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Ansatte med arbeidsområde Konsulentvirksomhet
Guttvik, Gunhild Årnes
Digital partner/ Leader of Digital Workplace Service LineSection for Enterprise Digital Services
Administrative management / Management development / Organisational development / Human resources administration / Cultural and social activites / Appointments / Improvement process / Continuous improvement / Courses / Management support / Strategy / Academic supervision / Consultancy
Aarskog, Karine Nigar
Senior Communications AdvisorFaculty management at Biosciences, Fisheries and Economics
Consultancy / Courses / Project management / Research communication / Photo / Media survey / Communication / Internal communication / Web publishing / Web editor / Press contact / Public relations / Social media / Strategic communication
Westad, Elisabeth
Organizational and HR Development SectionContinuing and further education / Improvement process / Negotiation / International cooperation / Consultancy / Continuous improvement / Courses / Management support
Iversen, Ivar
School of Business and Economics in HarstadEvents / International cooperation / Consultancy / Business sector / Recruitment / Academic supervision / ePhorte / Cristin / Transcript / WISEflow / Exchange / Timetabling / Student guidance / Student and academic administration / Start of the semester / Common Student System (FS) / Orientation week for new students / Fire safety / Learning environment / Health, safety and environment (HSE) / Career
Digitisation / Illustration / Communication / Animation / Web development / Social media / Web publishing / Graphic design / Photo / Research communication / Courses / Consultancy / E-Learning / Digital learning resources / Canvas / Quality of education / Innovation / Flexible learning / Video / Sound