Recruitment of Employees

3. Evaluation

Here are checklists and more detailed information on conducting assessments regarding appointments to academic positions at UiT.
Below are assessment checklists adapted to the position category and role.
Units may be organised different internally, and tasks may be delegated to roles and functions other than those mentioned here.

Teaching and Researching Positions

What is your role in the process?

Activity Link to supplementary information
Assess your own impartiality in the process moving forwards, based on the list of applicants.  Checklist - conflict of interest
Appoint a committee that meets the composition requirements and a committee chairperson as soon as possible.  Evaluation Commitees - Composition
Clarify impartiality questions from/about committee members.  
Send an n-memo to the Recruitment Services (SREK) and inform them about the committee.  
The Recruitment Services provides access for the committee, sends appointment letters and takes care of communication with the committee.  
Inform the Recruitment Services if you agree on a deadline for submitting a report that is different to the deadline specified by the Recruitment Services.  
The Head of Department approves the assessment report. Approval of assessment report

Last changed: 02.07.2024
Printvennlig innhold: Head of Department/Head of Office

The Evaluation Committee and committee chairperson are appointed by the unit’s Head of Department. The Recruitment Services sends the appointment letter by email to the appointed committee, with the necessary information and deadline for the work. The committee’s chairperson is responsible for calling meetings and coordinating the committee’s work. Below is a checklist we recommend you use when carrying out an assessment. 

Activity Link to supplementary information
Assess your own impartiality based on the list of applicants and notify the unit as soon as possible, if you see any reason to do so. Checklist - conflict of interest
Check that you have access to applications with attachments at Jobbnorge. Jobbnorge guide
External members must provide basic information for the remuneration contract (members will receive request by email).  
Familiarise yourself with the committee’s mandate and UiT’s supplementary provisions pertaining to assessments in appointment processes The committee's mandate
Assess the applicant’s documented qualifications based on academic qualification requirements in the announcement text and educational competence. Assess academic qualification and eductional competence
Write the assessment report. About the assessment report

Send the signed assessment report to

Respond to comments from the applicants. Management of comments

Last changed: 02.07.2024
Printvennlig innhold: Member of the Evaluation Committee
Last changed: 27.06.2024


What is your role in the process?

Activity Link to supplementary information
Assess your own impartiality in the process moving forwards, based on the list of applicants.  Checklist - conflict of interest
Appoint a committee that meets the composition requirements and a committee chairperson as soon as possible.  Evaluation Commitees - Composition
Clarify impartiality questions from/about committee members.  
Send an n-memo to the Recruitment Services (SREK) and inform them about the committee.  
The Recruitment Services provides access for the committee, sends appointment letters and takes care of communication with the committee.  
Inform the Recruitment Services if you agree on a deadline for submitting a report that is different to the deadline specified by the Recruitment Services.  
The Head of Department approves the assessment report. Approval of assessment report

Last changed: 01.07.2024
Printvennlig innhold: Head of Department/Head of Office
Activity Link to supplementary information
Enquire about potential committee members well in advance of the application deadline. Inform about when the work is planned to be carried out and clarify capacity. Evaluation Commitees - Composition
Send suggestions about potential assessment committee members to the Head of office, who will discuss it further with the Head of Department.  
If you are going to serve as a member on the committee, refer to the checklist for Evaluation Committee members.  

Last changed: 01.07.2024
Printvennlig innhold: Academic Staff

The Evaluation Committee and committee chairperson are appointed by the unit’s Head of Department. The Recruitment Services sends the appointment letter by email to the appointed committee, with the necessary information and deadline for the work. The committee’s chairperson is responsible for calling meetings and coordinating the committee’s work. Below is a checklist we recommend you use when carrying out an assessment. 

Activity Link to supplementary information
Assess your own impartiality based on the list of applicants and notify the unit as soon as possible, if you see any reason to do so. Checklist - conflict of interest
Check that you have access to applications with attachments at Jobbnorge. Jobbnorge guide 
External members must provide basic information for the remuneration contract (members will receive request by email).  
Familiarise yourself with the committee’s mandate and UiT’s supplementary provisions pertaining to assessments in appointment processes. The committee's mandate
Assess the applicant’s documented qualifications based on academic qualification requirements in the announcement text. Assess academic qualificatio - Researcher
Write the assessment report. About the assessment report
Send the signed assessment report to  
Respond to any comments. Management of comments

Last changed: 02.07.2024
Printvennlig innhold: Member of the Evaluation Committee
Last changed: 27.06.2024

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

What is your role in the process?

