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Ansatte med arbeidsområde Bibliotek
Gabrielsen, Toril
Library CollectionsMagnussen, Eli
Library CollectionsDagenborg, Leila Iren Johansen
Avdeling for bibliotektjenesterLoan / Library / Library guidance / Information literacy / Literature search / Social media / Audience services / Facilitation / Mail and postage / HSE Facilitation
Enger, Marit Bull
Avdeling for forsknings- og utdanningsstøtteLibrary / Library guidance / Information literacy / Loan / EndNote / Reference and citation Tools
Library / Subject heading indexing / Classification / Audience services / Mail and postage / Chat / Events / Evaluation / Project management / Statistics
Library / Munin / Open Access / Applications / Programmer / Servers and operating services / Systems design / Research infrastructure
Nilsen, Karl Magnus
Senior Engineer, software developmentAvdeling for forsknings- og utdanningsstøtte
Rundberg, Magne
Avdeling for bibliotektjenesterAslaksen, Lise
Avdeling for bibliotektjenesterHansen, Brit Østlund
Library CollectionsLøkse, Mariann Cesilie
Head of Department, Research and Education Support, University LibraryAvdeling for forsknings- og utdanningsstøtte
Library / Library guidance / Information literacy / User support / Literature search / Cheating / Teaching / Audience services / Learning environment / User Experience / Open Access / Plagiarism
Nilsen, Frode
Library CollectionsBenedictus, Lammy
Library Collections+4777646132
Andreassen, Helene N.
Head of Library Teaching and Learning SupportAvdeling for forsknings- og utdanningsstøtte
Library / Teaching / Information literacy / Academic honesty / Research data management / Research support / Literature search / Plagiarism Research interests:
French phonology, phonological variation, acquisition of phonology
Aspaas, Per Pippin
Head of library research and publishing supportAvdeling for forsknings- og utdanningsstøtte
Library / Library guidance / Classification / Literature search / User support / In-active archives / Research support / Open Access Research interests:
History of science and intellectual history, predominantly various branches of science and learning in early-modern Europe
The use of Latin in various contexts from antiquity to the present
Editorial philology
Isaksen, Ingvild Helene Torheim
Library CollectionsGrydeland, Ane Solvik
Library CollectionsLibrary
Hansen, Elin
Avdeling for bibliotektjenester+4777660788
Library / Loan / Interlibrary loan / Library guidance / Audience services / Literature search
Karlsen, Rita
Avdeling for bibliotektjenester+4777660573
Library / Library guidance / Loan / Audience services / Classification / Interlibrary loan
Library / Library guidance / Loan / Subject heading indexing / Information literacy / Classification / Literature search / Metadata / Oria / Audience services
Revold, Siri Adelina
Avdeling for bibliotektjenester+4777660457
Library / Library guidance / Literature search / Loan / Oria / Audience services / Alma / Older collections
Olsen, Leif Roger
Library CollectionsLibrary / Cataloguing / User support / Digitisation / Alma / Leganto / E-books / Classification
Steigre, Kristin
Avdeling for bibliotektjenesterLibrary / Loan / Library guidance / Replacement claims / Information literacy / Literature search / Courses / Teaching
Sandmo, Trine
Avdeling for bibliotektjenesterReference and citation Tools / EndNote / Web publishing / User support / Library / Information literacy / Loan / Oria / Audience services
Library / Library guidance / EndNote / Literature search / Audience services / Safety organization
Håkstad, Terje
Head of Communications at the University Library / Library Branch Manager the Psychology and Law LibraryAvdeling for bibliotektjenester
Library / Library guidance / Information literacy / Cataloguing / Literature search / Teaching / Audience services / Alma / Oria
Rones, Torild Karine
Avdeling for bibliotektjenester+4776966412
Library / Library guidance / Interlibrary loan / Information literacy / Literature search / Teaching
Nyhus, Hanne Charlotte Fronth
Nursing and Further Education in NarvikWorking environment / Learning environment / Psycho-social working environment / Conferences / Photo / Infocentre / Corporate social responsibility / Maps / Illustration / Public relations / Copy editing / Competence development / Cultural and social activites / Pension / Welfare loan / Translation / Animation / Flexible learning / Outreach/dissemination / Canvas / Cristin / Learning strategies / Facilitated examination / Quality of education / Alma / Library / Databases / E-books / Literature search / Journals / Reference and citation Tools / Clinic / Patient reception
Library / EndNote / Information literacy / Loan / Reference and citation Tools / Literature search / Library guidance / Alma / Oria / Teaching / Courses / Classification / Academic supervision / Audience services / Continuous improvement
Klein, Andreas
Senior academic librarian / Subject librarian for History, Archaeology, General Literature, German Language and Literature, and Classical StudiesAvdeling for forsknings- og utdanningsstøtte
Older collections / Archives / Library guidance / Library / Information literacy / Research data management Research interests:
book and library history, special collections, early modernity, history of science
Library / Loan / EndNote / Reference and citation Tools / Teaching / User support / Courses / Audience services
Library / Audience services / Continuous improvement / Project management / Facilitation / Learning environment / Library guidance / Loan / Digitisation / Research communication
Karpova, Anna
Academic librarian, PhD student in bibliometricsAvdeling for forsknings- og utdanningsstøtte
Databases / Library / Library guidance / Reference and citation Tools / Audience services / Information literacy / Literature search / Research support Research interests:
Bibliometrics, scientific publishing, citation analysis
Archives / Older collections / Library / PhD / Information literacy / Loan / User support / Digitisation / Open Access / In-active archives / Literature search / Research support / Research data management Research interests:
History of books, Cartography, History of reading etc.
Archives / Transfer to repository / Library / Munin / Metadata / Research data management / Cristin / Theses/dissertations / National science index (NVI / PhD / Journals
Library / Library guidance / Databases / Information literacy / Literature search / Audience services / Teaching / EndNote / Reference and citation Tools
Library / Loan / Literature search / Oria / Library guidance / Teaching / Information literacy / Classification / Audience services / Academic supervision / Alma / Courses
Saradhi, Pardha
The Norwegian College of Fishery ScienceStorøy, Ann-Karin
Avdeling for bibliotektjenesterRibberholt, Mette Lysgård
Avdeling for bibliotektjenester+4778450337
Library / Library guidance / Information literacy / Loan / Oria / Audience services / Literature search
Gaup, Sara Ellen
Avdeling for forsknings- og utdanningsstøtte+4777645039
Library / Library guidance / Information literacy / Teaching / Databases / Literature search / Oria / Older collections / Audience services / Research support / Scholarly publishing support / Metadata / Research infrastructure / Open Access / Scholarly publishing services