UiT Aurora Outstanding is a career development program designed to give selected young researchers at UiT the very best opportunities to qualify as international scientific leaders in their fields. The program aims at enhancing the participants career towards becoming a leader of an internationally recognized rsearch group, and to strenghten their opportunity to gain highly competitive external funding. The program is a collaboration betwenn UiT The Arctic University of Norway and Tromsø Research Foundation (TFS).
The participants in the program are young researchers who have already proven themselves competitive in the following arenas:
- Marie Skƚodowska-Curie Individual/Postdoctoral Fellowship
- ERC Starting Grant
- Tromsø Research Foundation Starting Grant
- RCN's Young Research Talents
- NCMM- Centre for Molecular Medicine Norway
Participants are offered training in various transferable skills, and a local, interdiciplinary and social network for young, ambitious researchers at UiT.
UiT Aurora Outstanding homepage.
Updated: 04.11.2021, updated by: Tommy Skum Hansen