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Ansatte med arbeidsområde Postmottak
Pilshchikova, Irina
Section for Enterprise Digital ServicesArchives / Registry / Appraisal / Public registry / Mail room / ePhorte / In-active archives
Dreyer, Renate
Section for Enterprise Digital Services+4777058114
Archives / Transfer to repository / In-active archives / Registry / Public registry / Mail room / ePhorte
Steffensen, Laila Bjerkelund
Section for Enterprise Digital ServicesArchives / ePhorte / Mail room / Public registry / Freedom of Information Act / Archive Act / Appraisal / Registry / In-active archives
Mortensen, Signe
Research, Education and Communication Section Jurfak+4777645581
Events / Mail room / HSE Facilitation / E-mail / Promotional items / Purchasing / Human resources administration / Infocentre / Conferences