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Ansatte med arbeidsområde Akademisk redelighet
Andreassen, Helene N.
Head of Library Teaching and Learning SupportAvdeling for forsknings- og utdanningsstøtte
Library / Teaching / Information literacy / Academic honesty / Research data management / Research support / Literature search / Plagiarism Research interests:
French phonology, phonological variation, acquisition of phonology
Holiman, Kirsten Katharina Barton
Research, Education and Communication Section, Faculty of Health SciencesAcademic honesty / Certificates / TP / Awards / Academic supervision / Access control / Mail and postage / Use of administrative language / Research communication / Infocentre / Internal communication / Social media / Communication / Web publishing / Promotional items / Common Student System (FS) / Outreach/dissemination / Transcript / Scholarly publishing support / Student and academic administration / Copy editing / Scholarly publishing services / Gifts / Translation