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Ansatte med arbeidsområde Forskningsformidling

Stenersen, Mark

Senior advisor, Graphic Designer and advisor in edTech, visual communication in web development & design in digital education,

Wærås, Torgunn

Research, Education and Communication Section, Faculty of Health Sciences

Seuthe, Lena

University lecturer STEM School Laboratory
Management and Staff, Faculty of Science and Technology
Realfag A175

Thode, Sunniva Katharina

Senior advisor in science communication and coordinator of the graduate school Photosyntech
Faculty administration at Biosciences, Fisheries and Economics

Bergli, Tine Lillegård

Branch Library Manager Science and Health Sciences
Avdeling for bibliotektjenester

Eckhoff, Christian

PhD Peadriatic Resarch Group
Department of Clinical Medicine
Works with:
Research group / Programme descriptions / Quality of education / Courses / Research data management / Training / Statistics / Teaching / Academic supervision / Annual plan / Feature articles / Research communication / Clinic Research interests:

Mental health in youth and young adults. 

Mental health - public health and epidemiologi.

Psychosomatic research.

Pain and mental health.

Grytå, Torger

Team Leader, Graphical Services Section
Student Recruitment, Marketing and Graphical Services Section

Brøndbo, Stig

Communications advisor
Research, Education and Communication Section, Faculty of Health Sciences

Moe, Trude Haugseth

Senior Communications Adviso
Communication Section

Andersen, Anna

Department of Archaeology, History, Religious Studies and Theology