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Løkse, Mariann Cesilie
Head of Department, Research and Education Support, University LibraryAvdeling for forsknings- og utdanningsstøtte
Library / Library guidance / Information literacy / User support / Literature search / Cheating / Teaching / Audience services / Learning environment / User Experience / Open Access / Plagiarism
Kanck-Jørgensen, Tore
Deputy Director of StudiesFaculty administration at Biosciences, Fisheries and Economics
Quality of education / Appeals / Student and academic administration / Quality assurance system / Statements / Programme descriptions / Teaching
Teaching Research interests:
More-than-human perspectives, domestication, relationbuilding between man-bird-environment, enactment of culture- and nature-relations, marine and coastal management, visual anthropology, science studies, ecosystem services
Researcher COREPLAN – Integrated coastal resource management and planning – ecosystem services and coastal governance Lead: NOFIMA Ann Magnhild Solås, post doc position linked to 3 WPs. 2016-2018
PhD- fellow The Nordland birdcare – interfaces of texts and practices in inscribing the Vega Archipelago as World Heritage, Thesis & ...
Andreassen, Helene N.
Head of Library Teaching and Learning SupportAvdeling for forsknings- og utdanningsstøtte
Library / Teaching / Information literacy / Academic honesty / Research data management / Research support / Literature search / Plagiarism Research interests:
French phonology, phonological variation, acquisition of phonology
International cooperation / Courses / Mobility / Project management / Teaching / Academic supervision Research interests:
Perinatal epidemiology, health registries, infectious diseases, environmental contaminants and global health
Radiation protection / Handling of chemicals / Laboratory safety / Teaching / Training / Histotechnique / PCR-Method / Protein analysis / Enzyme analysis / Molecular biology techniques / Isotopes / Microscopy Research interests:
Previous Research Interest : Role of proinflammatory cytokines and its effect on Nulceases in lupus nephritis and role of HSP75 in autoimmunity.
Current Research Interest : Our research focus is on early life of salmonids
Statistics / Teaching / Academic supervision Research interests:
Dental anxiety/fear, health communication, social cognition
das Neves, Carlos Gonçalo
Professor IIResearch, Education and Communication Section, Faculty of Health Sciences
Strategy / International cooperation / Management support / Project management / Regulations / Teaching / Academic supervision Research interests:
Teaching / Radiation protection / Isotopes / Chromatorgraphy / MicroCT scanning / MicroPET scanning / Radioactivity Research interests:
Radio- and Nuclear Chemistry (Use of specific radiotracers for imaging brain function by PET and SPECT technologies)
C-11 and F-18 Radiochemistry
Neuropharmacology and neurotoxicology
Neuroimaging (SPECT/PET/CT and PET/MR)
PET tracer pharmacokinetics
Jokstad, Asbjørn
Professor, Oral Prosthetics and Stomatognathic FunctionDepartment of Clinical Dentistry
Continuing and further education / Teaching / Journals Research interests:
Active within evidence-based dentistry/medicine/practice since 1995. Works in oral prosthetics, masticatory function and TMD, and dental implants. Authored approx. 250 works and gheld courses with focus on evidence-based dentistry, prosthodontics, dental restorative materials, toxicology, temporomandibular dysfunction and implant dentistry.
Research group / Programme descriptions / Quality of education / Courses / Research data management / Training / Statistics / Teaching / Academic supervision / Annual plan / Feature articles / Research communication / Clinic Research interests:
Mental health in youth and young adults.
Mental health - public health and epidemiologi.
Psychosomatic research.
Pain and mental health.
Steigre, Kristin
Avdeling for bibliotektjenesterLibrary / Loan / Library guidance / Replacement claims / Information literacy / Literature search / Courses / Teaching
Training / Teaching Research interests:
1) Neuropsychological function, childhood trauma and vulnerability to depression - A 25-year follow-up study (PhD candidate)
2) ADHD in women (FemmExD project): Mental health and neuropsychological functioning in women with ADHD (collaborator)
3) Suicide prevention (Vivat coursleader + supervision students' theses)
Kjærvik, Cato
Department of Clinical MedicineThingelstad, Charlotte
Academy of MusicLibrary / Library guidance / Information literacy / Cataloguing / Literature search / Teaching / Audience services / Alma / Oria
Schille-Rognmo, Marthe
Assistant professor and phd-candidate IHO NarvikNursing and Further Education in Narvik
Evaluation / Teaching / Academic supervision / Purchasing / Purchaser Research interests:
STS, Ungdata, Knowledge production, Psychometrics, Mental health
Perander, Trude
Department of Health and Care SciencesePhorte / Common Student System (FS) / International cooperation / Cheating / Appeals / Mobility / Plagiarism / Project management / Teaching
Rones, Torild Karine
Avdeling for bibliotektjenester+4776966412
Library / Library guidance / Interlibrary loan / Information literacy / Literature search / Teaching
Library / EndNote / Information literacy / Loan / Reference and citation Tools / Literature search / Library guidance / Alma / Oria / Teaching / Courses / Classification / Academic supervision / Audience services / Continuous improvement
Torsteinsen, Bjørn
Department of Health and Care SciencesContracts / Management support / ePhorte / Common Student System (FS) / Programme descriptions / Timetabling / Invoices / Travel / Teaching / Canvas / Courses / Student and academic administration / TP / Purchasing
Library / Loan / EndNote / Reference and citation Tools / Teaching / User support / Courses / Audience services
Odei, Derrick Kwame
Head technician/ Institute for Arctic and Marine Biology/AMSE research groupDepartment of Arctic and Marine Biology
Training / Teaching / Protein analysis / PCR-Method / Molecular biology techniques / Microscopy / Laboratory operation / Electron microscope / Flow cytometry / Histotechnique / Laboratory safety
Hovinen, Johanna
Department of Arctic and Marine BiologyLibrary / Library guidance / Databases / Information literacy / Literature search / Audience services / Teaching / EndNote / Reference and citation Tools
Library / Loan / Literature search / Oria / Library guidance / Teaching / Information literacy / Classification / Audience services / Academic supervision / Alma / Courses
Lind, Eirik Gjessing
Seksjon for læringsmiljø og utdanningskvalitet+4777625158
Evaluation / Teaching / Quality of education / Strategy / Quality assurance system / Improvement process
Information literacy / Literature search / Teaching / Journals / Reference and citation Tools / Audience services / EndNote / Library guidance / Reference Manager
Sävenstad, Kenneth Göran
Kabelvåg School of Moving Images+4776966415
Access control / Waste / Repair and maintenance / Building matters / Property management / Gardener / Heating, ventilation and sanitary / Parking / Internal audit / Signs and directions / Safety and preparedness / Outdoor areas / Teaching / AKAN / Working environment / Fire safety / HSE Facilitation / Health, safety and environment (HSE) / Indoor climate / External environment / Repair and maintenance
Gaup, Sara Ellen
Avdeling for forsknings- og utdanningsstøtte+4777645039
Library / Library guidance / Information literacy / Teaching / Databases / Literature search / Oria / Older collections / Audience services / Research support / Scholarly publishing support / Metadata / Research infrastructure / Open Access / Scholarly publishing services