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Ansatte med arbeidsområde Sosiologi

Bårnes, Vibeke

Academic librarian in sociology, social anthropology and religion
Culture and Social Sciences Library

Lian, Olaug S.

Medical Humanities, forskningsgruppe
Research interests:

Clinical interaction in context: a narrative exploration of 212 naturally occurring GP consultations.

Clinical interaction in context is a research project dealing with the interaction between patients and doctors in clinical consultations, with a focus on patient centred care and shared decision-making. Through various sub-studies, we explore the moment-to-moment unfolding of naturally occurring clinical consultations between patients and general practitioners (GPs). Although our empirical exploration focuses on in situ consultations betwe...

Kjæmpenes, Wenche M.

Associate professor in political science
Department of Child Welfare and Social Work
Research interests:

Social policy, professions and professionalization, professional ethics, inter-professional and models for cross-sectoral collaboration.

Organization theory, innovation, kowledge- and industrydevelopment

The Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration

How public debate have potensial to affect judicial decisions - the Norwegian drug reform

Johansen, Leif Inge

Assistent Professor
Department of Social Education
Campus Harstad

Fedreheim, Gunn Elin

Department leader Department of Social Education (Associate professor in political science)
Department of Social Education
Smedgata S224
Research interests:

Academic interests:

  • Policy formation and implementation of polivy decisions
  • Participation in policy formation
  • Governance
  • Co-creation in research

I have three main research interests:  work inclusion of migrants and refugees, societal participation of Sami with disabilities, and nature and environmental policy (especially management of protected areas and water).

Gjertsen, Hege

Department of Social Education
Campus Harstad
Research interests:

Main research interests: Social innovation, disability studies, living condition, work inclusion of peopel with intellectual disability

Stein, Barbara

Department of Social Education
Research interests:

Migration, integration, volunteerism, gender

Foss, Andrea Berg

Department of Social Education
Research interests:
  • Disability
  • Intellectual disability
  • Participation and self determination
  • Work inclusion
  • Interprofessional collaboration

Pettersen, Ida Martine

Department of Social Education

Andreassen, Hege Kristin

Associate professor, managing director
Centre for Care Research
Research interests:
  • Sociology of health and illness
  • Health services research
  • Digitalisation and technology in health care
  • Gender research
  • Qualitative methods

Adrian, Stine Willum

Professor in sociology of health, welfare and qualitative methods
Department of Social Sciences
D 1036
Research interests:

Stine Willum Adrian is a Professor in sociology of health, welfare and qualitative methods at Department of the Social Sciences at The Arctic University of Norway. Adrian is a sociologist by training and holds a PhD in feminist STS and cultural analysis. Adrian’s work has always been interdisciplinary joining ethnography of medical technologies with cultural analysis, ethics and law. Her research interests lie in questions concerning, reproductive technology, technologies of death and dying at the beginning of life, gender, intersectionality, feminist materialisms, the entanglement of...