Recruitment of Employees



The checklists below apply to the prolongation of all positions except for PhD Fellows, Postdoctoral Research Fellows, and additional appointments. These are discussed in separate chapters.

Internally funded appointments without announcement can only be extended with a total employment period of up to 12 months.

Activity Link to supplementary information

Assess the likelihood that the position will last over 12 months. If so, it must be announced. Contact the Recruitment Service if you need advice.


Check that there is a legal basis for the prolongation of the position.

Prerequisite for the prolongation of temporary positions (pending)
Consider whether the prolongation will entail employment protection.  Contact the Recruitment Service if you are unsure.

Employment protection (pending)

Clarify the prolongation with the employee. Note that there is no opportunity to change salary upon prolongation. Change of salary for temporary employees (pending)
If applicable, assess the extent to which the employee must be present on campus. If the employee works partly from abroad, then presence in Norway must be described in number of days or percentage of position. Work from home/remote work
If applicable, employees with citizenship outside the EU/EEA who will work outside Norway must agree on presence before they apply for renewed residence permit in Norway.  
Fill in the necessary information in the prolongation order form in Elements or TopDesk, and send it for approval following the unit's internal routines.  
Send the order form to the Recruitment Service (SREK ) in Elements or TopDesk.  

Last changed: 06.03.2025
Printvennlig innhold: Prolongation of Internally Funded Positions without Announcement

Internally funded positions that have been announced can be extended as long as there are funds and a need for the position. There is no limit on how long these can be extended but be aware of the rules on employment protection . Prolongations are processed in the Appointment Board /Employment Council if the total employment period exceeds 12 months.


Link to supplementary information

Check that there is a legal basis for the prolongation of the position. Prerequisite for the Prolongation of temporary positions (pending)
Explain why the Prolongation is necessary. Provide a thorough and detailed justification for the reason for the prolongation.  
Consider whether the prolongation will entail employment protection. Contact the Recruitment Service if you are unsure. Employment protection (pending)
Clarify the prolongation with the employee. Note that there is no opportunity to change salary upon prolongation.

Change of salary for temporary employees (pending)

If applicable, assess the extent to which the employee must be present on campus. If the employee works partly from abroad, presence in Norway must be described in number of days or percentage of position. Work from home/remote work
If applicable, employees who are citizens of countries outside the EU/EEA and plan to work outside of Norway must agree on the extent of their workplace presence abroad before applying to renew their residence permit in Norway.  
Fill in the necessary information in the prolongation order form in Elements or TopDesk and send it for approval following the unit's internal routines.  
Send the order form to the Recruitment Service (SREK) in Elements or TopDesk.  

Last changed: 06.03.2025
Printvennlig innhold: Prolongation of Internally Funded Announced Positions

Externally funded positions are exempt from the requirement for announcement. Appointments of less than 12 months can be extended administratively, while appointments of more than 12 months must be processed in the Appointment Board/Employment Council.


Link to supplementary information

Check that there is a legal basis for the Prolongation of the position.

Explain why the prolongation is necessary. Provide a thorough and detailed justification for the reason for the prolongation.  
Consider whether the prolongation will entail employment protection. Contact the Recruitment Service if you are unsure.

Employment protection (pending)

Clarify the prolongation with the employee. Note that there is no opportunity to change salary upon prolongation.

Change of salary for temporary employees (pending)

If applicable, assess the extent to which the employee must be present on campus. If the employee works partly from abroad, presence in Norway must be described in number of days or percentage of position.

Work from home/remote work
If applicable, employees who are citizens of countries outside the EU/EEA and plan to work outside of Norway must agree on the extent of their workplace presence abroad before applying to renew their residence permit in Norway.  

Last changed: 06.03.2025
Printvennlig innhold: Prolongation of Externally Funded Positions
Last changed: 06.03.2025

Prolongation of PhD Fellow 

It is possible to extend a PhD period in special cases due to circumstances that have been a hindrance to progression. This must not be confused with a postponement of the termination date, which is only relevant in connection with rights-based leaves and is handled by the Section for Pay and HR Services Section (SELP).

Activity Link to supplementary information

Assess whether the prerequisite for prolongation is present.

Prerequisite for the prolongation of PhD Fellow (pending)

Explain why the prolongation is necessary. Provide a thorough and detailed justification for the reason for the prolongation.


Provide details on the remaining work, indicate if any mandatory duties will be included in the prolongation, and specify the planned date for the PhD defence.

