Haugland-Grange Lab


All funded positions in the group will be advertised through the databases Jobbnorge and Euraxess. We also welcome direct applications to the group from outstanding organic chemists who have secured their own funding, or who are interested in applying to a specific funding scheme. Please see below for how to apply.

Prospective exchange students

We welcome students wishing to come to Tromsø to undertake internships or research placements as part of their degrees, e.g. through programmes such as Erasmus+, or bilateral institutional agreements. Research projects will be related to the group's ongoing research activities, and will be performed independently by the student in close collaboration with other members of the group. Projects can be adapted to your requirements for content and duration. Note that UiT requires exchange students to be nominated by their home institution no later than 15 April for exchange during the autumn semester, or 15 October for the spring semester. For more information about exchange opportunities at UiT, see the university's student mobility portal. If you are interested in joining the lab for an internship, please contact Marius for an informal chat as soon as possible.

Prospective Bachelor project students

Our lab is happy to host UiT students attending the BSc programme in Chemistry who wish to do a research project (prosjektoppgave) as part of their degree. Projects can have a duration of 10, 15, or 20 ECTS, and will be designed to fit the group's current research activities and focus. Projects will typically focus on organic synthesis, and give students the opportunity to perform organic synthetic reaction planning and execution, purification and spectroscopic analysis. If you are interested in doing a project in our lab, please do not hesitate to contact Marius for an informal chat.

Prospective Master's students

UiT The Arctic University of Norway offers an MSc programme in Molecular Sciences. Master's research projects are individual research projects that will be designed to fit the group's research activities and focus at any particular time. Projects have a duration of 1 academic year (60 ECTS credits). The Department of Chemistry maintains a list of potential projects, but further project opportunities are always in the pipeline. If you are interested in joining the group for a Master's project, please contact Marius for an informal chat.

Prospective PhD Fellows

Our lab trains PhD Fellows who already hold a Master's degree (or equivalent qualification) in organic chemistry or a closely related subject, and who qualify for admission to UiT's PhD programme in Science. As a PhD Fellow, you are normally funded by a stipend and considered an employee of the university. These funded opportunities will be advertised through Jobbnorge and Euraxess, and applicants must submit their application through the Jobbnorge portal. If you have any questions regarding advertised openings, you are welcome to contact Marius.

In addition to our funded positions, we also welcome PhD Fellows who have secured their own funding for a three-year PhD fellowship. If you have your own funding, or are interested in applying to a specific funding scheme, please contact Marius with details and a copy of your CV, to obtain advice and support for your application.

Prospetive Postdoctoral Research Fellows

Postdoctoral Research Fellowships are open to scientists who have completed their PhD in organic chemistry or a closely related subject. Funded positions are advertised through Jobbnorge and Euraxess, and applicants must submit their application through the Jobbnorge portal. If you have any questions regarding advertised openings, you are welcome to contact Marius.

We will also be happy to welcome Postdoctoral Research Fellows who have secured their own funding, and support those who are planning to apply for funding with a specific scheme in mind. Please contact Marius with details and a copy of your CV.


Potential sources of funding