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Ansatte med arbeidsområde Forskningsstøtte
Longva, Leif
Avdeling for forsknings- og utdanningsstøtteMunin / Theses/dissertations / Open Access / Events / Project management / Research support
EU / EU-applications / External funding / Research funding / Research support / Analysis / Research funding support / Research support / Research quality
Research funding / Disclosure of inventions (DOFI) / Innovation / Commercialization / Research support / External funding / The Research Council of Norway / Research support / Management support / Research cooperation / Centres for Research-based Innovation (SFI) / Norwegian Centres of Excellence / Announcements / Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) / Research fund / Analysis
Library guidance / Databases / Information literacy / Literature search / Research support
Jensen, Svein Tore
Research, Education and Communication Section UMAKManagement support / Financial management / Administrative management / Appointments / Health, safety and environment (HSE) / Budget / Research support / Strategy / Annual plan / Guest registration / Human resources administration / External work / Research funding support / Recruitment / Onboarding
Andreassen, Helene N.
Head of Library Teaching and Learning SupportAvdeling for forsknings- og utdanningsstøtte
Library / Teaching / Information literacy / Academic honesty / Research data management / Research support / Literature search / Plagiarism Research interests:
French phonology, phonological variation, acquisition of phonology
Research support / Scholarly publishing support / Research data management / Research infrastructure / Open Access / Digitisation / Digital learning resources / Databases / Literature search / Library guidance Research interests:
Historical (Scandinavian) linguistics, morphology, lexicon, word-formation
Old Norse, Norwegian, language change
Open Science, Digital humanities
Aspaas, Per Pippin
Head of library research and publishing supportAvdeling for forsknings- og utdanningsstøtte
Library / Library guidance / Classification / Literature search / User support / In-active archives / Research support / Open Access Research interests:
History of science and intellectual history, predominantly various branches of science and learning in early-modern Europe
The use of Latin in various contexts from antiquity to the present
Editorial philology
Prick, Angelique
Research Adviser, Research fundingResearch, Education and Communication Section, Faculty of Science and Technology
Research funding / External funding / Research quality / Research support / The Research Council of Norway / EU-applications / EU / Norwegian Centres of Excellence / Centres for Research-based Innovation (SFI) / Research support
Zamelczyk, Katarzyna (Kasia)
Senior advisor for externally funded researchResearch, Education and Communication Section, Faculty of Health Sciences
Research funding support / Research support / The Research Council of Norway / EU-applications / External funding / Research funding
Røberg, Stian
Group Leader Project Office Faculty of Health SciencesResearch, Education and Communication Section, Faculty of Health Sciences
Research support / Research funding support / Research funding / Research support / Collaboration / External funding / Management support / EU-applications / Innovation
Outreach/dissemination / Research group / Research support / Research cooperation / Research funding / Research support / Collaboration / Announcements / Appointments
Nilsen, Inge Waller
Particular focus on EU fundingResearch, Education and Communication Section, Faculty of Health Sciences
Management support / Mobility / EU-applications / External funding / Research funding / The Research Council of Norway / Research support / Competence interview / Research funding support
Hroarsdottir, Thorbjørg
Enhet for administrative tjenester HSLProject management / EU / EU-applications / External funding / Research funding / The Research Council of Norway / Research support / Innovation / Research funding support / Analysis / Research quality / Research policy / Research cooperation / Research support / Management support / Norwegian Centres of Excellence
Karpova, Anna
Academic librarian, PhD student in bibliometricsAvdeling for forsknings- og utdanningsstøtte
Databases / Library / Library guidance / Reference and citation Tools / Audience services / Information literacy / Literature search / Research support Research interests:
Bibliometrics, scientific publishing, citation analysis
Archives / Older collections / Library / PhD / Information literacy / Loan / User support / Digitisation / Open Access / In-active archives / Literature search / Research support / Research data management Research interests:
History of books, Cartography, History of reading etc.
Hovinen, Johanna
Department of Arctic and Marine BiologyTheses/dissertations / Disputation / External funding / Research funding / PhD / Research funding support / Trial lecture / Research support
Gaup, Sara Ellen
Avdeling for forsknings- og utdanningsstøtte+4777645039
Library / Library guidance / Information literacy / Teaching / Databases / Literature search / Oria / Older collections / Audience services / Research support / Scholarly publishing support / Metadata / Research infrastructure / Open Access / Scholarly publishing services