At the Health Faculty: include a plan for completion of the work, a statement from the PhD supervisor, and documentation for teaching for PhD Fellows with duty work.   
If applicable, assess the extent to which the employee must be present for work  on campus. If the employee works partly from abroad, presence in Norway must be described in number of days or percentage of position. Work from home/remote work
If applicable, employees who are citizens of countries outside the EU/EEA and plan to work outside of Norway must agree on the extent of their workplace presence abroad before applying to renew their residence permit in Norway.  
Fill in the necessary information in the prolongation order form in Elements or TopDesk and send it for approval following the unit's internal routines.  
Send the order form to the Recruitment Service (SREK) in Elements or TopDesk.  
The case officer  sends out a new employment contract with a copy to the PhD team at the unit.  
Last changed: 06.03.2025

Prolongation of Postdoctoral Position

It is possible to extend a postdoctoral position in special cases due to circumstances that have been a hindrance to progression.

Activity Link to supplementary information
Assess whether the prerequisite for prolongation is present. Prerequisite for the prolongation of postdoctoral position (pending)
Be aware that the prolongation must not exceed a total employment period of 4 years. Employment protection for postdoctoral position (pending)
Explain why the prolongation is necessary. Provide a thorough and detailed justification for the reason for the prolongation.  

If applicable, assess the extent to which the employee must be present for work  on campus. If the employee works partly from abroad, presence in Norway must be described in number of days or percentage of position.

Work from home/remote work
If applicable, employees who are citizens of countries outside the EU/EEA and plan to work outside of Norway must agree on the extent of their workplace presence abroad before applying to renew their residence permit in Norway.  
Fill in the necessary information in the prolongation order form in Elements or TopDesk and send it for approval following the unit's internal routines.  
Send the order form to the Recruitment Service (SREK) in Elements or TopDesk.  
Last changed: 06.03.2025

Prolongation of Additional Appointments

Additional positions , previously called secondary positions, are positions of up to 20% that an employee can hold in addition to a 100% position with another employer. Prolongations of these are processed in the Appointment Board/Employment Council.

Activity Link to supplementary information

Check that there is a legal basis for the prolongation of the position.

Prerequisite for the prolongation of additional appointments (pending)

Explain why the prolongation is necessary. Provide a thorough and detailed justification for the reason for the prolongation.

Consider whether a salary adjustment is applicable.  
Clarify the prolongation with the employee.  
Collect an updated CV.  
Fill in the necessary information in the prolongation order form in Elements or TopDesk and send it for approval following the unit's internal routines.  
Send the order form to the Recruitment Service (SREK) in Elements or TopDesk.  
Last changed: 06.03.2025

Prolongation Beyond the Normal State Retirement Age of 70 Years

The normal retirement age in the public sector is 70 years. Prolongations beyond this are processed in the Appointment Board/Employment Council.

Activity Link to supplementary information
Check that there is a legal basis for the prolongation of the position. About prolongation beyond the normal retirement age (pending)
The employee can apply for a prolongation themselves, or the employer can request this after an agreement with the employee.  
Inform the employee that it is their responsibility to check with NAV/SPK whether the employment relationship has consequences for their pension payments.  
Fill in the necessary information in the employment order form in Elements or TopDesk and send it for approval following the unit's internal routines.  
Send the order form to the Recruitment Service (SREK) in Elements or TopDesk.  
Last changed: 06.03.2025

Change of Employment Percentage

In the case of an increase in employment percentage, the matter will be handled administratively or in the Appointment Board/Employment Council depending on whether it has a duration of up to or over 12 months.

Activity Link to supplementary information
Check that there is a legal basis for increasing the employment percentage. Prerequisite for increasing employment percentage (pending)
Explain why a change is necessary. Provide a thorough and detailed justification for the reason for the change.  
Fill in the necessary information in the prolongation order form in Elements or TopDesk and send it for approval following the unit's internal routines.  
Send the order form to the Recruitment Service (SREK) in Elements or TopDesk.  

Last changed: 06.03.2025
Printvennlig innhold: Increase of Employment Percentage

If an employee is to have a permanent reduction in employment percentage, they must resign part of their position. For a temporary reduction in employment percentage, partial leave must be applied for in The Norwegian Agency for Public and Financial Management’s (DFØ) self-service portal.

Activity Link to supplementary information
The employee must submit a resignation for part of their position in DFØ's self-service portal.  
The Section for Pay and HR Services Section (SELP) sends out a confirmation of received resignation.  

Last changed: 06.03.2025
Printvennlig innhold: Reduction of Employment Percentage
Last changed: 06.03.2025