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Ansatte med arbeidsområde Statsvitenskap og organisasjonsteori

Kjæmpenes, Wenche M.

Associate professor in political science - Program manager master in social work
Department of Child Welfare and Social Work
Research interests:

Social policy, professions and professionalization, professional ethics, inter-professional and models for cross-sectoral collaboration.

Organization theory, innovation, kowledge- and industrydevelopment

The Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration

Action research 

Fedreheim, Gunn Elin

Department leader Department of Social Education (Associate professor in political science)
Department of Social Education
Smedgata S224
Research interests:

Academic interests:

  • Policy formation and implementation of polivy decisions
  • Participation in policy formation
  • Governance
  • Co-creation in research

I have three main research interests:  work inclusion of migrants and refugees, societal participation of Sami with disabilities, and nature and environmental policy (especially management of protected areas and water).

Kvalsvik, Ellen-Johanne

PhD researcher
School of Business and Economics in Tromsø

Krane, Martin Sollund

Centre for Care Research
Research interests:

Public governance

Public sector reforms

Local democracy

Place development, branding and reputation management in municipalities