Activity Link to supplementary information
Assess your own impartiality in the process moving forwards, based on the list of applicants.  Checklist - conflict of interest
Appoint a committee that meets the composition requirements and a committee chairperson as soon as possible.  Evaluation Commitees - Composition
Clarify impartiality questions from/about committee members.  
Consider and possibly carry out pre-screening of the applicants. Pre-screening of applicants
Send an n-memo to the Recruitment Services (SREK) and inform them about the committee.  
The Recruitment Services provides access for the committee, sends appointment letters and takes care of communication with the committee.  
Inform the Recruitment Services if you agree on a deadline for submitting a report that is different to the deadline specified by the Recruitment Services.  
The Head of Department approves the assessment report. Approval of assessment report

Last changed: 01.07.2024
Printvennlig innhold: Head of Department/Head of Office
Activity Link to supplementary information
Enquire about potential committee members well in advance of the application deadline. Inform about when the work is planned to be carried out and clarify capacity. Evaluation Commitees - Composition
Send suggestions about potential assessment committee members to the Head of office, who will discuss it further with the Head of Department.  
If you are going to serve as a member on the committee, refer to the checklist for Evaluation Committee members.  

Last changed: 01.07.2024
Printvennlig innhold: Academic Staff

The Evaluation Committee and committee chairperson are appointed by the Head of Department at the unit. The Recruitment Services sends the appointment letter by email to the appointed committee with the necessary information and deadline for the work. The committee chairperson is responsible for calling meetings and coordinating the committee’s work. Below is a checklist we recommend you use when carrying out an assessment. 

Activity Link to supplementary information
Assess your own impartiality based on the list of applicants and notify the unit as soon as possible, if you see any reason to do so. Checklist - conflict of interest
Check that you have access to applications with attachments at Jobbnorge. Jobbnorge guide
External members must provide basic information for the remuneration contract (members will receive request by email).  
Familiarise yourself with the committee’s mandate and UiT’s supplementary provisions pertaining to assessments in appointment processes. The committee's mandate
Assess the applicant’s documented qualifications based on academic qualification requirements in the announcement text. Assess academic qualifications - Postdoctoral Research Fellow and PhD Fellow
Write the assessment report. About the assessment report
Send the signed assessment report to  
Respond to any comments. Management of comments

Last changed: 02.07.2024
Printvennlig innhold: Member of the Evaluation Committee
Last changed: 27.06.2024

PhD Fellow

What is your role in the process?

[Skriv innhold her]

Activity Link to supplementary information
Assess your own impartiality in the process moving forwards, based on the list of applicants.  Checklist - conflict of interest
Appoint a committee that meets the composition requirements and a committee chairperson as soon as possible.  Evaluation Commitees - Composition
Clarify impartiality questions from/about committee members.  
Consider and possibly carry out pre-screening of the applicants. Pre-screening of applicants
Send an n-memo to the Recruitment Services (SREK) and inform them about the committee.  
The Recruitment Services provides access for the committee, sends appointment letters and takes care of communication with the committee.  
Inform the Recruitment Services if you agree on a deadline for submitting a report that is different to the deadline specified by the Recruitment Services.  
The Head of Department approves the assessment report.  Approval of assessment report

Last changed: 01.07.2024
Printvennlig innhold: Head of Department/Head of Office

The Evaluation Committee and committee chairperson are appointed by the Head of Department. The most common procedure is that the project lead for the PhD Fellow position is the Evaluation Committee chairperson, unless the person in question is disqualified in relation to some of the applicants. See first checklist point on “members of the assessment committee checklist” for assessment of impartiality.

Activity Link to supplementary information
Enquire about potential committee members well in advance of the application deadline. Inform about when the work is planned to be carried out and clarify capacity. Evaluation Commitees - Composition
Send suggestions about potential assessment committee members to the Head of office, who will discuss it further with the Head of Department.  
If you are going to serve as a member on the committee, refer to the checklist for Evaluation Committee members.  

Last changed: 01.07.2024
Printvennlig innhold: Academic Staff

The Evaluation Committee and committee chairperson are appointed by the Head of Department at the unit. The Recruitment Services sends the appointment letter by email to the appointed committee with the necessary information and deadline for the work. The committee chairperson is responsible for calling meetings and coordinating the committee’s work. Below is a checklist we recommend you use when carrying out an assessment. 

Activity Link to supplementary information
Assess your own impartiality based on the list of applicants and notify the unit as soon as possible, if you see any reason to do so. Checklist - conflict of interest
Check that you have access to applications with attachments at Jobbnorge. Jobbnorge guide
External members must provide basic information for the remuneration contract (members will receive request by email).  
Familiarise yourself with the committee’s mandate and UiT’s supplementary provisions pertaining to assessments in appointment processes. The committee's mandate
Assess the applicant’s documented qualifications based on academic qualification requirements in the announcement text. Assess academic qualifications - Postdoctoral Research Fellow and PhD Fellow
Write the assessment report. About the assessment report
Send the signed assessment report to  
The Recruitment Servicess ensures that the basis for admission assessment of the ranked applicants is conducted by the faculty administration.  
If any of the ranked applicants are not found qualified for admission, the report will be sent back to the committee for review.  
Once the report has been approved by the Head of Department and sent to the applicants with the opportunity to comment, one can proceed to interviews.  see stage 4 - interview
Respond to any comments.  

Last changed: 02.07.2024
Printvennlig innhold: Member of the Evaluation Committee
Last changed: 27.06.2024

Technical/Administrative Positions

An Evaluation and Interview Committee conducts assessment and interviews in the same stage. Go to stage 4, Interview.

Last changed: 01.07.2024
3. Evaluation