Lending Regulations
Lending Regulations
(Effective from December 1, 2016)
The University Library at UiT – The Arctic University of Norway is a public scientific library. The collections consist of physical and digital materials and rights and obligations apply to the lending of both physical library materials and the use of the library’s electronic resources. The University Library’s vision is “Digital first!”. This means that the purchase of digital document versions will be prioritised when digital versions are available.
The library user accepts the regulations when the library card is put into use. The library user shall be responsible for familiarising themself with the regulations. Student library cards have been integrated in student cards. Other users will be issued a library card from the library.
Different borrowing rights are granted depending on the user’s affiliation with UiT the Arctic University of Norway. General borrowing rights are granted to persons over the age of 18. This means that users may borrow physical documents and use the University Library’s digital collections at the library premises.
Employees and students are entitled to use all materials owned by the University Library, and that are not subject to any special usage restrictions. Employees and students may request documents through the Oria library catalogue and may also reserve and request delivery of documents from all UiT libraries to their campus. These user groups are also able to access borrowing services from other libraries outside of UiT.
Students enrolled at UiT and that follow decentralised programmes of study or otherwise have their place of study off-campus can, subject to agreement, receive literature delivered to their place of residence in Norway or a student library that has an agreement with UiT.
The University Library offers additional services to users affiliated with institutions that have formal agreements in place with the University Library. Individuals who are not affiliated with an institution that has a formal agreement must request services through their own institution or a public library.
The responsibilities of the library user
Documents that a library user takes out of the University Library shall be registered as borrowed.
The library user shall be personally liable for all materials registered on their own library card. The registered library user shall also be personally liable for any materials that the library user lends to others.
An authorisation or proxy from the library user must be presented the first time another person is borrowing in the name of the library user. The authorised user will be registered in the library system.
Any damage to University Library property may result in liability and restrictions on continued use of library services and may also result in a loss of borrowing rights.
Library users shall have a duty to report any changes to their address, e-mail address, telephone number, user affiliation, etc.
The guaranteed lending period is two (2) weeks, with automatic renewal for a maximum of six (6) months for students and twelve (12) months for employees. This shall apply as long as there is no waiting list for the document in question. If the document is reserved by other library users, the document will be recalled when the guaranteed lending period expires. If the library user wishes to renew beyond the maximum lending period, the document must be returned to the library and registered as borrowed again.
The pickup deadline for reserved documents is three (3) working days. After that time has passed, the next person on the waiting list will receive an offer to borrow the document or the document will be returned to the collection.
The right to borrow and request materials will lapse if borrowed materials are not returned or renewed. In order to have any borrowing suspensions lifted, the library user must return the recalled materials or settle any fines.
The library may issue reminder fees or fines. This is currently set at minimum fee of 500 NOK. The library user can agree to purchase a replacement copy.
Certain parts of the collection may be used only within library premises. The different borrowing options are highlighted in Oria.
Inter-library loan
Materials that the University Library does not own or that are available outside of campus can be borrowed from other libraries. This service is available only to UiT students and employees, or if such a service has been agreed to in a collaboration agreement with UiT.
If the University Library has access to an electronic document version, the corresponding paper version will not be borrowed unless very special circumstances dictate otherwise.
The lending regulations stipulated by the owner library shall apply to documents borrowed by the University Library. Off-premises lending is not permitted in certain cases. In such cases, the materials must be used in a designated space within the library.
Watch "Borrow, renew and return" on youtube
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- App Store (iOS)
To the user registration form
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