Research career
UiT offers verious career-promoting measures for those who persue a career within academia. Below you will find an overview of UiTs various measures.
Upcoming disputations
Disputas- Cand. med Carl Arne Løchen Arnesen
- 22.11.24 12:15
- Kl: 12:15
- Auditorium Cortex, plan 7, MH2
- Digital, Tromsø
Prøveforelesning og disputas - MSc in Biology Chiara Ciccone
- 26.11.24 10:15
- Kl: 10:15
- Store auditorium, E-101, NFH-bygget
- Digital, Tromsø
Trial Lecture - Master of Science Koen van Greevenbroek
- 27.11.24 10:15
- Kl: 10:15
- Auditorium 1.022 Teknologibygget
- Digital, Tromsø
Disputas - Master of Science Koen van Greevenbroek
- 27.11.24 12:15
- Kl: 12:15
- Auditorium 1.022 Teknologibygget
- Digital, Tromsø