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Longva, Leif
Avdeling for forsknings- og utdanningsstøtteMunin / Theses/dissertations / Open Access / Events / Project management / Research support
Project management
International cooperation / Courses / Mobility / Project management / Teaching / Academic supervision Research interests:
Perinatal epidemiology, health registries, infectious diseases, environmental contaminants and global health
Project management
Vollnes Kjeldsen, Kristine
Research, Education and Communication Section, Faculty of Health SciencesEvents / Management support / Training / Project management / Reporting / Regulations / Recruitment / Statistics / Strategy / Annual plan / Communication / Promotional items / Social media / Student cooperation / Strategic communication / Finance
Walberg, Renate Mari
Department of EducationCompetence development / Management support / Recruitment / Academic supervision / Project management / Training / Student and academic administration / Admissions
Forsberg, Helle
School of Business and EconomicsDigitisation / Training / Project management / Academic supervision / E-Learning / ICT and learning / Flexible learning
das Neves, Carlos Gonçalo
Professor IIResearch, Education and Communication Section, Faculty of Health Sciences
Strategy / International cooperation / Management support / Project management / Regulations / Teaching / Academic supervision Research interests:
Lie, Ivar
Seksjon for læringsmiljø og utdanningskvalitet+4778450145
Management support / Reporting / Statistics / Business sector / Student data / Project management / Analysis / Corporate social responsibility
Consultancy / Courses / Project management / Research communication / Photo / Media survey / Communication / Internal communication / Web publishing / Web editor / Press contact / Public relations / Social media / Strategic communication
Hroarsdottir, Thorbjørg
Enhet for administrative tjenester HSLProject management / EU / EU-applications / External funding / Research funding / The Research Council of Norway / Research support / Innovation / Research funding support / Analysis / Research quality / Research policy / Research cooperation / Research support / Management support / Norwegian Centres of Excellence
Digitisation / Courses / Training / Project management / IT support for education / IT services / Mobile / Applications / Video / Web publishing / Communication / Canvas / Digital learning resources / E-Learning / ICT and learning
Perander, Trude
Department of Health and Care SciencesePhorte / Common Student System (FS) / International cooperation / Cheating / Appeals / Mobility / Plagiarism / Project management / Teaching
Library / Audience services / Continuous improvement / Project management / Facilitation / Learning environment / Library guidance / Loan / Digitisation / Research communication
Project management Research interests:
Occupational and environmental medicine.
Different exposures at the workplace (cold, marine raw materials, nanoparticles, vibrations), workplace inclusion, health-promoting measures at the workplace.
Air quality and health