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Ansatte med arbeidsområde Genetikk og genomikk

Mikkola, Ingvild

Professor in Molecular Biology
Cell Signaling and Targeted Therapy
FARM F2. 102

Åberg, Espen

Research Scientist, Biological chemistry and bioinformatics (BCB)
Department of Chemistry
Research interests:

Bioinformatics, Data management, kinomics, metagenomics and genomics

Thode, Sunniva Katharina

Senior advisor in science communication and coordinator of the graduate school Photosyntech
Faculty administration at Biosciences, Fisheries and Economics

Barnung, Runa Borgund

Head Engineer at Core Facility for Biobanking - UiT
Department of Community Medicine
Research interests:
  • Biobanking 
  • Nutrition

Heintzman, Peter

Associate Professor
The Arctic University Museum of Norway
Works with:
Molecular biology techniques / Laboratory operation / PCR-Method Research interests:

Mobley, Kenyon

Associate Professor
The Norwegian College of Fishery Science
Research interests:

My research covers a broad spectrum of topics in evolutionary biology and ecology with the goal to understand the complex relationship between behavior, ecology, and the genetic architecture of organisms.

Currently, my main research focus is fish maturation and reproduction, particularly Atlantic salmon. My interests also include local adaptation and ecological speciation, population genetics, sexual selection and sexual conflict, the evolution of female ornaments, parental care and alternative mating tactics, parasites, and the effect of anthropogenic stressors on reproduction.