig innhold: Head of Department/Head of Office

The Interview Committee’s mandate is to provide a proposal for nomination. The Head of Department is the recommending authority.

Last changed: 06.07.2024
Printvennlig innhold: Interview Committee
Last changed: 27.06.2024

PhD Fellow

What is your role in the process?

The Head of Department is the recommending authority. Some of the activities in the checklist may be delegated to other functions.

Activity Link to supplementary information
If relevant, assess own impartiality and any need for acting Head of Department. Checklist - conflict of interest

Assess the Interview Committee’s assessment and ranking. In particular, look at:

  • grounds for any ranking other than that resulting from the assessment report
  • whether the assessment of the applicants is in accordance with the qualifications requirements in the announcement text 
Check that the Interview Committee has conducted reference interviews, preferably at least two.  
Check that interviews have been conducted with qualified applicants who have stated an immigrant background, gaps in their CV or a disability (at least one from each group). Preferential treatment - interview
Applicants with gaps in their CV or disabilities may be appointed if they are approximately as well qualified as the best qualified applicant. Assess whether to use preferantial treatment when ranking candidates.  Preferential treatment - nomination
Make a written recommendation where at least three qualified applicants should be ranked. Template for the nomination (text is pending)
As a general rule, probationary periods apply. If relevant, assess and specify exceptions. Provisions regarding probation period
Specify if there are to be any employment conditions, e.g. conditions regarding the documentation of completed degree prior to appointment.  
Assess and specify what will happen to the position if none of the recommended candidates accept an offer. Should the position be re-announced, or should a new assessment be conducted?  
As a general rule, all doctoral research fellows are offered pay grade 54. If there are exceptions to this, assess and specify the salary that will be offered to the highest ranked candidate.  
Use the recommendation template in Elements, fill in the required information, and send as an N-memo to the Recruitment Service (SREK) with the interview memo attached.  
Inform the recommended candidates of the recommendation and further process, especially if the process is taking a long time. This is to maintain the applicants’ interest in the position.  

Last changed: 06.07.2024
Printvennlig innhold: Head of Department/Head of Office

The Interview Committee’s mandate is to provide a proposal for recommendation. The Head of Department is the recommending authority.

Last changed: 06.07.2024
Printvennlig innhold: Interview Committee
Last changed: 27.06.2024

Technical/Administrative Positions

What is your role in the process?

Activity Link to supplementary information
If relevant, assess own impartiality. Checklist - conflict of interest

Assess the Interview Committee’s assessment and ranking. In particular, look at:

  • whether the assessment of the applicants is in accordance with the qualifications requirements in the announcement text 
  • that the principle of equal treatment has been followed
  • that the best qualified candidates have been proposed for recommendation
Check that the Interview Committee has conducted reference interviews, preferably at least two.  
Check that interviews have been conducted with qualified applicants who have stated an immigrant background, gaps in their CV or a disability (at least one from each group). Preferential treatment - interview
Applicants with gaps in their CV or disabilities may be appointed if they are approximately as well qualified as the best qualified applicant. Assess whether to use positive special treatment in the ranking. Preferential treatment - nomination
Make a written recommendation where at least three qualified applicants should be ranked. Template for the nomination (text is pending)
If the position has been announced with multiple codes, assess which job code will apply to recommended candidates.  
As a general rule, probationary periods apply. If relevant, assess and specify exceptions. Provisions regarding probation period
Specify if there are to be any employment conditions.  
Assess and specify what will happen to the position if none of the recommended candidates accept an offer. Should the position be re-announced, or should a new assessment be conducted?  
Write the recommendation on the first page of the assessment and interview reports. Send as an N-memo to the Recruitment Service (SREK).  
Assess the salary that will be offered to the highest ranked candidate. Inform the Recruitment Service.  
Inform the recommended candidates of the recommendation and further process, especially if the process is taking a long time. This is to maintain the applicants’ interest in the position.  

Last changed: 06.07.2024
Printvennlig innhold: Director of Department/Head of Department/Head of Office/Head of Section

The Evaluation and Interview Committee’s mandate is to provide a proposal for nomination. The immediate formal manager is the recommending authority.

Last changed: 06.07.2024
Printvennlig innhold: Evalution and Interview Committee
Last changed: 27.06.2024
5. Nomination