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Ansatte med arbeidsområde Molekylærbiologi
Quality assurance system / Research support / Regulations / Safety and preparedness / Molecular biology techniques / PCR-Method / Protein analysis Research interests:
Biospecimen quality, peptide and cancer
Åberg, Espen
Research Scientist, Biological chemistry and bioinformatics (BCB)Department of Chemistry
Bioinformatics, Data management, kinomics, metagenomics and genomics
Røberg, Stian
Group Leader Project Office Faculty of Health SciencesResearch, Education and Communication Section, Faculty of Health Sciences
Research support / Research funding support / Research funding / Research support / Collaboration / External funding / Management support / EU-applications / Innovation
Thode, Sunniva Katharina
Senior advisor in science communication and coordinator of the graduate school PhotosyntechEnhet for administrative tjenester BFE
Radiation protection / Handling of chemicals / Laboratory safety / Teaching / Training / Histotechnique / PCR-Method / Protein analysis / Enzyme analysis / Molecular biology techniques / Isotopes / Microscopy
das Neves, Carlos Gonçalo
Professor IIResearch, Education and Communication Section, Faculty of Health Sciences
Strategy / International cooperation / Management support / Project management / Regulations / Teaching / Academic supervision Research interests:
Barnung, Runa Borgund
Head Engineer at Core Facility for Biobanking - UiTDepartment of Community Medicine
- Biobanking
- Nutrition
Currently working in a project focusing on the application of various types of super-resolution microscopy for studying fenestrations in liver sinusoidal endothelial cells.
Research methods:
- isolation of primary liver cells
- cell culture
- immunostaining
- microscopy - SEM, SIM, STED, STORM, AFM, confocal fluorescent microscopy
- correlative microscopy techniques
- image analysis, machine learning (ImageJ/Fiji, Ilastik)
Waste / Laboratory work / Health, safety and environment (HSE) / Laboratory safety / Handling of chemicals
Juliana is interested in learning more about the "virus world" while learning about other microbes, such as amoebas, bacteria and yeast. She is also interested in understanding the responses triggered by microbes infection at the molecular and cell level, including immune system responses. She looks forward to learning and aprimorating her knowledge in laboratory techniques.