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Ansatte med arbeidsområde Plagiat
Løkse, Mariann Cesilie
Head of Department, Research and Education Support, University LibraryAvdeling for forsknings- og utdanningsstøtte
Library / Library guidance / Information literacy / User support / Literature search / Cheating / Teaching / Audience services / Learning environment / User Experience / Open Access / Plagiarism
Andreassen, Helene N.
Head of Library Teaching and Learning SupportAvdeling for forsknings- og utdanningsstøtte
Library / Teaching / Information literacy / Academic honesty / Research data management / Research support / Literature search / Plagiarism Research interests:
French phonology, phonological variation, acquisition of phonology
Norvik, Catrine
Nursing Bsc in Tromsø+4777625150
EndNote / Munin / Alma / Print centre / Alumni / Canvas / Cristin / Digital exams / Digital learning resources / E-Learning / Examination / Courses / Common Student System (FS) / Flexible learning / Cheating / ICT and learning / Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) / Innovation / Appeals / Plagiarism / Collaboration / Study technics / Timetabling / WISEflow / Working environment / Psycho-social working environment / Learning environment
Finnstø, Linda
Department of Health and Care SciencesStudent and academic administration / Student guidance / Appeals / Plagiarism / Exchange / Examination / WISEflow
Perander, Trude
Department of Health and Care SciencesePhorte / Common Student System (FS) / International cooperation / Cheating / Appeals / Mobility / Plagiarism / Project management / Teaching
Andersen, Torbjørn
Research, Education and Communication Section, Faculty of Science and Technology+4777645355
Oppheim, Kristoffer Gundersen
Academic Affairs Section+4777645803
Cheating / Appeals / Student and academic administration / Regulations / Legal counselling / Plagiarism / Facilitated examination / Recognition