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Library / Subject heading indexing / Classification / Audience services / Mail and postage / Chat / Events / Evaluation / Project management / Statistics
Aspaas, Per Pippin
Head of library research and publishing supportAvdeling for forsknings- og utdanningsstøtte
Library / Library guidance / Classification / Literature search / User support / In-active archives / Research support / Open Access Research interests:
History of science and intellectual history, predominantly various branches of science and learning in early-modern Europe
The use of Latin in various contexts from antiquity to the present
Editorial philology
Library / Library guidance / Loan / Audience services / Classification / Interlibrary loan
Library / Library guidance / Loan / Subject heading indexing / Information literacy / Classification / Literature search / Metadata / Oria / Audience services
Library / Cataloguing / User support / Digitisation / Alma / Leganto / E-books / Classification
Library / EndNote / Information literacy / Loan / Reference and citation Tools / Literature search / Library guidance / Alma / Oria / Teaching / Courses / Classification / Academic supervision / Audience services / Continuous improvement
Library / Loan / Literature search / Oria / Library guidance / Teaching / Information literacy / Classification / Audience services / Academic supervision / Alma / Courses