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Ansatte med arbeidsområde Sosialantropologi

Bårnes, Vibeke

Academic librarian in sociology, social anthropology and religion
Culture and Social Sciences Library

Risør, Mette Bech

General Practice Research Unit in Tromsø
Research interests:

Mette Bech Risør is a professor in medical anthropology. She has many years of experience with research in functional disorders, however her research interests also span other fields, such as symptom perception/interpretation, illness perceptions, health systems and health practices in everyday life. Theoretically she is inspired by critical theory but also by phenomenology/life world concepts and theories on health, illness and doctor-patient relations. She has operationalised these theories and others in analyses of knowledge production, illness explanations and rationality/reasoni...

Haugseth, Peter

Assistant Professor/Ph.D candidate, programme coordinator, Bachelor of Northern studies and northern studies one year programme
Department of Tourism & Northern Studies

Stein, Barbara

Department of Social Education
Research interests:

Migration, integration, volunteerism, gender