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Ansatte med arbeidsområde Psykologi

Låg, Torstein

Senior academic librarian
Avdeling for forsknings- og utdanningsstøtte

Hopmann, Karen

Assistant professor/ PhD candidate
Department of Psychology
Works with:
Training / Teaching Research interests:

1) Neuropsychological function, childhood trauma and vulnerability to depression - A 25-year follow-up study (PhD candidate)

2) ADHD in women (FemmExD project): Mental health and neuropsychological functioning in women with ADHD (collaborator)

3) Suicide prevention (Vivat coursleader + supervision students' theses)


Bohne, Agnes

Department of Psychology
Research interests:

Psychology of infants and young children

Perinatal mental health

Clinical Child and Adolescent psychology

Cognitive schemas and bias

Parent-child interaction

Developmental psychology