Recruitment of Employees

1. Before Announcement

To ensure a good appointment process, you should start with a needs analysis. It is common to use previous announcement texts, but are you sure that the same competence is required now? The needs analysis makes the recruitment process more accurate and keeps focus on what is important for the position.

Below are checklists for the process before announcement, adapted to the position category and role. Units may be organised different internally, and tasks may be delegated to roles and functions other than those mentioned here.

Teaching and Researching Positions

What is your role in the process?

In the checklist below, you will find useful points for conducting a needs analysis. If you have any questions, please contact

Activity Link to supplementary information 
Involve the Academic Staff if necessary.  
Clarify financial frameworks and needs in relation to the staffing plan.  
If the position is not to be announced as a permanent position, check if it is possible to announce it as a temporary position. Temporary employment
Define the purpose of the position. Define the purpose of the position
Assess the geographical location for the position.  
Define the position’s work duties. Define the position’s areas of responsibility and research
If needed, consider alternative distribution of teaching/R&D ratio than standard.  Guidelines distribution of working hours Teaching and Researching Positions
Define the qualification requirements for the position: required qualifications, desired qualifications and personal qualities.  Qualification requirements - Academic positions
Assess position title/code.  Assessment of position code
You can use the guidelines in Statens Arbeidsgiverportal for needs analysis as a supplement to the points above (only in Norwegian) Behovsanalyse Statens arbeidsgiverportal
Analyse the candidate market.  Analysis of the candidate market
Be aware that it is primarily during this phase of the recruitment process that you can facilitate diversity and inclusion.  Diversity and inclusion facilitation
Assess language requirements, or the possibility of meeting the language requirement within a certain number of years.  About language requirements
Assess whether a search committee should be established.  Use of Search Committee
Select selection methods.  Selection methods

Last changed: 25.06.2024
Printvennlig innhold: Head of Department/Head of Office

The Head of Department/Head of Office involves the Academic Staff in activities as required. See the checklist for Head of Department/Head of Office.

Last changed: 24.06.2024
Printvennlig innhold: Academic Staff
Last changed: 24.06.2024


What is your role in the process?

In the checklist below, you will find useful points for conducting a needs analysis. If you have any questions, please contact 

Activity Link to supplementary information 
Not sure if the researcher position code is the right code for your needs? Please contact the Recruitment Services.  
Involve the contact person from the Academic Staff if necessary.   
Clarify financial frameworks and needs in relation to the staffing plan.  
If the position is not to be announced as a permanent position, check if it is possible to announce it as a temporary position. Temporary employment
Define the purpose of the position. Define the purpose of the position
Assess the geographical location for the position.  

Define the position’s area of responsibility and research

  • research activities
  • research opportunities.
Define the position’s areas of responsibility and research
Choose the position code based on the position’s qualification requirements. Local salary policy at UiT
You can use the guidelines in Statens Arbeidsgiverportal for needs analysis as a supplement to the points above. (only in Norwegian) Behovsanalyse Statens arbeidsgiverportal
Analyse the candidate market. Analysis of the candidate market

Assess whether applicants who have not completed their master’s or doctoral degree should be able to apply for the position, with conditions to document the completed degree prior to appointment.

Open to candidates without a completed degree
Be aware that it is primarily during this phase of the recruitment process that you can facilitate diversity and inclusion. Diversity and inclusion facilitation
Assess language requirements, or the possibility of meeting the language requirement within a certain number of years. About language requirements
Select selection methods. Selection methods

Last changed: 02.07.2024
Printvennlig innhold: Head of Department/Head of Office

In the checklist below you will find useful points for conducting a needs analysis. If you have any questions, please contact

Activity Link to supplementary information 
Not sure if the researcher position code is the right code for your needs? Please contact the Recruitment Services.  
Define the purpose of the position. Define the purpose of the position

Define the position’s area of responsibility and research:

  • research activities
  • research opportunities
Define the position’s areas of responsibility and research
Define the qualification requirements for the position: required qualifications, desired qualifications and personal qualities. Qualification requirements - Academic positions
Assess language requirements, or the possibility of meeting the language requirement within a certain number of years.  About language requirements
You can use the guidelines in Statens Arbeidsgiverportal for needs analysis as a supplement to the points above. (only in Norwegian) Behovsanalyse Statens arbeidsgiverportal
Assess whether applicants who have not completed their master’s or doctoral degree should be able to apply for the position, with conditions to document the completed degree prior to appointment. Applicants must have submitted their master’s thesis/doctoral thesis for assessment within the application deadline. Open to candidates without a completed degree
Assess selection methods. Selection methods
Review your assessments together with the Head of department/Head of office who will follow up on the case.  

