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Ansatte med arbeidsområde Forskergruppe
Tatone, Ivan
The Norwegian College of Fishery ScienceResearch group / Courses / Environmental sustainability / Instrumentation / Repair and maintenance / External environment / Repair and maintenance
Pedersen, Marita
Research, Education and Communication Section, Faculty of Health SciencesManagement support / External funding / Analysis / Strategy / Research support / Research group / Research policy / Case filing / Announcements / Competence development
Research group Research interests:
Pedagogical philosophy, active and deep learning related to the sailor profession's performance ideal, seamanship
Research group / Programme descriptions / Quality of education / Courses / Research data management / Training / Statistics / Teaching / Academic supervision / Annual plan / Feature articles / Research communication / Clinic Research interests:
Mental health in youth and young adults.
Mental health - public health and epidemiologi.
Psychosomatic research.
Pain and mental health.
Research group Research interests:
Postcolonial understanding.
Indigenous voices in social work.
Outreach/dissemination / Research group / Research support / Research cooperation / Research funding / Research support / Collaboration / Announcements / Appointments
Research group Research interests:
Svein Møller Nilsen (born 1956) is an Associate Professor (førsteamanuensis), with the academic degree of Teknologie doktor (PhD), at the Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Science and Technology, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, within the field of Process Engineering. He holds a permanent 100 % full position at the UiT.
Nilsen received his Civilingenjør (M.Sc) degree in Electrical Engineering, his Teknologie Licentiat, and Teknologie doktor degrees in Applied Electron Physics from Chalmers University of Technology (CTH...