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The Education Award

The Education Award will be awarded to an individual, unit or environment that has made an outstanding effort to improve the quality of teaching and education, and where the work also supports the university’s strategic areas of priority for educational activities.

This year's winner (2023):

Fagmiljøet i arkeologi på AHR ved HSL-fakultetet

Årets utdanningspris er tildelt Fagmiljøet i arkeologi på Institutt for arkeologi, historie, religionsvitskap og teologi ved Fakultetet for humaniora, samfunnsvitskap og lærarutdanning.

Fagmiljøet i arkeologi på AHR ved HSL-fakultetet

Komiteen grunngir prisen med dei systematiske og strategiske arbeida til dette fagmiljøet for å styrkja utdanningskvalitet og utdanningsmiljø. Dei har mellom anna arbeidd med å byggja samanheng og variasjon mellom emna, varierte undervisningsmetodar og vurderingsformer, inkludert studentane i forskingsaktivitet, bruk av ny teknologi og sett i gang samarbeid internt og eksternt.

Studentane deira fortel om ein studiekvardag bygde på eit sterkt og utviklande miljø. Det er utfordrande å samla eit heilt fagmiljø, noko dette fagmiljøet har lykkast med.

 – Det er veldig hyggjeleg å bli sett og bli lagt merke til med ein pris som dette. Sist gong me fekk ein undervisningspris var tilbake i 1996, så det var på tide med ein ny pris no, ler ein fornøgd universitetslektor Johan Eilertsen Arntzen.

The nomination should provide examples of measures, means and/or educational technology that contribute to raising the quality and improving the teaching and supervision, academic content and learning environment. Other factors that importance may be attached to are whether the work is innovative, provides positive results, promotes student recruitment and is closely linked to the research activities. It may also be relevant whether it  has been quality assured in collaboration with other actors, e.g. students and/or the working and business community, and in collaboration with other institutions.

Importance will be attached to broad support from academic environments and students. The work and any results from it must be documented to the extent possible.

Only candidates nominated by at least one student will be considered for this award, cf. Section 3.

Practical information:

Submitting nominations

The deadline for nominating candidates to the UiT awards is Monday, September 25th 2023. Any nomination or documentation received after the deadline will not be considered.

Nominations may be submitted in either of the following ways:

Nettskjema web form
External mail: SEFU, Administrasjonsbygget, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Postboks 6050 Langnes, 9037 Tromsø
Internal mail: SEFU, Administrasjonsbygget

Nomination requirements

Section 2 and 7.5 of the statutes outline the nomination requirements. The nomination form may be submitted as a Nettskjema online form here, or downloaded in Word format here. Attachments must be in PDF format, maximum 10 pages in length including the nomination form, in English or Norwegian.


All nominations received by the deadline that meet the requirements will be submitted to the Awards Committee for consideration. The committee then presents its recommendation to the university board, which decides the award winners.

Statutes for Awards at UiT Section 7.5 The Education Award

The Education Award will be awarded to an individual, unit or environment that has made an outstanding
effort to improve the quality of teaching and education, and where the work also supports the university’s
strategic areas of priority for educational activities.

The nomination should provide examples of measures, means and/or educational technology that contribute to
raising the quality and improving the teaching and supervision, academic content and learning environment.
Other factors that importance may be attached to are whether the work is innovative, provides positive results,
promotes student recruitment and is closely linked to the research activities. It may also be relevant whether it
has been quality assured in collaboration with other actors, e.g. students and/or the working and business
community, and in collaboration with other institutions.

Importance will be attached to broad support from academic environments and students. The work and any
results from it must be documented to the extent possible.

Only candidates nominated by at least one student will be considered for this award, cf. Section 3.

The Awards Committee

The committee’s composition

  • The Rector appoints a separate committee to consider the nominations and make a recommendation to the University Board about who should receive the six awards.
  • The committee shall have the following composition:
    • a member from the rectorate (Chair)
    • two other employees at UiT (usually dean/vice-dean)
    • an external member
    • two student members

Two substitute members must also be named.
The Student Parliament and Tromsø Doctoral Students (TODOS) propose the student members.
The students are appointed for a period of one year, while the remainder of the committee is appointed for three years.

The committee’s duties

  • The committee shall hold at least one meeting every year.
  • Minutes of the meetings must be kept. The University Director shall act as the secretariat.
  • All members of the committee have equal voting rights, with the following two exceptions:
    • the students’ votes count double when considering the Education Award
    • the Chair has the casting vote to break deadlocks in the event of tied votes
  • The committee shall present a report to the university board containing its recommendations and the grounds for these. The nomination forms of all the nominations must be attached. These forms contain a short version of the grounds for nomination. Anyone who wishes may obtain additional documentation from the secretary.

Contact: Henriette Winther Fonjong