Last changed: 02.07.2024
Printvennlig innhold: Academic Staff
Last changed: 24.06.2024

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

What is your role in the process?

In the checklist below you will find useful points for conducting a needs analysis. If you have any questions, please contact

Activity Link to supplementary information 
Not sure if the post-doctoral research fellow code is the right code for your needs? Please contact the Recruitment Service.  
Involve the contact person from the Academic Staff if necessary.   
Clarify financial frameworks and needs in relation to the staffing plan.  
Define the purpose of the position. Define the purpose of the position
Assess the geographical location for the position.  
Assess the need for project description, including content and scope.  

Define the position’s area of responsibility and research:

  • research activities
  • research opportunities
Define the position’s areas of responsibility and research
Assess whether teaching, supervision or other required duties are to be included in the position.  
Define the qualification requirements for the position: required qualifications, desired qualifications and personal qualities. Qualification requirements - Academic positions
You can use the guidelines in Statens Arbeidsgiverportal for needs analysis as a supplement to the points above.(only in Norwegian) Behovsanalyse Statens arbeidsgiverportal
Analyse the candidate market. Analysis of the candidate market
Describe language requirements and how these should be documented. If there is a requirement regarding Norwegian/Scandinavian language, assess whether it is a must-have requirement or should-have requirement. About language requirements
Assess whether applicants who have not completed their master’s or doctoral degree should be able to apply for the position, with conditions to document the completed degree prior to appointment. Applicants must have submitted their doctoral thesis for assessment within the application deadline. Open to candidates without a completed degree
Be aware that it is primarily during this phase of the recruitment process that you can facilitate diversity and inclusion. Diversity and inclusion facilitation
Select selection methods. Selection methods

Last changed: 02.07.2024
Printvennlig innhold: Head of Department/Head of Office

In the checklist below you will find useful points for conducting a needs analysis. If you have any questions, please contact

Activity Link to supplementary information 
Not sure if the post-doctoral research fellow code is the right code for your needs? Please contact the Recruitment Services.  
Define the purpose of the position.  Define the purpose of the position

Define the position’s area of responsibility and research:

  • research activities
  • research opportunities.
Define the position’s areas of responsibility and research
Consider the need for project description.  
Define the qualification requirements for the position: required qualifications, desired qualifications and personal qualities. Qualification requirements - Academic positions
You can use the guidelines in Statens Arbeidsgiverportal for needs analysis as a supplement to the points above.(only in Norwegian) Behovsanalyse Statens arbeidsgiverportal
Analyse the candidate market. Analysis of the candidate market
Describe language requirements and how these should be documented. If there is a requirement regarding Norwegian/Scandinavian language, assess whether it is a must-have requirement or should-have requirement. About language requirements
Assess whether applicants who have not completed their master’s or doctoral degree should be able to apply for the position, with conditions to document the completed degree prior to appointment. Applicants must have submitted their doctoral thesis for assessment within the application deadline. Open to candidates without a completed degree
Consider selection methods. Selection methods
Review your assessments together with the Head of department/Head of office who will follow up on the case.  

Last changed: 02.07.2024
Printvennlig innhold: Academic Staff
Last changed: 24.06.2024

PhD Fellow

What is your role in the process?

In the checklist below you will find useful points for conducting a needs analysis. If you have any questions, please contact

Activity Link to supplementary information 
Involve the main Academic Supervisor for the position.  
Clarify financial frameworks and needs in relation to the staffing plan.  
Define the purpose of the position. Define the purpose of the position
If the position is externally funded: clarify whether teaching, supervision or other required duties are to be included in the position. Requires internal funding.  
Assess whether the position requires the candidate to develop their own project description/outline.  
Assess the geographical location for the position.  

