Arctic blue polygon pattern

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Ansatte med arbeidsområde Historie

Mankova, Petia

Associate professor in history
Department of Archaeology, History, Religious Studies and Theology
Research interests:
  • Russian and Soviet / Postsoviet history
    • local and regional history  (Northwestern Russia, Murmansk region)
    • indigenous and minorities history
    • visual sources
    • social history

Through a number research in Northwestern Russia since 1995 I have acquired detailed knowledge about Northwestern Russia, about the  relations between Norway and Russia, and about indigenous people in the Arctic. My research interests are in lie at the intersection between modern history, anthropological perspectives and visual c...

Aspaas, Per Pippin

Head of library research and publishing support
Avdeling for forsknings- og utdanningsstøtte
Works with:
Library / Library guidance / Classification / Literature search / User support / In-active archives / Research support / Open Access Research interests:

History of science and intellectual history, predominantly various branches of science and learning in early-modern Europe

The use of Latin in various contexts from antiquity to the present

Editorial philology

Klein, Andreas

Senior academic librarian / Subject librarian for History, Archaeology, General Literature, German Language and Literature, and Classical Studies
Avdeling for forsknings- og utdanningsstøtte
Works with:
Older collections / Archives / Library guidance / Library / Information literacy / Research data management Research interests:

book and library history, special collections, early modernity, history of science

Hansen, Henning

Senior Academic Librarian
Avdeling for forsknings- og utdanningsstøtte
Works with:
Archives / Older collections / Library / PhD / Information literacy / Loan / User support / Digitisation / Open Access / In-active archives / Literature search / Research support / Research data management Research interests:

History of books, Cartography, History of reading etc.