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Kotavuopio, Elsa
Research, Education and Communication Section, Faculty of Health SciencesTranscript / TP / Scholarly publishing support / Infocentre / Internal communication / Web publishing / Promotional items
Vollnes Kjeldsen, Kristine
Research, Education and Communication Section, Faculty of Health SciencesEvents / Management support / Training / Project management / Reporting / Regulations / Recruitment / Statistics / Strategy / Annual plan / Communication / Promotional items / Social media / Student cooperation / Strategic communication / Finance
Holiman, Kirsten Katharina Barton
Research, Education and Communication Section, Faculty of Health SciencesAcademic honesty / Certificates / TP / Awards / Academic supervision / Access control / Mail and postage / Use of administrative language / Research communication / Infocentre / Internal communication / Social media / Communication / Web publishing / Promotional items / Common Student System (FS) / Outreach/dissemination / Transcript / Scholarly publishing support / Student and academic administration / Copy editing / Scholarly publishing services / Gifts / Translation
Persen, Tone Iselin
Student Recruitment, Marketing and Graphical Services SectionGraphic design / Academic supervision / Communication / Photo / Marketing / Promotional items
Fugleberg Mikalsen, Eirik
Student Recruitment, Marketing and Graphical Services SectionWilliams, Anniken Marie
International Cooperation SectionMortensen, Signe
Research, Education and Communication Section Jurfak+4777645581
Events / Mail room / HSE Facilitation / E-mail / Promotional items / Purchasing / Human resources administration / Infocentre / Conferences