Define the position’s area of responsibility and research:

  • PhD project/research activities
  • research opportunities
  • or any teaching duties/other required duties.
Define the position’s areas of responsibility and research
You can use the guidelines in Statens Arbeidsgiverportal for needs analysis as a supplement to the points above.(only in Norwegian) Behovsanalyse Statens arbeidsgiverportal
Analyse the candidate market. Analysis of the candidate market
Describe language requirements and how these should be documented. If there is a requirement regarding Norwegian/Scandinavian language, assess whether it is a must-have requirement or should-have requirement. About language requirements
Assess whether applicants who have not completed their master’s or doctoral degree should be able to apply for the position, with conditions to document the completed degree prior to appointment. Applicants must have submitted their master’s thesis for assessment within the application deadline. Open to candidates without a completed degree
Be aware that it is primarily during this phase of the recruitment process that you can facilitate diversity and inclusion. Diversity and inclusion facilitation
Select selection methods. Selection methods

Last changed: 02.07.2024
Printvennlig innhold: Head of Department/Head of Office

In the checklist below you will find useful points for conducting a needs analysis. If you have any questions, please contact

Activity Link to supplementary information 
Define the purpose of the position. Define the purpose of the position
Assess whether the position requires the candidate to develop their own project description/outline.  

Define the position’s area of responsibility and research.

  • PhD project/research activities
  • research opportunities
  • or any teaching duties/other required duties.
Define the position’s areas of responsibility and research
Define the position’s qualification requirements; required qualifications, desired qualifications and personal qualities. Qualification requirements - Academic positions
You can use the guidelines in Statens Arbeidsgiverportal for needs analysis as a supplement to the points above.(only in Norwegian) Behovsanalyse Statens arbeidsgiverportal
Analyse the candidate market. Analysis of the candidate market
Assess whether applicants who have not completed their master’s or doctoral degree should be able to apply for the position, with conditions to document the completed degree prior to appointment. Applicants must have submitted their master’s thesis for assessment within the application deadline. Open to candidates without a completed degree
Describe language requirements and how these should be documented. If there is a requirement regarding Norwegian/Scandinavian language, assess whether it is a must-have requirement or should-have requirement. About language requirements
Select selection methods. Selection methods
Review your assessments together with the Head of department/Head of office who will follow up on the case.  

Last changed: 02.07.2024
Printvennlig innhold: Academic Staff
Last changed: 24.06.2024

Technical/Administrative Positions

What is your role in the process?

The Head of Department has decision-making authority regarding the announcement of the position. 

Tasks related to the process before announcement are often delegated to other leaders at the unit. See checklist for Head of Section/Head of Office/Team Leader.

Last changed: 02.07.2024
Printvennlig innhold: Head of Department

In the checklist below you will find useful points for conducting a needs analysis. If you have any questions, please contact

Activity Link to supplementary information 
Define the purpose of the position. Define the purpose of the position
If the position is not to be announced as a permanent position, check if it is possible to announce it as a temporary position. Temporary employment
Define the position’s work duties. Define work duties
Define the position’s qualification requirements; required qualifications, desired qualifications and personal qualities. Qualificatin requirements - Technical/administrative positions
Assess position title/code. Local salary policy at UiT
You can use the guidelines in Statens Arbeidsgiverportal for needs analysis as a supplement to the points above.(only in Norwegian) Behovsanalyse Statens arbeidsgiverportal
Analyse the candidate market. Analysis of the candidate market
Define any other special requirements that apply e.g. certificates or health certificates.  
Be aware that it is primarily during this phase of the recruitment process that you can facilitate diversity and inclusion. Diversity and inclusion facilitation
Assess language requirements, or the possibility of meeting the language requirement within a certain number of years.  About language requirements
Assess the geographical location for the position.  
Select selection methods. Selection methods

Last changed: 02.07.2024
Printvennlig innhold: Head of Section/Head of Office/Team Leader
Last changed: 24.06.2024

Unsure of position

If you need advice, please contact

Last changed: 24.06.2024
1. Before Announcement