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Ansatte med arbeidsområde Veiledning

Eik Anda, Erik

Professor in global health and epidemiology
Department of Community Medicine
Works with:
International cooperation / Courses / Mobility / Project management / Teaching / Academic supervision Research interests:

Perinatal epidemiology, health registries, infectious diseases, environmental contaminants and global health

Johnsen, Jan-Are Kolset

Professor / Oral Health Psychology
Department of Clinical Dentistry
Works with:
Statistics / Teaching / Academic supervision Research interests:

Dental anxiety/fear, health communication, social cognition

das Neves, Carlos Gonçalo

Professor II
Research, Education and Communication Section, Faculty of Health Sciences

Eckhoff, Christian

PhD Peadriatic Resarch Group
Department of Clinical Medicine
Works with:
Research group / Programme descriptions / Quality of education / Courses / Research data management / Training / Statistics / Teaching / Academic supervision / Annual plan / Feature articles / Research communication / Clinic Research interests:

Mental health in youth and young adults. 

Mental health - public health and epidemiologi.

Psychosomatic research.

Pain and mental health.

Furu, Rigmor

Senter for helsefaglig pedagogisk utvikling
MH2 U11.345

Vordal, Thomas

Assistant Professor
Department of Language and Culture

Kjærvik, Cato

Department of Clinical Medicine

Estensen, Torstein Hole

Lærerut. og pedagogikk campus Alta

Schille-Rognmo, Marthe

Assistant professor and phd-candidate IHO Narvik
Nursing and Further Education in Narvik
Works with:
Evaluation / Teaching / Academic supervision / Purchasing / Purchaser Research interests:

STS, Ungdata, Knowledge production, Psychometrics, Mental health 

Blomsø, Sindre Øyan

Department of Education
Works with:
Canvas / Management support / Academic supervision / Recruitment of students Research interests:
  • Teacher Education
  • Developmental Work Research (DWR)
  • Cultural-Historical Activity Theory (CHAT)


Persen, Tone Iselin

Student Recruitment, Marketing and Graphical Services Section

Grønvold, Natalie

Adviser at the department for medical studies in Finnmark
Medical Education Unit