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Employees: innovation and commercialization

This chapter is intended for employees at UiT. The definition of an employee includes PhD candidates and post doc positions, other temporary academic staff and permanent academic staff. The reason why there are different entrances for students and staff to toolboxes, is that the different target groups have different tools and services available, but also regulations and rights are different. Employees have a duty to report inventions to the employer, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, while it aslo streghten the possibilities for succesful commercialization. 

You may contact someone in Office of research and innovation, or just an email to, of question regarding the prosess, your rights and your obligations. 

 DIRECT LINK TO DOFI FORM (notification form for work results / ideas): PDF - DOC. Send DOFI to

Lytix Biopharma AS is probably the largest commercial success, based on research results from the UiT. Read the history of the research and process here Kampen | UiT.


Rights and regulations

Commercialization of research


Competence and education

Updated: 24.05.2024, updated by: Elisabeth Blix Bakkelund
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